I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 201 Chapter 205 Stone City (1 more)

Chapter 201 Chapter 205 Stone City (1 More)
government office.

At the stone table in the courtyard, Qiu Hong, Diao Caizha and others tasted tea and discussed the Tao.

"Hey, everyone, this time I was lax and made a big oolong. I owe the Wang family this time, so I will allocate [-]% more to the Wang family for the spring material transportation share. Please also Please take care of yourself."

Diao Caizha and the others looked at each other.

After talking for a long time, they co-authored that they were invited to use their share to subsidize the Wang family. The Wang family was happy, but they lost a lot of income.

It's a good idea, let us make up for the troubles we caused. Diao Caijiao cursed in his heart.

However, his mouth said.

"Fu Yin Renyi, this matter has nothing to do with Fu Yin. No one knows that this is the crime of his royal family. If he offends others, the consequences are entirely his own."

"Yeah, let me put it another way, Mr. Fu Yin doesn't need to pay attention to his Wang family's little emotions. Regarding the transportation of grain to Fucheng, we can completely leave it to us. It doesn't matter if there is one less Wang family."


One person speaks one word.

"That's the way it's settled." Qiu Hong didn't think anyone would refute it, so he settled it directly.

This kind of attitude makes people want to scold their mothers, but there is nothing they can do about it. Qiu Hong's backstage is hard.

At this moment, a yamen servant came to the threshold of the yard and came to Qiu Hong.

"My lord, the third lady sent a message that things are ready."

Qiu Hong waved, and then bid farewell to Diao Caizhu and others.

A group of people walked to the entrance of the government office, a carriage was listening to the entrance, and behind them were two porters, carrying a large wooden box.

"Then I won't send you off."

After saying goodbye, Qiu Hong got into the carriage, and Diao Caizhu watched the carriage go away.

"Brother Diao, just watch like this and let the Wang family take advantage of it."

"There's no need to worry about so much, it's just a season, just treat it as a waste of money for the Wang family, what a big deal."

"You can't say that. Wang Ming has always been on good terms with His Highness. Now that his father died and he took the position of Patriarch, he is afraid that this [-]% will become a permanent one. He should be happy."

"Why are you so happy, this time there is such a big scandal, the female family members of his Wang family heard that many of them were broken when they came out, and his Wang family will keep their heads down in the future, and they will have no face to face others."

Each talked their own way, and then a group of people got into the carriages that came from their own homes.

Qiu Hong came to Li Ye's mansion in a carriage, and Mr. Xu came out to greet him.

"What about your Highness?"

Walking in the yard, Qiu Hong asked.

"I'm retreating." Director Xu said.

Qiu Hong snorted coldly, in his opinion, Li Ye was avoiding him.

But it doesn't matter, he had expected it before coming, and then wandered around the mansion, as if he was looking at something and asking about Li Ye's daily route.

And all of this, Mr. Xu explained in detail.

Walking to the colonnade, which happened to be facing the door of Li Ye's bedroom, Qiu Hong pointed to the colonnade and said.


The people he took behind separated two carpenters, holding tools, and after the maid handed them the processed picture scrolls that could prevent wind and rain, hang them on the pillars of the porch.

"The last point is to the left, and the angle is not enough."

Qiu Hong pointed to the pillars, proofreading and giving pointers.

"Lord Qiu, what are you doing? If you move around outside the dormitory, His Highness will blame me."

Director Xu looked at Qiu Hong who was changing his tricks to remind him, and couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, afraid of being scolded.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful your highness is, he is also the child of Concubine Yi. This is his mother's concubine's instruction. If there is anything, just let him go to his mother's concubine."

In the following time, Qiu Hong hung a windproof and rainproof picture scroll in the most conspicuous places where Li Ye often came and went.

Four months later, spring blossoms and snow melts.

The retreat of the silver equipment made the earth full of vitality again.

Vast grassland.

Li Ting was riding a horse, followed by a short but strong man with a machete on his waist.

When he came under the agreed tree, he got off his horse.

This is a hillside, and on the top of the hillside grows a short-necked tree surrounded by four people. The thick branches go towards the east, covering a river below the hillside with half of the shadow.

"Mr. Jun, your whole body is related to the safety of the garrison, and you also got the information you want to know from that woman, why bother to get involved again, love."

The machete man persuaded Li Ting.

"Mr. Moxibustion, I know what you want to say, this is the last time, and she is really kind, I really don't have the heart to hurt her, so I will see you this time.

Not only did I date her, I also dated Seventeen. This time it was about the battle of Dunyu, and I also needed his two shadow killers to help me deal with a few people. "

Li Ting stood in the shade under the tree and looked into the distance. Under the sunshine, a stone city stood on the grassland in the distance.

From his position, Stone Town was small.

But he knew that the stone city was huge, it was the center of Dunyu small country in western Xinjiang, and it was also a relatively important tribe of the Di people, and it would be the foundation for the Yu Dynasty to gain a foothold on the grassland in western Xinjiang.

Waited for a while.

A red horse ran towards the city. The person on the horse had an exotic look, with wheat-colored skin, a straight nose, and a pair of big eyes. He didn't have a sharp weapon on his body, so he just ran over.

"Hey, Fourteen."

Her enthusiastic voice has arrived before the person arrives.

Not long after, her smile that seemed to never fade appeared in Li Ting's eyes.

"When I received your letter, you didn't know how happy I was. It's been a winter since we met last time. Hey, why did you take another person out of your caravan? The grassland is very dangerous. You shouldn't Bring someone."

Sang Zhu glanced at the man next to Li Ting, but she didn't see how powerful this man with the machete was at all. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like an ordinary person.

If you want muscles, you don't have muscles.

To be tall or not.

In her opinion, a real master should be like those Hercules in Dun Yu Kingdom, with a strong physique and a tall body, who can break boulders with a single palm.

Sangzhu chattered non-stop, saying a lot of things she thought were interesting.

Li Ting listened quietly, looking at her optimistic face, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

".Prince Kang Tuo is a hateful person. Even though my father rejected his marriage proposal, he still refused to let go. He stayed in my Dunyu Palace with a stern face, so he didn't piss me off. Several times, I almost wanted Let someone beat him to death"

When Sangzhu talked about this Prince Kangtuo, his heart was full of resentment.

Li Ting was taken aback.

"Kang Tuo, he is not the prince of Snake Yu Kingdom. They rarely come to the east. The Tocharo Basin is not a place for them to invade. They want to invade east?"

Sanzhu shook her hand.

"The people of Snake Yu Kingdom are so arrogant, Dongjin is not, but they were invited by the Tuoda tribe of the Di people, it is said that they are to guard against you Beiyu people, who told your army of Beiyu people to beat the Tuoda tribe so badly up.

No, Tuoda can't beat you Beiyu people, they call people, you have to be careful when doing business, these people always like to rob your Beiyu businessmen recently. "

Bang bang bang.

The sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and three small black dots came.

(End of this chapter)

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