Chapter 55
In the oasis town, Garp woke up from the table lying on his stomach, a little embarrassed, put the mechanical watch in his arms, stretched his body in satisfaction, and got up from the chair.

After a morning of sweeping foodies, Karp squinted in a small shop for a while before falling asleep.

The matter of going on an appointment with Ma Ji was also immediately forgotten, and it was not remembered until after a good night's sleep.

However, as soon as he went outside, he found that the scorching sun and bright moon were almost scorching people.

"It's already noon, should we go? Or not."
At Garp's speed, it wouldn't take him much time to go back and forth, but wouldn't it be embarrassing if he couldn't meet anyone and was let go?
As for him letting go of Markey's pigeon, Garp didn't take it to heart at all, and let him go by himself, isn't that normal?

Cap thought so.

A person at the super shadow level is played by someone who is not even at the shadow level. Wouldn't it affect his image as a mentor in the future!
However, after a while, Karp decided to take a trip. At his supersonic speed, no one could see him being released.

A few minutes later, Garp used the lunar step from a high altitude, and then accelerated with shaving, and came directly to the agreed place.

Sweeping his eyes slightly, he did not find Maji's figure, but when Jean released his knowledge, he unexpectedly found Maji's figure.

At this time, a strange atmosphere appeared in the sand hidden team.

Kenji, the leader of the caravan, who was helpless, with a thick red neck, was arguing with several tall ninjas.

"You don't know the power of Mr. Garp at all. You are absolutely insulting Mr. Garp. It is really unforgivable!"

"He didn't show up."

"You still don't understand how great Lord Garp is!"

"He hasn't made an appointment yet."

The person in charge of the caravan kept arguing, but the Chunin named Koji always said one sentence, as firm as Mount Tai, and when he was speechless, he was helpless.

Every time Kenji thinks about the scene that day, Garp is like a god descending to earth, the powerful force when the enemy Payne who destroyed half of Konoha was killed in front of his eyes.

It can be said that he will never forget it!

Kenji would not doubt Garp at all, would not trust Garp at all, and would be afraid of such a Jounin of Saken.

This is just a joke. If the opponent is a powerful ninja, Kenji would have already taken action to educate the opponent.

His thin body was in great agitation.

Just when Kenji was about to make a comeback, a not-too-tall figure appeared in his line of sight, which made him rub his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he instantly merged with the figure in memory, and the figure became huge, the pupils in both eyes shrank, and the half-open mouth opened wide.

Pointing his finger directly into the air, he looked at Garp, and was so excited that he was speechless.

"This...this...this is..."

Koji's journey was quite boring, and Kenji, who was debating along the way, was quite boring and enjoyed it, but suddenly he saw Kenji ignoring him.

On the contrary, he looked at the sky in a daze, and immediately looked over with displeasure.

Walking alone in the air, it was like there was an invisible ladder, and the people in the air walked towards them slowly and methodically.


Koji took a deep breath, he didn't know Garp, but he was a ninja with the most instinctive sensitivity to power.

Being able to be in the air without relying on ninjutsu, he had never seen it in his life.

No, I haven't even seen this team of sand ninja.

This simply broke their decades of cognition and refreshed their cognition. The shock in it can be imagined!

"This... who is this person? How powerful is it!"

Compared with the frightened subordinates, Markey seemed very calm, looking at the appearance of Skyman, it gradually overlapped with the portrait in his mind.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but his heart was not peaceful. Garp walked in the air without any shadow of ninjutsu, and he had never seen it before.

However, losing is not losing, and as the boss, of course he can't release wrong information. If people's hearts are disturbed, it will be difficult to accept.

When I was in Hidden Sand Village earlier, my estimation of Karp's strength was very insufficient.

After another four generations of Kazekage incidents, Karp has been classified as an unwinnable opponent by him, and now, he has directly become an enemy with no chance of winning.

As long as he makes a move, he must lose.

If he didn't make a move, he would not be able to pass the barrier of Shayin Village, and for a while, he was caught in a dilemma.

Ma Ji's Qi-nourishing skill is very good, he calmed down and immediately cut off the opponent's attack, and at the same time, he also chatted with the enemy first.

You have to occupy the commanding heights of morality, so that you can advance, attack, retreat, or defend.

So, ready to speak.

"Master Garp, is it really you? The villain Kenji, welcome to Mr. Garp!"

Kenji's excited voice suddenly sounded in the air, and then he knelt down on the sand with a plop, his eyes full of sincerity.


Garp, who was walking towards Markey, suddenly froze when he saw the scene in the sand. What's going on?
Among this group of people who are obviously sand ninjas, how come one of them suddenly kneels down to him? He is not the protagonist who just showed his bastard spirit and turned into a bulldozer!
However, what's the situation with Nima, the sudden change in the style of painting made Garp a little messy in the wind for a while.

Karp gradually walked down, with some doubts, he asked:
"Who are you, do you know me?"

Kenji lowered his head tightly, and when he heard Karp's voice, he immediately raised his head excitedly.

"Master Garp, I am from Konoha. I have admired you for a long time since I defeated Payne last time."

At the same time, the Konoha flag torn off by Sand Shinobi spread out in his hand, completely confirming his identity.

Garp also felt relieved, it was still this Naruto world, the style of painting had not changed, but then he felt a chill, "You are not a cute girl, so admire me!" '

Glancing at Ma Ji, it was exactly the same as he remembered, and there was no ink stain. He said directly:
"Sand Ninja Maki, right? I've accepted your challenge. At the same time, if you want to stay away from the oasis and fight, I will grant you. Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Garp didn't give Maggie any time to talk, and walked directly to the depths of the desert on moon steps, away from this group of people.

"Master Machi, let's go together."

Seeing that Maji was about to go there alone, the ninja who had accepted his loyalty immediately said that in the decisive battle between the jonin, they would be regarded as cannon fodder that could be sacrificed.

Markie's eyes turned hot, all the children he brought up, it was rare for him to be willing to sacrifice his life for him.

"I'm not an old man, I still need the protection of you guys, just stay here for me honestly."

He followed Karp directly and left.

Several sand ninjas were immediately moved, but an untimely voice sounded again.

"Hmph, are you scared now? Unfortunately, it's too late."

"When you can only hear Mr. Garp's name, you can brag. Now when you see Mr. Garp, you will only tremble."

 The author Jun shivered and asked for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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