Chapter 39
After spending another day in the Land of Rain waiting for Naruto's injury to fully heal, a group of four went directly south from the Land of Rain to the Land of Wind.

The Land of Wind is one of the five major ninja nations that has formed an alliance with the Land of Fire. Along the way, there are many business groups trading between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire.

There are also many ninjas on the road. Basically, Garp and his party have not encountered any attacks.

Maybe Obito was afraid of Karp's strength, or maybe Obito had already set up a game and was waiting for Karp to enter the game, but these Karps didn't care too much.

If Obito wants to launch the Moon's Eye Project, he must recapture Nagato's Eye of Reincarnation, and cooperate with Kato to reincarnate Ban Huitu.

Garp also thought about it for a while, all of this must happen at the same time, and the control is very precise. He declared war on Konoha and retracted the eyes of reincarnation, collected the lost tailed beasts, and resurrected the squad.

In the previous life, when the Five Kages were meeting, Obito directly declared war and launched the Fourth War directly in a high-profile way. Now that Garp has changed it, Obito will definitely make a decision later.

Therefore, the time left for Garp is far more than that of Obito. It can be said that his move of leaving Nagato in Konoha can be regarded as grasping Obito's weak point.

Entering the Land of Wind, the scorching hot weather and the sand blowing up with the wind made several people more uncomfortable than the eternally gloomy weather in the Land of Rain.

Although Garp has armed and hardened to resist, sitting in the land of the wind, it is impossible to be armed and hardened forever. Walking slowly with Kakashi and the others, it will become dusty after a while.

Naruto, on the contrary, became excited as soon as he entered the Land of Winds.

"Mr. Garp, Gaara is the Fifth Kazekage, we can go to Gaara and ask about 'Akatsuki'."

"No hurry, there is an oasis in front of us, let's repair it first."

Garp is covered in sand, of course it's impossible for Garp to go on his way now, not to mention that if he came to the Land of the Wind, he wouldn't be chasing Obito at all.

If Naruto finishes asking, his upgrade career is still playing with wool.


Although Karp refused his request, but out of his trust in Karp, he followed behind obediently.

As soon as we entered the oasis, we walked a few steps and found many professional hotels for business groups to rest.

"Boss, open four rooms."

"Okay, please sir."

Fortunately, the Kingdom of the Wind and the Kingdom of Fire are open to business, and Konoha's money can be used in the Kingdom of the Wind, otherwise they can only sleep on the street.

The buildings in the Kingdom of the Wind are all made of loess, with small windows and relatively small space inside the house.

Garp curled his lips, handed some money to Kakashi who was penniless, and went to the bathhouse on his own.

This oasis is not far from the Land of Rain, so there are still many bathhouses here, but the prices are several times the normal price.

However, Garp doesn't care about these small moneys. He is now Konoha's invisible rich man, and this little money is just a drizzle.

He didn't know that in his previous life, he was a student party who lived frugally, but now he can be said to have reached the pinnacle of his life, and he seems to be a successful person.

Choosing a private bath, Karp soaked comfortably, and fell asleep after a while.


The sound of Xiao Er adding water to Kapu woke him up.

"Xiao Er, do you have any special snacks in your shop, and I'll serve you some good wine by the way."

"Okay, guest, please wait a moment." This little girl is quite clever, and the people who can book a private bath are all ordinary people, and there is no drama of looking down on others.

After a while, several female Communist Party members came in with some snacks, twisting the waist of the water snake.

A small table was set up next to the bathtub, and there were ten snacks in total. They were served on plates and covered with covers, and it was impossible to tell what they were.

Just the aroma in the air whetted Karp's appetite.

"Guest, this dish is..."

"Okay, if you dare to take the cover, you don't need to introduce it."

Seeing that the young couple still wanted to show off, Garp waved his hand and let him go out.

Seeing Karp's eyes directly on the dishes, he was indifferent to the beauties in front of him, his eyes moved, he didn't say anything, and led them out.

There are more than a dozen snacks. From the appearance, Karp knows that they are all kinds of small animals fried.

Putting the first dish on a pair of chopsticks, it was fragrant and crispy, very delicious, and it could be said that after eating, it would leave a fragrance on the lips and teeth, but one of them was too small, not enough for him to fit between his teeth.

The second dish, Garp could tell at the first glance, is a special product in the desert - scorpion, which he loved very much in his previous life.

Straightforward, "Kaka", the kapu is full of saliva!

A series of snacks are even more delicious when paired with sake. In his previous life, when he watched the ball game all night, his favorite partners were fried chicken and beer.

From the glass bottle, pour out a cup of clear sweet spring, and drink it up in one gulp.


But the next moment, Garp sprayed it all out.

Mouth full of spicy taste, this Nima is not sake, he created it in Naruto World, 'Erguotou'!
"Little Er, come here."

"Guest, what do you want?"

The little girl was a little apprehensive. Seeing Garp's expression on his face, he didn't know what made the guest dissatisfied.

"What's the matter with this wine?"

As soon as Xiao Er heard Karp's question, he knew what was wrong.

"Guest, this is the shochu we newly introduced from Konoha. It was my mistake. I didn't know that you are not suitable for this kind of strong wine."

"Oh, how about the sales of this kind of wine in your place?"

Karp looked inquiring, as if it was the first time he had come into contact with this kind of wine.

"This kind of wine can be said to be in short supply in our country of winds, and our boss also took a lot of money to get this kind of wine."

Xiaoer's eyes were full of pride. Obviously, the relationship between the owner of this store is not simple.

"Understood, go and get me another pot of sake."

Karp rubbed his chin, it seemed that Erguotou was still powerful even in the world of Naruto, and he immediately felt relieved.

The more popular Erguotou was, the stronger his control over Yamato and the Three Great Masters would be.

Relying solely on tyrannical force without any interest, even if he stands on top of the world in the end, he will be overthrown by the latecomers just like Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime.

And Erguotou is becoming more and more popular, and the three major families including Yamato will only admire themselves more and more, unite tightly around themselves, and twist into a rope.

"This kind of country bumpkin doesn't even drink the most Konoha spirits. I don't know where he came from a wealthy family. He has no culture."

Standing outside Garp's private room, Watanabe Jun taunted loudly on purpose.

Today is a good day for him, but it is also an unlucky day. Recently, the Konoha liquor that came from the Land of Fire has become completely popular in the Land of Wind.

However, due to its insufficient production, the supply was in short supply. He relied on a lot of connections to discuss the introduction of wine with the people from the Yamato family who came to investigate.

There is little business between men. In the Land of Winds, it is nothing more than taking a bath together and ordering some services by the way. Once they come and go, the relationship will be enhanced, and the business will naturally come to fruition.

Unexpectedly, the private room happened to be full today, which made him very passive.

However, he just heard what Karp said in the private room, which made him realize that the opportunity had come.

So I said this sentence, firstly to please Mr. Uemoto, the inspector of Konoha Liquor, and secondly to stimulate the people inside and 'give up' a seat for them.

And that Mr. Yamamoto, as he wished, was slapped by his flattery.

"Haha, Mr. Watanabe, our Konoha spirits are not as powerful as you said."

(End of this chapter)

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