I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 283 Chapter 287 Jie (1 more)

Chapter 283 Chapter 287 Ten Heroes (1 More)
Three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past three years, the southern border of the Yu Dynasty was stable, while the western border was raging with flames of war. They made great strides all the way, and destroyed dozens of small countries in the western border outside the western border of the Yu Dynasty. Therefore, the people of Yu have a "good name" in the western border.

The country that controls the Longevity Whip, the army that comes in turn is the 'Longevity Whip' that controls the destiny of the small country in the western region.

A large number of war criminals were detained in the territory of the Yu Dynasty, and engaged in a series of highly dangerous jobs such as official roads and mines.

Throughout their lives, few people can live for more than two years.

And Li Ye also stayed quietly in Yu Jing for three years, barely moving a single step in the past three years.

People are always forgetful.

The name "Li Ye" of the Yu Dynasty Martial King was gradually replaced and spread in the martial arts world, and now in the martial arts world, it is rumored that it is the ten masters.

Due to the purge actions launched by the various dynasties, everyone in the sect circle is in danger, there is suppression, and of course there is resistance.

Between this repression and resistance, it was faintly divided into two forces, one was the resistance force headed by the Four Sacred Sects and the Demon Sect, and the other was the orthodox force headed by the imperial court.

The sectarian world was divided in two.

It was during this time that the top ten masters of the martial arts emerged.

In the past, the existence of a non-grandmaster who had not been seen in a hundred years, the existence of a non-grandmaster and a grandmaster, stood out one after another in famous battles, and the boundary between life and death stood out.

Only by achieving 'non-master wins master' can such talents be titled 'Ten Outstanding'.

And Li Ye was silent for three years, and he didn't show up in the evaluation of the top ten. He was immediately forgotten, but if some people forget, others will not.

Prince Wu's Mansion, another courtyard.


Busy people, mouthfuls of elixir filled with wooden boxes to condense true qi were sent to the courtyard where Li Ye practiced. The rich qi mechanism and medicinal fragrance were almost so abundant that they were almost substantive.

The white mist dispersed.

A mouthful of wooden boxes were placed on the edge of the white mist, filled with empty bottles.

The enlarged courtyard, like a red stone wall temporarily surrounded by mountains, has a radius of one mile, and a vague and huge figure is lying on the empty site.

Looking at it from a distance, the visual inspection is at least one foot away.

The black figure seemed to be alive, the slight sound of breathing came from the mist, the huge air wave rolled back, the wooden box just set up, the pills flew up like swallows returning to their nests, and all kinds of elixir full of energy.

It melted during the flight and turned into a mist of rippling light.

Among the dark and huge figure, there were dense figures shaking faintly, and there was a faint sound of wind blowing.

Outside the mansion, two carriages drove into the mansion without inspection.

With the support of Xiaoqian, Feng Yang, who was dressed in pink palace clothes, stepped off the carriage with a dignified manner, showing royal etiquette.

"Princess Wu, why do you need someone to help you with your martial arts cultivation? The royal family is too serious about etiquette, so it needs to be changed."

Wearing yin and yang shoes, a handsome young man with Yuzan pulling his hair up into a daoji, with a faint sense of war on his face, and a sword on his back.

This person is Du Cangsheng, one of the Ten Heroes who became famous outside the territory of the Yu Dynasty, 'Yin Yang Sword'.

"I'm used to it, Mr. Du, if you really want to challenge my lord, I still hope you will think carefully, after all, you saved my life.

But my prince has been harassed by little thieves these years, and it is very annoying, so I may not let him keep the challenger and the rules of killing without mercy. "

Feng Yang still tried to persuade her.

Not long ago, on the way back from Qin Jing's family visit, she encountered a great danger. Fortunately, it was with Du Cangsheng's help that she was able to be safe.

Therefore, she didn't want Du Cangsheng to cause any trouble because of challenging Li Ye.

Even if Fengyang and Li Ye have been married for three years, she can't say that she knows Li Ye's temperament very well, but there is one thing, she is sure that Li Ye's murderous nature is very strong, and she may not hold her hand in consideration of her face .

