I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 251 Chapter 255 Rumor (1 more)

Chapter 251 Chapter 255 Gossip (1 more)
A spacious room with almost no unnecessary clutter.

The flickering lights of the candlesticks lit up the room, and wisps of light smoke curled up, exuding a quiet aroma.

Lonely lamp, silhouette.

It seemed that there was no vitality at all, the beating frequency of the heart was very low, and it took a long time for a plop to spread. If it wasn't for this, it would be like a dead person with a dark shadow behind it.

Due to the progress in cultivation, the phantom's arms are finally symmetrical, and the four arms are lifted up and down in layers.

On it is a sphere that absorbs the light. It is hard to tell if it is real or not. It looks real from a distance, but when you look closely, it looks like flowing gas.

It's just that the gap at the bottom is always there, it's so dark that no light can light it up.

Just like this, Li Ye's true small world has never been able to achieve this level of perfection.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

There was a knock on the door.

Women came in one by one, some were wearing thick gowns, some were wearing gauze-like gowns, revealing their sexy bodies vaguely, wanting to show but not showing all, Li Ye could understand this person's thoughts without guessing .

"Sit down, good luck."

Leaving aside unnecessary words, Li Ye's face turned pale, like someone recovering from a serious illness, extremely tired.

Fragrant and intoxicating.

It's not the first time for these women who practiced the "Stove Ding Piece" of Zen. They sat down around Li Ye one after another. In an instant, the body surface released true energy, but the true energy was a little more different. , like twinkling stars.

Not even candlelight can hide that unique brilliance.

Gradually, he released his true energy into a human form, densely covered with star spots and light spots.

At the same time, the phantom behind Li Ye moved, and the fingers on the four arms elongated like inhumans, piercing into the woman like some kind of weird tentacles.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Almost unanimous, these women all groaned, their expressions were very strange, as if they were in pain, but also as if they were enjoying some kind of pleasure.

Gradually, Li Ye and these women's auras were close to synchronization. No, it should be said that these women's auras gradually turned towards Li Ye, and the illusory body of the phantom gathered black clouds and rotated.

Transformation, purification. The eye sockets of the phantom, the pupils like knives ooze out a strange and somewhat crystalline semi-solidified liquid.

Getting bigger and heavier.

It just falls.

It just landed on the sphere floating in the mid-air. At this moment, the 'little planet' turned, revealing the empty interior, where figures surged, and the sound of iron chains sounded from time to time.

Land generation nearly invisible to the naked eye.

As time passed, the faces of these women became pale, staggering, unable to sit still, their lips made unconscious moaning sounds, their headaches were splitting, as if they were about to explode, and they felt more exhausted.

The tentacles retracted.

"Let's go!"

Li Ye gave the order without even opening his eyes.

After the person left, his complexion had returned to normal, as if the person who had just recovered from a serious illness was not him.

In the corridor, the maid helped her.

With the special status of a prince, there is no shortage of people in this mansion.

After the person left, servants and maids chatted in twos and threes in the winding corridor.

"There are so many people every time, can he bear it?"

"I've heard that His Highness is a martial artist, so you can't use common sense to reason about it. It's just that he's too hungry and makes them miserable every time. Does he have any special hobbies?"

"Almost collapsed."

The fire of women's gossip can never be extinguished. As time goes by, rumors about Li Ye's wantonness and wantonness are rampant, together with other hearsay, and then spread widely in Tongtai.

In the morning, the mountain road is rugged.

Six horses and six people, male and female.

These people are all students of the Xia Dynasty Tai Academy, but different from ordinary students, these people only study there to enlighten their wisdom, and they focus more on practicing martial arts.

The bonfire started, the mountain road was along the riverside, and they were sitting around the bonfire, each eating rabbit meat, which was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, without too much seasoning, pure rabbit meat.

Disorderly footsteps.

A group of old and weak women and children in dirty clothes came from the mountain road under the guard of soldiers. There were hardly any young and strong women, and there were only a few women of the right age.

"Brother Lan, who are these people?"

one of them asked.

"These are all people from the fallen five counties, either because they fled or because they resisted, the shameless Yuren made such a big deal of what bullshit upholds benevolence and righteousness, and let these people be sent back?"


Clenched fists, cracking joints.

"Send it back? But why are there only the old and the weak, what about those young and strong women of the right age?" One of the tall and slender women asked in confusion.

"You don't really think that the people of Yu are kind. According to reports from my family's spies in the five counties, Qing Zhuang was imprisoned to dig canals, mines, and lay official roads in Yuren. In name, he paid for his crimes with work, but in fact he was reduced to a slave.

These heavy industries, which one is not paved with bones in vain. "

With fierce eyes, he said angrily.

They asked some more about the situation. Five of the six people came from Xiajing and knew very little about Bianjun. After the account of Brother Lan, they already had a certain understanding of Bianjun.

From the standpoint of the six, Yu Ren is undoubtedly the evil party.

It's just that on the battlefield, Yu Chao had the upper hand. This battle provoked by Yu Chao can be said to have beaten the arrogant Xia people to the brim.

The six people also had no intention of eating rabbit meat, so they got up and untied the ropes, led the horses, and headed towards Beiju Pass.

Walk out of the canyon.

There was a bang, and the mountain trembled. The six people were all startled. They quickly performed lightness kung fu and jumped onto one of the mountain peaks.


A forest of arrows flew out from Beiju Pass in the distance, covering the sky and the sun, which was extremely spectacular.

The wolf smoke of qi and blood is so powerful that it is daunting. The fierce army tiger that covers the sky, roars up to the sky, as if it is real, and shoots out with its forelegs, like a mountain falling from the sky.


Sword light, sword light, spear light, bed crossbow and iron arrows all attacked.

A bloody battle.

Beiju Pass is crumbling.

In that night attack, Beijuguan lost troops and lost generals, 5 troops left the city, and only less than [-] survived to come back. The heavy loss is self-evident.

The most important thing is to hit morale.

Next, there was a series of sieges, sometimes real attacks, sometimes feigned attacks.

The strategy of exhausting the enemy.

To this day, the door is closed.

The army poured into Beijuguan, and a street battle started within the sight of the six people.

"Breakthrough, my Great Xia lost, officially lost, lost the five counties, it is too unreconciled, my Great Xia obviously has six sages alive, but was captured by a small Yu Dynasty. land."

On the mountain peak, someone scolded excitedly, and the heart of unwillingness beat violently in his body.

"Others don't know, you and I don't know yet, Yu Chao was used as a spearman, Shengzun was restrained, and the fall of the five counties was also our Great Xia's peace for many years, and there is no seedling of the Iron Army."

said the smaller man.

"Let's not talk about it, our mission is to go to Tongtai County, and the cooperation between the dynasties cannot be delayed, and the Beiju Pass was broken, which is not long after our expectation."

A sad female voice sounded.

Mixed with emotions, the mountain was shaking, and a group of people performed lightness kung fu.

Yangsha, people go away.

(End of this chapter)

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