Pirates start as Son of the Warring States Period

Chapter 229 Is this navy kid a monster (5 more ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 229 Is This Navy Kid a Monster?

"Mom~ there is news."

Just when Perospero didn't know how to explain to Charlotte Lingling, Daifuku, the son who ate the transpiration fruit and had nothing to do with the magic lamp, came over with a newspaper.

"what news?"

Charlotte Lingling looked at Dafu and asked, and Dafu looked at the newspaper and said: "It seems to be about the Pluto of the world's three major weapons!"


Charlotte Lingling was taken aback when she heard this, "Where is it?"

"The papers say it's in Roger's hands."

After hearing this, Charlotte Lingling shook her head and said: "Then don't think about it, return to Perospero, we are going to start building the world."

Charlotte Lingling turned around and entered the room as she spoke. At this moment, the group of children outside were stunned. Isn't this like a mother's style?
In fact, they don't know that Charlotte Lingling is not stupid. He knows that he can't beat Roger, but Roger is a reasonable person. If he stole his own things, he can chase after him if he is wrong.

But if you go to grab Roger’s things, what kind of combat power do they have, three and a half generals’ combat power, I can rely on myself to support myself, and start a team with Roger, it’s like a mouse serving a cat as a bridesmaid dead.

At this time, the Roger Pirates had already run far away, and Roger sat at the back of the cabin and looked at the distant sea and said: "Now we are only short of the last piece of historical text to find the route to Ralph Drew. "

After hearing this, Raleigh nodded and said, "Yes, go back to the Whitebeard Pirates to find Kozuki Oden, he knows where the historical text of the last road sign is."

"Well, it's time to pick up Brother Oden."

As Roger was speaking, he saw a news bird flying through the air and dropped a newspaper.

All of a sudden it was on Roger's face.

"Ah, you bastard bird, I..."

"do not move."

Rayleigh said a word, picked up the newspaper on board, and his expression changed immediately, and he saw the news on the front page of the newspaper: Shocked!The whereabouts of the world's three major ancient weapons are confirmed, and Pluto is suspected to have fallen into Roger's hands!

Seeing this, Raleigh's face changed, and Roger picked up the newspaper, looked at it and said with a smile: "Pluto seems to be in Roger's hands, wow ha ha ha... These newspaper writers are so stupid, what is suspicion, isn't it? Is it in my hand?"

After hearing this, Lei Li stared at Roger in a daze and said, "Where is it? Why don't I know?"

After hearing this, Roger looked at Rayleigh and said, "I don't know? Aren't you the King of Pluto? Who doesn't know that you are my vice-captain, and even said that it seems like this group of newspaper writers are really fools."

After hearing this, Rayleigh was speechless. This Pluto is not that Pluto. People are talking about the Pluto battleship, not the Pluto Rayleigh, and he really knows something about the Pluto. In Tom's hand, Tom, the murloc shipbuilder, wanted to give Roger the blueprint.

However, it was rejected by Roger, but Murloc Tom carried out a large-scale modification on this Ole Jackson. There are some designs, such as the main gun of Ole Jackson, and the rear jet design of the ship. All of them were designed by Hades. It is not a fiction to say that the technology of Hades was used on the Ole Jackson, it is true.

But what happened to this incident was strange, spreading this news at this time was simply a trap specially designed for him, to lure him with treasures, make powerful enemies attack him, surround him and destroy him!
Isn't this trick the one that the navy brat used to do?

It is even a replica of the strategy on the Baoyu ice bed, but the two subjects were replaced. In the Baoyu ice bed, the green pepper in the cone was the one who committed the crime, he was the victim, and the bait was the historical text. The big crocodile attracted me and swallowed the green pepper.

And now I have become a victim similar to the green pepper in the cone, and now I use ancient weapons as bait to lure the hidden crocodile in the new world, and swallow me in one bite.

This scheme is really too ruthless, intertwined and intertwined, so that I can't defend myself, and I can't justify it, because this matter is true and false, false and true, and the bait of this temptation is big enough, someone must be fooled , and no matter who this person is, the unlucky one must be the Roger Pirates.

"This navy brat is too poisonous. What is it called Blue Eagle? It's better to call it Vulture!"

Lei Li said angrily, and after hearing this, Roger couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha~ Vulture, interesting, interesting, isn't that a bald bird, hahaha~"

Roger smiled indifferently, but Rayleigh squinted his eyes and thought, since the navy kid set up a poisonous plan, he must have aimed at the target, so who is the main force to besiege him?
Raleigh began to think about the forces that could pose a threat to the Roger Pirates. After much deliberation, Raleigh found that the only ones who dare to confront the Roger Pirates are the Whitebeard Pirates and the Flying Pirates.

Among them, White Beard has no interest in fighting for world hegemony, and Roger and White Beard have a good personal relationship, so there is a high probability that the two will not conflict, and White Beard is unlikely to attract Pluto's attention.

Then there's only the Flying Pirates.

The Golden Lion of the Flying Pirates is full of ambitions, and the ambition to rule the world is clearly revealed, and a big killer like Pluto is obviously in line with the appetite of the Golden Lion, so the fish that the navy stinky kid wants to catch is the Golden Lion.

The Golden Lion Flying Pirates are powerful and have many members. Treating him as prey and using the Roger Pirates as bait is a big fish, and no matter whether you or the Golden Lion Pirates lose, the navy will You can rush out and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

This strategy is really fucking, and I don't know how the navy's stinky brat's head grows, it's too vicious.

Moreover, that fellow, Golden Lion, is used to being domineering, and he won't listen to his explanation at all. He wants to turn his fight into friendship, unless he gives him the real design of Hades.

But where did I get the Pluto design?Besides, even if you have Pluto's design, you can't give it to the Golden Lion, but if you don't give it to the Golden Lion, the Golden Lion will come and fuck you.

This is really hopeless, this is a knot, is this navy kid a monster?Can you come up with such a terrible plan?

Lei Li scratched his head irritably. In fact, he didn't know that the reason why Rossindi was able to plan so delicately, one after another, was entirely because he had read the original book, knew the characters of each pirate, and used the pirate's character as a The bargaining chip of the layout, even if you are the king of heaven, I will not be able to jump out of this strategy. This is the legendary conspiracy.

So what if you understand Riley?As long as Golden Lion still has the dream of conquering the world, he is destined to come to fight with your Roger Pirates, and he just gave Golden Lion a reason to do it.

Adding fuel to the flames is the real trick!
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(End of this chapter)

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