I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 186 Chapter 190 On the Road (4 More)

Chapter 186 Chapter 190 The Road (4 More)
Simple high-walled house.

The yamen servants running back and forth at the gate of the mansion, carrying out mouthfuls of large boxes from the mansion gate, and the heavily armored soldiers guarding the gate.

Compared with the local families in Fang Liangcheng, Li Ye believed more in the black-armored soldiers sent by Li Ting. All important places of the Zheng family must be guarded by black-armored soldiers.

"Is this the end of the Zheng family?"

"Yes! There is no warning, but I heard from my little nephew in the government office that this time a highness came to the city. No matter how powerful the Zheng family is, it can't compare with the royal family. It's all in one pot.

I also heard that last night in the courtyard of the government office, all the powerful families were detained in the government office, which left the Zheng family alone and helpless. "

"True or not, don't fool me."

"I didn't say that, it was my little nephew who said that he was serving in the government office last night, what could be wrong?"

There were many good-natured people at the intersection, pointing at the cart at the entrance of Zheng's mansion.

The carriage came from the other side of the street. Li Ye got out of the carriage, glanced at the crowd in the distance, and saw several people with extraordinary bearing. He was not surprised by this. Floating wealth doesn't matter if you don't attract attention.

It was him, Li Ye, who recognized one of them. He had seen one of them when he entered the city yesterday, and his eyes were rolling around.

Then he watched the man leave, turned and entered the mansion.

As soon as he entered, Dong Zijian came over with an account book, his face extremely angry.

"The Zheng family did not deserve to die. They found many shocking things from the house. Your Highness, I have one more thing to report. The Chen warehouse managed by the Zheng family, they dared to exchange the old for the new batch of ordnance supplies. This matter must be thoroughly investigated."

Li Ye's expression was very calm.

When it comes to incriminating, the scope is too broad.

Not only the Zheng family, but even Li Ye himself had blood on his hands. In other words, he deserved his death.

"Is the amount large?" He said while reaching out to take Dong Zijian's account book.

"It accounts for more than half of the number, and several companies, including Wang and Diao, are also participating."

Li Ye remained expressionless, waved his hand to stop Dong Zijian's words, and glanced sideways at the sneaky man in the distance.

"Okay, I understand this matter, your task is to count the assets of the Zheng family, don't say anything you shouldn't say."

Afterwards, he flipped through the account books as he walked, and couldn't help but be amazed when he saw the incoming and outgoing goods on it. He thought that compared with ordinary people, the floating wealth he handled was already amazing, but he never thought that the Zheng family's turnover was even greater.

Any amount of expenditure, the income is more than a thousand dollars.

After looking at it casually, he turned to the last item, which is ten million million million million million, and each unit is preceded by a number.

"Your Highness, this is the general ledger I got from the Zheng family. We are still sorting out the ledgers we have counted."

Dong Zijian said.

Li Ye glanced at Dong Zijian and handed the account book back to him.

About Dong Zijian, Li Ye had inquired from Dou Fuwei and others.

According to their description, Dong Zijian is like an idealist, not suitable for being an official.

"Then Your Highness, let the other storehouses be transferred to the king and the Diao family."

Dong Zijian wanted to say something more, but before he finished speaking, Li Ye raised his hand to stop him.

"You can do your own thing with peace of mind."

Dong Zijian took Li Ye to make an inspection. This inspection lasted for an hour, until Lieutenant Dou Fu came in front of Li Ye.

"Your Highness, we have found out his whereabouts."

Captain Dou Fu handed a note to Li Ye, Li Ye removed the wrapped note, lowered his eyes, and looked at the writing on it.

"No need to send it, you are busy!"

Li Ye turned and left.

The moment he went out, he felt a faint peep, with a faint murderous intent, and looked around, and the peep disappeared, making him frown slightly.

Good at locking air machines?Is it the remnants of the Zheng family, or other people? There are many people who want to kill Li Ye, and many Zheng family members fled last night. He is not sure who the murderous intent came from.

Of course, he is in Fang Liangcheng, and he is more likely to be from the Zheng family.

After getting into the carriage, Li Ye gave orders, and then sat in the carriage, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Your Highness, how many people have been locked up, I don't know if they are in the same group, or should we solve them all?"

A hoarse voice sounded.

"No need." Li Ye whispered a few words.

The carriage continued to drive towards the pedestrian-intensive street, and the murderous intent became more and more intense. When it reached the center of several small vendors, the driver of the carriage showed determination and pulled the reins, causing the galloping horse to raise its front hooves.

It hisses.

This was like a signal, many peddlers jumped up suddenly, some slipped daggers out of their hands, some picked up bows and crossbows, all of them were risking their lives, just wanting to take Li Ye's life.

"The Zheng family is really dead but not stiff. It's so naive to think that you want my life just because of you."

Li Ye opened his eyes and looked at the man driving the carriage for him with a dagger in his hand, his face was indifferent, and the knife hanging in the carriage let out a groan.


It turned into a stream of light and directly pierced the man's head, and there seemed to be relief in the eyes.

Genuine Qi was mobilized in the body, and the knives and knives in the carriage trembled and clanked, piercing through the carriage, each finding their own target, and no one was spared. The moment they hit, the knife energy erupted on the assassin.

Bang bang.

The assassin fell to the ground.

call out.

A slight sound pierced the wooden boards of the carriage, and a slender silver needle, glowing red, came straight towards Li Ye.

Just when the silver needle came, Li Ye raised his hand and pointed, the fingertip exploded with saber energy, and pressed it in front of the poisonous needle.

He got up and got out of the carriage, looked at the pedestrians fleeing the scene, examined them one after another, and saw a figure walking bent over. He flicked his fingers, and the saber energy pierced the air, passing through the crowd.

Whenever someone unconsciously blocks the path of the saber energy, the pedestrians will feel the cold air invade their bodies and freeze in place.

Suddenly, the man straightened up, with a look of hatred on his face, and moved his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but when he spoke, the saber energy that had passed through the smooth road had already broken into his body.

The saber qi erupted in his body in an instant, turning into countless smaller saber qi, making him look complete on the outside, but in fact his body has become a mess.


a scream.

Li Ye stepped out of the carriage and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

After passing through two streets, he came to an inn with a height of six floors and a large area. What was even more difficult was that the boss was very smart, and there were two welcoming girls standing in front of the door.

Although she is not as gorgeous as a brothel, the welcome girl has an excellent figure and a beautiful face, and she smiles slightly at the guests.

This feature is destined for the inn to be like a cloud.

The horizontal plaque of the inn is also very suitable for the occasion, Yunlai Inn.

"Come, come, guest officer, please come in."

Xiao Er came out to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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