I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 246 Chapter 250 Visitors (4 more)

Chapter 246 Chapter 250 The Guest (4 More)
Roadside wine shop.

A gust of wind and sand rolled up, making the tattered canvas rattle.

Li Ye put down the chopsticks in his hand, sucked the pasta in his mouth, and sucked it into his mouth.

He turned his head and looked, suddenly there were two people wearing bamboo hats, one of the donkeys rushed over untimely, wheezing, wheezing, pouting, showing the teeth of the donkey stained with liquid.

This time, the tense atmosphere disappeared.

"You stupid donkey, where are you, Miss Lingji, this donkey is unreliable, but I am still very reliable, don't get me wrong."

The poor scholar was wearing that mended plain gown, compared to the last time he saw it, this time the plain gown seemed freshly washed, and still smelled of soap. He took off his bamboo hat and fanned the flames of the woman next to him, with a flattering expression on his face.

"It turns out that you are a senior, but you are still so shameless. As the saying goes, there are all kinds of donkeys, brother donkeys, are you right?"

Li Ye sat on the stool, picked up the noodles, and put them in front of the mouth of the unreliable donkey.

Hu Chi.

The donkey brayed and raised its heels, as if to cater to Li Ye's words.

"You stupid ass eats my food, uses mine, and even breaks the stage with me. See if I don't stew donkey meat tonight."

It was like a donkey that had been stimulated to a certain point biting the noodles, turned to look at the poor scholar, let out a snort, swallowed the noodles into his stomach, exhaled for a long time, and rushed towards the poor scholar.


The poor scholar put his feet on the ground, put his hands on the donkey's head, his face was flushed, and he wrestled with the donkey.

"Miss Lingji, don't"

As soon as he spoke, the strength in his hand was relieved, and he was pushed back by the donkey, leaving long drag marks on the ground.

The man in the bamboo hat shook his head.

She doesn't want to say much about this person and donkey. Since Xia Jing set off, there have been no less than ten such scenes, and the reason for all of them is that the poor scholar is glib, and the character of the enlightened donkey seems to be just one point.

Unreliable people, unreliable donkeys.

This was her impression, and at the same time she also understood the meaning of her master sending her here.

A poor scholar is unreliable.

If we rely solely on poor scholars, I'm afraid something will go wrong.

Take off the hat.

Her eyebrows are picturesque, and her exquisite body, even if she is standing still, still has a breathtaking beauty.

She is also a great beauty.

"I don't know who you are from?"

Li Ye got up, he knew very well that he was in an extremely dangerous situation.

Not to mention others, even the poor scholar, he also felt that he was invincible. With his current improvement in strength, he still couldn't feel the depth of it from the poor scholar.

The unknown symbolizes terror.

However, losing is not losing.

"Master Cheng Qingtian." The delicate voice is very pleasant.

Li Ye turned his head to look at the shivering boss behind the table in the restaurant, and then turned his head.

"You don't mind letting this innocent boss go first. He's from Xia. Of course, if you don't mind, I can accompany you to the end."

Ling Ji frowned when she heard the breathing rhythm behind the table.

"Let's go now."

She scolded coldly.

The old restaurant owner ran away upon hearing the sound.

"Stupid donkey, you've gone too far. You don't know how to beat people in the face."

The poor scholar was still beating the donkey to death, completely forgetting his mission, which made Lingji feel a little ashamed.

She rarely had contact with poor scholars, and she had heard many rumors about poor scholars being unreliable, but this time she really felt it.

Hu Chi.

Another donkey brayed.

Gold and iron collided, and a torn strip of cloth flew across.

As the gentle wind came slowly, at this time, the old man in the wine shop also ran a little farther, Li Ye and Ling Ji's aura instantly locked on to each other.

There was a muffled sound in the air.

Ling Ji's jade hand touched her slender waist, she drew her sword out, and the lightning flashed, the sword's light was erratic.

It was a soft sword, and the change in trajectory was even more weird and unpredictable, with many changes, but its strength was extremely astonishing.

Before the sword arrived, the mountain-splitting power was already covering Li Ye's face.

The sudden gust of wind blew the small wooden chair away, and the messy sword energy tore the canvas.

However, Li Ye didn't move at all, the pupil of the knife moved up and down, left and right, fast, following the trajectory of the sword light, ignoring the abnormal situation around him, and quietly drew the knife, silently, without even raising the slightest breath.

It shows that he has mastered all his strength, and he is extremely fast.


Fighting with swords.

Ling Ji's face was extremely ugly, she had a rare and good sword in her hand, but compared to the precious sword in Li Ye's hand, this non-precious sword, under Li Ye's full-strength counterattack, had more holes in her mouth.

"Treasure knife?"

A sudden sadness welled up in her heart.

There were many saints and strongmen in the Xia Dynasty, but because of this, there were also many disciples under the sect, and the treasure soldiers of the Xia Dynasty were limited, and it was impossible for one person to have a treasure soldier.

Even if he wanted to find someone to forge a precious soldier, the Xia Dynasty could only provide limited support.

"Famous Soldiers Villa, produced by Minghu, Tiandao, remember."

Li Ye sneered coldly, his figure moved forward instead of retreating, and raised his breath, his figure was like floating catkins, without the slightest sense of disobedience, he swung out with a knife, and the wind was calm and calm.

The seemingly ordinary horizontal slash actually hides countless changes. No matter how Ling Ji responds to his slash, he has follow-up moves to deal with it.

Ling Ji retreated.

The corners of Li Ye's mouth were curled up, he stepped forward, stood up, and drew out his knife. His figure suddenly rose in momentum, and in Lingji's eyes, it was like a majestic mountain, a crazy god and demon, and a huge phantom shrouded the earth.

It seemed to be an unknown world, full of wild atmosphere.

Cut out the sword light again and again.

Head start.

Reminded by Li Ye's sword, she chose the wrong way to deal with it, and she was a little exhausted, so she had to deal with Li Ye's sword light.

Bang bang bang.

A series of swords collided with each other and exploded.

Ling Ji's soft sword was like a storm, enveloping her whole body in sword light, but this momentum was dealing with Li Ye's continuous sword light.

Gradually, the confrontation between the two also deviated from the wine shop.

Continuously receiving moves and parrying moves, Ling Ji's soft sword had several cracks.

The sword light jumped back and forth beside her, flickering, just to be able to block Li Ye's knife before the crisis came.

Judging from Ling Ji's breathing rhythm, if there is no other means, it may be difficult to maintain it for too long.

She is a stubborn person, and she will not ask poor scholars for help unless it is absolutely necessary.

As for the poor scholar, we have to talk about his unreliable attributes. He actually stopped fighting with the donkey. When Li Ye and Ling Ji fought, he still had a leisurely time and burned two bowls of noodles in vain.

If Ling Ji hadn't been too tired of dealing with Li Ye's sword and had no time to care about him, and didn't know what the poor scholar was doing, she would have given up attacking Li Ye and planned to kill the poor scholar with a single sword.

Fragrant sweat.

Ling Ji opened her mouth and spat out, violently and ferociously, as if the sword energy locked in the void in all directions suddenly appeared, the speed was extremely fast, and Li Ye was caught off guard.


Li Ye tilted his head, the zhenqi attached to his cheek was torn apart, cracks appeared on his cheekbones, and within two seconds, his cheek was dripping with blood.

Fortunately, this fatal attack was avoided.

But Ling Ji's attack was not limited to this one move, taking advantage of the gap, a sharp and incomparably sharp sword light suddenly flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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