I, captured Qian Renxue at the beginning, titled Douluo!

Chapter 8; What is a guardian spirit? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Chapter 8; What is a guardian spirit? (ask for a recommendation ticket)
ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket (o)

Qian Renxue's delicate body was also tense. She was so busy angrily scolding Liu Bei, but she forgot about Ruo Ling who was lying on the bench behind her.

Feeling momentarily embarrassed, Qian Renxue bit her pink lips tightly, of course she was really afraid that Ruo Ling would question her.

"Miss? Are you hiding something from me?"

Ruo Ling frowned and asked, this feeling of nerves being tense to the extreme made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She watched Qian Renxue grow up since she was a child. Although she has no blood relationship with Qian Renxue, she feels like a relative to Qian Renxue.

She didn't want Qian Renxue to hide anything from her, after all, she really encountered something that she might never forget in this life!

Qian Renxue bit her red lips with her white teeth, and nodded slightly, as a response to Ruo Ling's doubts.

"Liu Bei, now that you've seen all of Sister Ruoling's body, I think it's necessary for me to let Sister Ruoling know of your existence."

Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head and looked at Liu Bei, with such a firm look in her eyes, something Liu Bei had never seen before.

"Do you really want her to see me? But you have to think carefully, if you really let her see me, then if you want to become an angel god in the future, it will not be as smooth as it is now."

Liu Bei replied without hesitation, and even directly threatened Qian Renxue's ability to become an Angel God in the future.

Qian Renxue twitched her slender eyelashes, she was so depressed, of course she also hoped that she could become an angel and goddess protecting the world in the future.

On the one hand, it was the elder sister who loved her the most, and on the other hand, she could lead herself to become the leader of the Angel God. This feeling of being hard to choose made Qian Renxue squat down on the ground suddenly.

She covered her head, acting very sad, as if she felt extremely painful about this choice!

Watching this scene happen, Ruo Ling's pretty face was full of doubts.

She didn't know exactly what Qian Renxue had experienced, but from Qian Renxue's appearance of such pain, it was conceivable that the guy who could only be seen by Qian Renxue would definitely not be a good person!
Liu Bei stared closely at Ruo Ling, watching her round and tall buttocks sit on the bench.

Liu Bei, with a smile on the corner of his lips, recalled the original scene in his mind, and naturally felt endless aftertaste.

"Tell her, at least in this way, you won't be in too much pain."

Liu Bei sighed and stretched out his hand to Qian Renxue.

As Qian Renxue raised her head, her eyes met, her beautiful face was crying tears.

Surprised Liu Bei naturally did not expect Qian Renxue to cry in front of him again.

Liu Bei, who has never been very good at coaxing people, now has no choice but to lie again.

"Actually, if you really want to become an angel goddess, as long as you can remain kind, I don't think it should be such a difficult task."

Qian Renxue's rosy mouth was slightly turned up, she was crying without tears, and stared at Liu Bei with a pair of beautiful eyes.


Liu Bei sighed again, for the current plan, he had to lie completely.

"Tell her, since I, Liu Bei, promised to make you an angel goddess, then I, Liu Bei, will naturally do what I say."

"She has a good relationship with you. As long as she can keep her mouth shut, I don't think it will affect your becoming an angel goddess."

Liu Bei persuasively persuaded that a large part of the reason why he was willing to say such things was because he also had selfish motives.

Although he can't completely expose himself to the world, if he can let Ruo Ling know his existence, then he can completely appear in front of Ruo Ling in the form of a real person in the future.

"Is it really possible?" Qian Renxue blinked her beautiful eyes, a little excited, as if she wished Liu Bei could tell her that what he said was true.

Ruo Ling also seemed to have noticed something, and she gradually felt a little curious, but she seemed to have forgotten her current self, as if she was still naked.

As Ruo Ling's pretty face blushed, she bowed her head in silence, and even began to wonder if the guy who did evil to her might be the person Qian Renxue knew.

"Of course, as long as you are happy." Liu Bei smiled softly, showing a smile like sunshine, as if to warm Qian Renxue's heart.

This warm feeling made Qian Renxue feel extremely comfortable. She nodded vigorously, then immediately turned around and looked at the blushing Ruo Ling. She was a little puzzled, as if she hadn't thought that she was still covered in blood just a second ago. Powerless, she turned into this in the next second.

"That...he asked me to tell you that he could let you know of his existence."

Hearing what Qian Renxue said, the suspicion in Ruo Ling's heart seemed to be confirmed now.

"You tell me, I'm ready."

Ruo Ling, who obediently sat back on the bench, behaved extremely well-behaved, looking at her round buttocks under her grasping waist, and her straight and slender legs crossed, Liu Bei, who was thoughtful, naturally touched her. Touched his chin.


"Actually, the reason why I have behaved differently recently is because I have a guardian spirit who knows how to protect my future growth."

Guardian spirit?
Ruo Ling was slightly startled, and covered her pink lips with her small hand, as if she was extremely unfamiliar with the word "guardian spirit".

She had never heard of the word guardian spirit, otherwise, she would not have shown such surprise.

Qian Renxue smiled, showing that she was very happy, as if she was very satisfied with Ruo Ling's ability to show such an appearance.

Smiling, she thought for a while before continuing: "Maybe sister Ruo Ling has never heard of guardian spirits?"

"It's like this, according to what he told me, he will allow me to reach a very high level in the future, even surpassing my father and current grandpa~"

Beyond your dad and your grandpa?

Beyond Chihiro Ji and Qian Daoliu! ?

Ruo Ling's delicate body trembled in shock!
Now his father, Chihiro Ji, is a strong man with the strength of Title Douluo!
And her grandfather Qian Daoliu!But he is one of the three peerless Douluo's super strong!
Being able to surpass both of them at the same time, it is conceivable how terrifying the heights Qian Renxue can reach in the future will be!
"Is it becoming an angel god?!"

Ruo Ling calmed down slightly in surprise, and turned into happiness in an instant, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Qian Renxue, as if she wanted to get a personal reply from Qian Renxue!
Qian Renxue was slightly surprised, and she was slightly taken aback, as if she never thought that sister Ruo Ling's question would be so sharp!

"How do you know? Could it be that sister Ruo Ling also knows Angel God?!"

Qian Renxue, who opened her cherry mouth slightly, was shocked. If Ruo Ling really knew about the existence of the angel god, then letting her know about the guardian spirit would be a fact she could accept.

Seeing Qian Renxue's extremely shocked appearance, Ruo Ling covered her mouth and smiled, looked at Qian Renxue's charming eyes, and said softly: "Angel God is very important to us people in Wuhun Hall. It's not a secret~"

"It's just that if Miss can really become an Angel God, I think His Excellency the Pope and His Excellency will be very pleased!"

Ah this! ?
Qian Renxue was instantly stunned on the spot!
After all, she only learned the word Angel God from her father, grandfather and Liu Bei!
But now Ruo Ling suddenly showed an appearance that seemed to know everything, instantly made Qian Renxue, who was supposed to be a little lucky, feel bad immediately! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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