Pirates start as Son of the Warring States Period

Chapter 297 The Joining of the Dongtata Family [1 More]

Chapter 297 Joining the Dongtata Clan

"Hey~ Brother Blue Eagle, wait for me!"

Reynolds yelled loudly while riding on a bumblebee. Rosindy stretched out his hand, and Reno jumped directly on Rosindy's hand.

"How did you come?"

Rossindi looked at Renault and asked, and Renault looked at Rossindi at this moment and said: "I have persuaded everyone, and now everyone allows me to go to sea with you."

"Ah, how did you convince me?"

After hearing this, Rossindi asked Renault curiously, and now Renault smiled and said: "Of course I took everyone to go to sea together, including my mother."

"Oh, Renault, you are a big deal."

Rossindi exclaimed, and Renault said with a smile: "This is what we should do. By the way, let me introduce to you, these bees will also go to sea with us. They are our flying mounts."

"no problem."

After hearing what Lei Nuo said, Rossindi could only agree with all of them, and then Rossindi took the little people onto the warship, and the warship set sail on time.

When he arrived on the warship, Rosinandi introduced the Dongtata family to all the navy.
A group of people were talking and laughing. At this time, Renault saw that everyone on the ship had jobs, so Renault also asked Rossindi what kind of work he could arrange for them.

Luo Xindi thought for a while and said: "Then be responsible for the greening of the entire deck, see if we can plant grass on the deck, turn the deck into a lawn, and plant some fruits and vegetables, so that everyone can eat it when they go to sea On to the delicious vegetables.

You must know that vegetables in the sea are much more precious than meat and seafood. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins. Only by eating more of these things can you resist sepsis, which is the most difficult disease to cure in the great voyage.

After receiving the task, the little people immediately began to discuss countermeasures. At the same time, Rossindi also appointed Renault as the captain of the Dong Tata clan, in charge of the greening of the warship.

The Dongtata family quickly came up with a plan. The first was to find an island with rich vegetation to transplant soil. Before transplanting the soil, the Dongtata family found a big tree called a gel tree, which secreted a Gel, applied to the deck to lock in moisture, acts like a tarp.

The second is the sudden transplantation. The little humans have their own understanding of this, and quickly found a lot of fertile soil to transplant to the deck, and finally the lawn transplantation and care.

In addition, the little people also arranged a fruit area on the deck, specially planting some small fruits that are not too tall. These fruits are too abundant and have an unusually high yield, which can meet the daily fruit needs of more than 200 people on board.

There is also a vegetable area, where various vegetables are grown, and these vegetables can also ensure the daily vitamin intake of all sailors on the warship.

There are also some flower areas. This area is a paradise for small human mount bumblebees. Here these bumblebees gather nectar and build honeycombs. The honey produced here is enough for the usual honey needs of the people on board.

Moreover, the entire deck is now covered with lawns similar to football fields, and the feeling of stepping on them is simply amazing. Being on the deck at this time is like being in a green oxygen bar.

And the little people also changed the place where they lived to various places on the deck, so that each person manages an area and takes care of it frequently, which can ensure that it is so green and fascinating at all times.

It can be said that Luo Xindi brought these little people with dongtata, which can be regarded as bringing a large number of green angels. The crew on the ship simply love these little guys. After all, with these green plants, the sailors feel that this place is better than G5. Fortresses need to be good and comfortable.

Soon the warship sailed back to the G5 fortress. When they arrived here, the sailors in the fortress were shocked. Looking at the green deck of the Blue Eagle, they were envious, especially when they saw the green vegetables and fruits of various colors on the deck. Really saw the baby.

You must know that not to mention the warships going to sea, even in the G5 fortress, you can’t eat vegetables every meal. You must know that sometimes when you go to sea, you can’t see the island for ten days and a half months, and everything is white. I want to eat in such an environment. It's hard to get a fresh vegetable or fruit.

Now that the Blue Eagle has been changed, this problem has been solved in an instant. It’s like a city that grew up inland, and a large seafood market suddenly appeared. Then you can eat whatever seafood you want. Don't you envy others?
"Wow~ Isn't this little brother?"

At the port, Rosinindi happened to meet Huang Yuan, who had been here for half a month before he was ready to take up the post. He happened to meet Rosinindi returning to the port. At this time, they looked at each other at the port and said with a smile Write: "Wow within~"

Luo Xindi smiled and said to Huang Yuan: "Come, eat an apple."

Huang Yuan took the apple, took a bite and said, "It's really sweet, why don't you give me the apple tree."

After hearing this, Luo Xidi smiled and said: "If you give it to you, you won't be able to support it."

"Hey, little brother, you can support me, so why can't I support you? Don't be discriminated against!"

After hearing this, Luo Xidi smiled and said: "Of course it's because I have a secret weapon, Lei Nuo, come and say hello to the wretched uncle."

As Rossinandi was speaking, Lei Nuo led a group of villains on wasps and said to the yellow ape, "Hello, wretched uncle."

Huang Yuan's face turned dark all of a sudden, but he looked at Lei Nuo and these small people curiously and said, "Wow, what a small person?"

Luo Xindi said: "This is Lei Nuo and his little partner from the Dong Tata clan. This wretched uncle is Huang Yuan, a rear admiral of the navy."

Luo Xindi continued to say to Huang Yuan: "By the way, let me say again, the reason why my warship can be arranged like this is entirely thanks to them. They are botanists."

After hearing this, Huang Yuan looked at Lei Nuo curiously and said: "They are so powerful, and I really want to eat fresh fruits, why don't you give me some of them!"

"Hey~ Huang Yuan, what nonsense are you talking about? The Dongtata clan is my friend. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will cut you off!"

Luo Xindi said that Huang Yuan waved his hands and said: "The angry little brother is so scary. If this is the case, I don't want it anymore. In addition, I should go. Goodbye little brother!"

"Get lost, you wretched uncle."

The two said goodbye in a gag, and followed Lan Ying to find Zhan Guo. Zhan Guo looked at the credentials Lan Ying handed him, and was very satisfied. He added five world alliance countries at once. This is not a small contribution, but Luo Xixi Di is now a lieutenant general, and if he is promoted to a general, the credit for being promoted to a general cannot be compared with these small credits.

(End of this chapter)

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