Naruto Fist Karp

Chapter 76 Wind Scorpion Paradise

Chapter 76 Wind Scorpion Paradise
"Money is not an issue, just value for money."

Karp chuckled, and didn't make things difficult for the donor, but instead solved his troubles, why not do it?

Intermediary is a very old profession, no matter which country in the world, there is no lack of its existence, but after the great development of productivity in modern society.

Individual intermediaries, that is, donors, naturally cannot satisfy the development of society, and individual donors are gradually being eliminated.

Although it is said that donors have some derogatory meanings, and there are indeed some disgraceful things, but he is Karp, are you afraid of this?

"You lead the way."

Dui Xiaogang nodded, Garp also followed this, as if walking outside.

Xiao Gang was overjoyed to hear that this person didn't even mention the price, and just let him lead the way. This is simply a big fat sheep!

Even the idea of ​​"be his mother's vote" came into his mind, but Xiaogang observed Garp carefully again, and said calmly:

"You who are from other places may not know that in our country of wind, most of the water resources are extremely scarce, and it is forbidden to open bathhouses.

Therefore, it is illegal for us to go to this underground bathhouse, but don't worry, although our fees are expensive, it will definitely make you feel at ease. "

Karp listened to this person's introduction, and also saw Xiao Gang's little thoughts, he didn't know that he was not angry, but instead he laughed, pretending to be harmless to humans and animals.

Then he said: "It's easy to say, as long as it makes the master feel comfortable, money is just a string of numbers."

Passers-by, upon hearing this sentence, looked sideways at it, but they didn't see something domineering, but saw a person who was about to ruin his family.

There are six words written on the face: "Stupid people, rich money, come quickly."

When Xiao Gang saw this expression, his eyes immediately became hot, and the unwilling restlessness in his heart broke out completely.

I thought in my heart: "The one who can see money as a number must be a top rich man. If I can finish this vote, my mother's medical expenses will definitely be paid, but why didn't I see the bodyguard? It shouldn't be."

Feeling a little doubtful, Xiaogang carefully followed Karp's words:

"Sir, which village are you from? Why are you the only one going out? It's not too unsafe."

"Why am I not safe when I go out alone?!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Garp's mouth, his eyebrows were raised, and he asked in a rhetorical manner.

Immediately afterwards, Garp's eyes emitted a murderous aura that was much stronger than before, and at the same time, an evil aura emanated from his body, making Xiao Gang feel like he was in a sea of ​​swords and blood.

Murderous aura is a special temperament that a person has cultivated in a long-term battle. It can be emitted naturally with a look and gestures.

At this time, Xiao Gang's heart seemed to be held by someone, as if he was in an ice cellar.

Under the scorching sun, Xiao Gang's whole body was cold, his pores were closed, and everyone shuddered.

'This man is so scary, he doesn't look ordinary, but he is a powerful ninja.I almost, almost made a big mistake.

He should have thought of it earlier, and he is still low-key with a huge sum of money. This must have his own confidence. '

Xiaogang's heart was full of sweat, and he was holding a special utensil in his pocket. He tapped it lightly with one finger, and almost pressed it down.Can barely stop.

After a long time, Xiao just realized.

Karp looked at him coldly, but didn't hold back his momentum, and said, "Aren't you going to introduce me?"
It's right to be low-key, but a transitional low-key will cause a lot of trouble. He doesn't have the habit of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He just wants to take a good bath now.

Xiao Gang also understood at this time that this was Garp's "little warning" to him, and he immediately said it happily with a trace of rejoicing for the rest of his life.

"After talking about the history of our 'Wind Scorpion' town, we have to start with our 'Wind Scorpion Paradise'..."

While following Xiaogang, Garp became more and more interested in hearing his various introductions, and even more interested in the "Wind Scorpion Paradise".

Walk through several long streets, and then enter a shop called Wind Scorpion.

Just came in.

There were two guard ninjas, reaching out to Xiaogang and Garp to block the way.

"Sir, this is private property."

After finishing speaking, he didn't say much, and just stood aside.

Garp took a closer look and saw two guards, wearing two bulky western mid-world armors, full of momentum.

However, he glanced over with knowledge and knowledge, and found that the Chakra levels of both of them were at the level of Chunin.

This made him even more curious. When did the Chunin become rotten, and they were used to guard the gate.

Looking at this scene, he really became more curious. He rented a shop as a cover. What kind of mysterious place is there underground?

It was the first time he encountered such a situation after coming to Naruto World for more than a year, and he also had a heart of anticipation.

As an otaku in his previous life, he naturally saw the wonderful travels of countless traveler seniors to different worlds. This is also the reason why he was able to settle down in the shortest time when he came to the world of Naruto.

Because he has a yearning heart.

However, he has been in Naruto World for more than a year, and he has seen countless gorgeous and cool ninjutsu, such as black market, auction, academy, and treasure hunting.

But I have never experienced any of them, and this mysterious place naturally aroused Garp's endless interest.

Although, he is now a super shadow-level powerhouse, but he is still only in his twenties in his heart, and he is quite "innocent".

What if there is a trap going down, just like Garp's movements now, with no movement on his face, and two sharp eyes like knives.

Like a substantive gaze, he cast a direct glance at the two guards, his meaning is self-evident!

Then the momentum of the latter two directly weakened, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

And Xiao Gang at the side seemed to be a little slow to react, and hastily took out a talisman from his pocket, which was crooked, and he didn't know what was written on it.

Stepping forward a few steps, he said, "Both elder brothers, this is the guest I brought over."

As for the two guards, their vests were full of cold sweat at this time, but they were wearing thick armor, and they said in a displeased tone:

"Don't take it out sooner? You are playing with fire."

The two guards lack confidence in Garp, but they are very confident in Xiaogang, an ordinary person.

Natural selection, survival of the strong!
"You two big brothers, it's the younger brother's fault, and I will definitely come to you to make amends in the future."

Xiaogang pretended to be a grandson and said, coming to the door to make amends, biting the words very hard.

When Garp thought about it, he knew that Xiao Gang was, and wanted to use money to eliminate the dissatisfaction in their hearts.

However, he didn't have time to hear their ink marks, "Hurry up, how long are you going to make me wait."

When Garp finished speaking, the three who were still talking in low voices immediately silenced, and Xiao Gang walked in with Garp directly.

 It's Calvin today, and there's another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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