I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 291 Chapter 295 Just One Word (1 More)

Chapter 291 Chapter 295

Everyone was horrified.

The appearance of Li Ye can be said to have caught everyone by surprise.

Some of the guides of the crowd also looked at each other in dismay.

Wang Hao, you must know that in the entire western region, the only person who is really known to have the king's title is Li Ting, who is the most powerful person in the western region, that is, the commander of the largest army in the western region, and the governor of the Duhufu.

The tribesmen suddenly had the feeling that they had caught a big fish, and secretly rejoiced.

"His Royal Highness, why are you here?"

Ye Qingshan was stunned, feeling that the matter was out of his control, if King Liang was here, he wouldn't have too many scruples, after all King Liang's strength is not that strong.

But Li Ye was different. Five years ago, he had the record of killing the master. In five years, if he said that there was no progress, he would not believe it if he was killed.

Just from the saber movement perceived by Li Ye, he felt a strong crisis.

He even felt that he was invincible. At this moment, he couldn't help being surprised, and his eyes became gloomy.

Li Ye secretly looked at the Su brothers and sisters without showing any trace.

"Why, do I have to report my whereabouts to Xuehengshan?"

He asked in return.

"No, no." Ye Qingshan finally realized that his words were too reckless.

"It's been five years, and the knife is going to rust."

Li Ye stepped forward, raised his palm slightly, and the long knife beside him landed on his palm.

Sanger held Chu Wuya and walked out, his face extremely ugly. At this time, his patience was almost at its limit.

"Quickly tell me, I don't know if our tribe will die, but you must have died by my hands."

The approaching knife made him feel scared, and made his totem 'White Wolf' feel the danger of cutting.

As soon as the words fell, his face showed panic.

I saw that Li Ye jumped down the sand dune, the knife in his hand trembled slightly, as if the real energy was stirring the blade.

The knife cuts out obliquely.

The majestic saber aura was startled, and that incomparably sharp saber aura stirred up a ten-foot gust of wind and turned into a sky-filled wind blade.

As he stepped forward, there was another blade light, which made the string control people below panic.

Cut ten times in a row.

At the same time, the earth's veins turned, and the yellow sand was lifted up, just like an earth dragon turning over. Without a chance, people turned on their backs.

The light of the knife cuts everything, the wind blades fill the sky like Ling Chi, and the earth dragon turns into a natural disaster.

In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand string-controlling warriors, as well as warriors of quite different levels of warriors, originally formed a dense formation for impact, and were buried in front of Li Ye.

Loud bang.

There was a dead silence after the wailing.

If this sound falls within the tribe, it is undoubtedly the death knell, sounding the end of life.

Everyone on the sand dune stared wide-eyed, their eyes showing horror.

Not to mention martial masters with this level of strength, half-step martial masters, and even grand masters can't do it.

This scene especially made Ye Qingshan unable to bear the murderous intent.

If it is said that the forces in the Yu Dynasty least want to see any other talents from the Li family, then it must be Xue Hengshan.

But helplessly, the Li family's power is too strong. It is almost impossible to destroy Li Ye humanely without people noticing, let alone the strength Li Ye displayed now is enough to make him look sideways.

Sanger who ran out was like an enraged lion, no matter what, he roared and attacked.

The huge shadow of the fist had a cold light, the air was frosty, and the speed was so fast that everyone who rushed over was shocked. It seemed that Li Ye had no movement to fight back.

A gloomy specter floated up from Li Ye's body, with three heads and six arms, roared at Sanger, and then opened his mouth to suck.

At the same time, the gluttonous stomach pouch in Li Ye's body was beating like a heart, spitting out a part of the stored origin energy to transform into true qi, and then sucking it in violently.

The wind howled.

To Sanger's despair, the shadow of the fist in front of him was distorted, and it was swallowed by Li Ye like a smog, and it was refined through the gluttonous stomach.

"That's fine too, it's too strong." Someone's body trembled slightly and said something.

Every time he took a step, the yellow sand on the ground would automatically push away the corpses on the ground, revealing yellow gravel.

"This is a warning. If you don't hand over the nine-leaf lotus seeds, then your tribe will be buried here and hand them over."

Li Ye stretched out his left hand, and gently clenched the handle of the knife with his right.

"I count down to three times. After three times, I won't give you another chance. Three, two"

Before the words were finished, another change occurred behind Li Ye.

An abrupt black hand.

Some people were killed.

Some were rescued by the military.

Some people even killed each other.

A snapping arrow rises, blooming in the form of a wolf.

"Sanger, Beiyu is the great enemy of our tribe. Once we can't stop it, you will not be able to escape Beiyu's attack. Send people to join us in annihilating them."

Accompanied by the voice, he was a strong and powerful man with a unique animal skin skirt and black gloves on his hands.

Everything seemed to be contained under his fist, and the one-eyed mad wolf emerged from behind him with a strong wind.

Next to him, there was a big man with an aloof temperament, holding a snatched big knife in his hand, and slashed his body. The elongated silver thread seemed to be able to cut everything. Behind him was a one-horned black deer, a rare and strange beast.

The speed of the two was very fast. In the eyes of some people behind them, it seemed that Li Ye could not escape no matter what.

Sanger didn't make a move. At this moment, he understood that they were calculated.

Their tribe is just an insignificant step in this plan, killing Beiyu's talent is the key.

"I bother."

He was angry.

"It's boring to show the tail so quickly."

Li Ye turned around, received a punch and a knife.

Metal exploded, sparks flew.

Those two terrifying forces were transmitted from the ground through Li Ye's feet.

In this place, he has taken advantage of the geographical advantage.

When he was on his way, he could no longer feel the veins of this land very familiarly.

There was a continuous bang, and the huge ground pulsation erupted, like an earthquake erupting, and the soil burst.

Li Ye's body shook, and the wound that was scratched an inch quickly healed. The terrifying power was no longer suppressed, and the golden light all over his body shone even brighter under the sun.

His body, which was not originally considered tall, was getting higher and higher, and his berserk breath was also rising, soaring into the sky.

The clothes were torn, and the wound healed at the speed of the naked eye.

After a while, Li Ye became a huge figure of more than three feet.

In the past year, with the help of the power of the earth's veins, plus the accumulation of the previous years, especially the three years of taking drugs and eating spiritual fruits that spread out in Yujing City, it has long been on the verge of breakthrough.

Finally, half a year ago, he had made a breakthrough.

Absorbing the power of a Gobi mountain's leylines, after breaking through the bottleneck of more than ten feet, the real body became a whole, that is, it was raised layer by layer until it reached three feet.

"Just like you, you are really weak."

Feeling full of strength all over his body, Li Ye let out a long howl.

True Qi expands to the Heavenly Knife.

The Heavenly Knife also became larger. It was originally a suitable size for the Heavenly Knife, but the treasured knife also has its limit of carrying true energy, and the knife will stop when it grows to six feet.

Big knives become small knives.

The sound of the wind roared, and emerged from the blade.

The mixed atmosphere, the vision of the huge 'planet', and the concentration of thoughts on the 'planet' made the people of the two tribes who were about to flee feel that the space was infinitely pulled away, and the air almost stopped.


As soon as the horizontal knife fell, the void seemed to shake.

Terrifying air waves swept all directions, and shock waves visible to the naked eye oscillated, causing some weaklings to fly backwards.

The tribal 'house' not far away was flying, and someone was injured.

Bang bang.

Two bodies fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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