"No, the name of King Wu is very popular to me. Maybe others have forgotten King Wu, but I have never forgotten it. Even the elders I met, the old masters and the others, are still full of praise for King Wu.

Just imagine, how can I suppress my fighting spirit and not challenge such a powerful opponent.

Oppression is the easiest catalyst for people to break through. "

Du Cangsheng's sword was full of momentum.


Feng Yang sighed faintly, and could only wait to help, to see if he could save Du Cangsheng.

The simple house, the greetings along the way, Fengyang brought Du Cangsheng here.

Before they arrived, the two of them sensed an aura of evolutionary catastrophe. The sword intent was overwhelming, as if there was a figure dancing in the air in front of them. There were catastrophes, thunders, winds, and rains, and the sword energy enveloped within a mile. .

Hundreds of calamity sword qi, either twists and turns, or goes straight, or repeats, each deduces a different sword technique.


The sprayed mist waves, like wind and clouds, stretched out a tentacles along the edge.

With a strange sound, the sword energy all over the sky dissipated.

"I have nothing to teach you. You have already surpassed me. Since you have a guest, I will go back to the mountain first."

Masters like Old Man Ji Jie who belonged to the power of the Yu Dynasty, under the instruction of Monkey Ancestor, have come here one after another in the past three years to show off their martial power to Li Ye, so that Li Ye can perfect his true meaning.

"it is good."

Moving away in the fog, an old figure broke through the air, never meeting Feng Yang and Du Cangsheng.

"This is?"

Du Cangsheng, who walked to the edge of the white mist, felt the remaining sword force, and was stabbed in the heart.

"The Calamity Sword Jue, this is the sword power of Longshou Mountain's enshrined 'Old Man Calamity', did he lose?"

He is very aware of the strength of the old man disaster, he can stand out from a bunch of people, in addition to his outstanding talent, there is also the help of some masters from Longshou Mountain, he has studied at Longshou Mountain, so he naturally made friends with Yu towards.

In order to win over talents, Yu Chao also opened the door to him, and Du Cangsheng lived up to his expectations and helped Yu Chao solve a lot of troubles.

Of course, he helped Yu Chao exterminate the disciples of the Demon Sect sect and those who were disobedient, in exchange for the merits of his cultivation.

"Are you injured? I've said it all. The current situation is not good. Considering your strength, you are still too weak. You are too weak to be vulnerable. Step up your martial arts practice instead of going back to visit your relatives."

Faint voices of anger and reproach came from the fog.

"The injury is almost healed. You treat me as you, a lunatic who only knows martial arts. In the past three years, you have been back to the mansion several times. I didn't accommodate you that time."

Feng Yang rolled his eyes and said sarcastically.

"Let me introduce to you, this is one of the ten famous martial arts masters, Yin Yang Sword, Du Cangsheng, Mr. Du, he saved me before."

She then introduced Du Cangsheng.

Li Ye who was being scolded was a little upset, but what Fengyang said was the truth, he couldn't say anything, the knife pupil opened and turned.

Suddenly, Du Cangsheng seemed to feel a heavy pressure, and his whole body seemed to be burdened with heavy iron, making his body seem to be aging and stiff.

It's amazing, just looking at him gave me such a heavy sense of crisis. After three years of silence, he didn't retreat, but his strength improved to a higher level, no, not only. Du Cangsheng's heart is hot and full of fighting spirit.

Facing difficulties is the quality that distinguishes him from his opponents.

He will not retreat because of setbacks that are not setbacks at all, but it makes his challenge even stronger.

"I saved you, that is my benefactor. If you need anything, just ask, I will do it if I can."

Du Cangsheng took off the cloth strips tied around his body and held the sword in one hand.

"I want to challenge you."

"Challenge me, my rule is that anyone who interferes with me will kill without mercy, do you really want to challenge?"

The huge black shadow in the fog moved.

Like a big head in the shape of a human being, the white mist is driven like a hill, pushing away, like a terrifying creature being awakened, and an indescribable crisis enveloped Du Cangsheng.

The murderous intent is all over the place.

That trace of murderous intent made Du Cangsheng fall into the battlefield, and he was like a small soldier who overwhelmed everyone.

Helpless, weak.

(End of this chapter)

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