Pirates start as Son of the Warring States Period

Chapter 362 This is too cool [2 more]

Chapter 362 This Is Too Cool

Franky felt that everything was miraculous, as if a pie fell from the sky. He was already prepared to fight the navy to the death, but he didn't expect the navy to be a good person, and he even gave himself three phone numbers. call him.

This is equivalent to giving myself and others a life-saving gold medal, and it also gave me enough business in the dock. In the future, all damaged warships near the Seven Waters Capital of the Navy will be sent to Tom's dock for repairs. Subsequent repairs and construction will be done at Tom's Dockyard.

What a huge order this is. Among other things, it is the Dogos Merchant Group, which is currently the king of freight at sea. There are more than 3000 cargo ships under their banner. With so many cargo ships, the annual maintenance The fee will be an astronomical sum.

And now all the money has been given to Tom's dock, and there is no discount. It just says that all the extra money will be counted as scientific research funds to support Tom's improvement of his sea train plan.

This is simply a figure like a Bodhisattva.

The meeting was full of harmony, and the overall atmosphere was very good. Finally, Rosindi handed the box to Tom and said, "Mr. Tom, I need to go back to the headquarters the day after tomorrow, so I need a means of transportation. I hope Mr. Tom can use the information in this box." Shell, help me build a jet ski..."

Rossindi explained to Tom, Franky, and Bingshan how to use the blast shell, and at the same time explained some of his understanding and style of jet skis in his previous life, and then hoped that the three of them could use this day, Build yourself a jet ski that fits the bill.

The three of Tom received the task. They were first shocked by the magic of the blown shell, and then decided to make the jet ski.

First of all, the three of them drew the design drawing, the style was almost modified according to the style of the jet ski given by Rossindi in the previous life, and then the specific design.

After some design, it was basically completed, and then Tom thought for a while and said to Bingshan: "Go to the No. [-] warehouse and get those woods. Lieutenant General Lan Ying has been so kind to us. We must use the best ones to build him a motorboat." s material."

As Tom said, Bingshan was stunned for a moment. Does he know what material is in the No. [-] warehouse? It is the wood left over from the construction of the pirate ship Al Jackson for the Roger Pirates. It is the strongest timber giant in the world. Tree Adam.

Moreover, the material of this giant Adam tree is a rare and rare species, and it is much more acquainted than ordinary Adam trees.

Tom was going to use this giant Adam tree to make the frame of the motorboat, but at this time Franky came up with an idea, wood is wood after all, although the hardness is comparable to steel, but it is still different from steel, it is better to use Adam's appearance again How about a high-strength metal jacket?
This idea was directly affirmed by Tom, but metal coats are stronger than steel, so there are only alloys. At this time, Franky said with a sad face: "Metal is easy to rust, and if you want it not to rust, unless you use a mixed A gold alloy mixed with gold is fine, but this motorboat is too big, and if you want to make an alloy out of gold, you need a huge amount of gold, so where can I find so much gold in such a hurry?"

Not long after this question was raised by Franky, it was solved by Rossindi. The solution was also very simple. When I saw so much gold, my eyes were straightened. Is this gold worth [-] million?

Although Franky is small, he still has a thorough research on metals. He used gold to make a gold alloy with super strength and super ductility.

In this way, the problem of the outer layer of metal was solved. At this time, the careful Bingshan raised a question, the metal is too hard to sit on, and it must be covered with a layer of leather, so it must be very comfortable to sit on.

Tom directly agreed to this, and then found the best tiger skin in the warehouse. This tiger was the first tiger Tom killed when he went ashore. Landed on an uninhabited wild animal island, and then killed a tiger the size of a bison.

Baoshu Adam is the keel, covered with a layer of gold alloy on the outside, and then equipped with real tiger leather sofa seats and rearview mirrors, and then the design of the internal engine.

This engine design, Tom is an expert, he used the jet shell to design a dynamic six engine chain design.

The first active is the biggest blast shell, which is usually used as the main source of power, followed by six blast shells as auxiliary energy, if the seven powers are fully activated, then the speed is the fastest ship in the world Can't catch up. After all, the motorboat is small and powerful. What kind of boat can catch up?
Tom estimated that the peak speed of this motorboat should be about three times that of the Al Jackson.

In addition, there are some small designs on the ship. For example, the sound shell is equipped with amplified settings, so that you can listen to a cool wolf disco when you are galloping on the sea. Of course, whether there is this song is out of the scope of discussion. Mainly depends on the mood.

The second is the car lights made of light shells, which can gallop on the sea in the dark night without being afraid of not being able to see the road.

In addition, there are weapon settings at both ends of the motorcycle. This was designed by the weapon master Franky. It is divided into three weapon levels. The first is the mortar shell, which releases a huge shock wave, which is as powerful as a cannonball.

The second is the laser shell, which releases laser light. The power of the laser light can cut through stones, giant trees, and even steel. It is also very powerful.

The third attack is a bit scary. The third attack uses a slash shell. The function of this slash shell is to seal the slash in the shell, and then release it during the battle. Needless to say, Rosindi's slash Well, it is sealed in the shell at this time, the destructive power caused by that, please imagine to your heart's content.

With these three weapon designs, this powerful marine vehicle is designed like a beast.

In the early morning of the next day, when Rosinandi came to the dock, the three masters and apprentices Tom, who had not slept all night, presented the motorboat, the Blue Eagle, carefully crafted by the three of them.

This is a motor boat with gold as the main color, and a huge eagle is spray-painted in blue on it. It looks extremely extravagant and luxurious, and it looks like a beast king when parked in the water.

It is so luxurious that you can't keep your eyes open. Rossindi fell in love with it immediately. This is the cool motorboat in his mind, so handsome.

The three of Tom looked at Rossindi's eyes and said with a smile: "This should be the most luxurious 'ship' we can build so far. The skeleton is the treasure tree Adam, the outer metal is gold alloy, and the inner All kinds of magical shells are also placed, and the cost of this motorboat should almost catch up with a warship!"

(End of this chapter)

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