I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 163 Chapter 166 Love (4 more)

Chapter 163 Chapter 166

A crack appeared on the stone carving, which changed Jing Huan's face drastically.


She looked around the stone carving, and suddenly, the stone carving shattered, splashing stones.

Zhenqi formed a shield to protect herself and block the stones.

Footsteps sounded.

"Saint, are you alright?" The handyman in charge of the mansion walked forward quickly, looking at the messy yard.

Jing Huan took the dagger, walked to the dusty stone bench, waved a strong wind to blow away the dust, and sat down.

"Send someone to clean it up."

After explaining the matter, she fell into thought.

Recalling the teachings of my master, I murmured, "Mountains are not just mountains. What exactly is the master trying to say, isn't a mountain just a mountain? Is it rare that a mountain can become a mountain?"

Be puzzled.

The noise of the moving stones startled Jing Huan. She looked up and saw her servant in the inner courtyard silently directing the male servants transferred from other courtyards.

"Ping'er, tell me honestly, do I look like my stone carving, tell the truth."

Poking with fingers, Ping'er, who was directing, would be dazed.

She came to Jing Huan, looked at the broken stone sculptures on the ground, and quickly organized her words in her heart.

"Saint, Ping'er has seen a lot of stone sculptures carved by saints. From the bottom of my heart, they are too similar. When I saw the Jiugou Spring on the stone sculptures, it was like seeing it with my own eyes. It is so similar that I can't fault it at all."

Jing Huan crossed her fingers.

"Yeah, it looks very similar to me. It has carved out the charm of the mountain. Why do you always feel that it is not perfect? ​​You said, the mountain is not just a mountain. What do you think of this sentence?"

Ping'er smiled wryly.

"Saint, don't embarrass me. What can I think? I'm afraid that if I mislead the saint, that bottle deserves death."

As a maid in the inner courtyard, she knows very well that the Holy Maiden of Jinghuan has been troubled by the practice of true meaning, but she is just a little maid who doesn't know what true meaning is, and she is afraid of saying the wrong thing and misleading people.

Suddenly, she remembered the anecdote about the handyman on the mountain.

"By the way, Holy Maiden, don't you often say that you draw inferences by analogy. I heard that there is a true saber gesture left by His Royal Highness the Seventeenth Prince at the Ziyuan flower bed. No one has been able to break it so far. Maybe the Holy Maiden can try it, and maybe you can get something. .”

Hearing what Ping'er said, Jing Huan became somewhat interested.

"True intention sword gesture, what's going on?"

Ping'er chattered out the news she had inquired from others.

"Crouching Tiger Ridge and the others all failed, and this matter is getting worse and worse. I heard that Mr. Ming from Jiantang tried it once, but he also returned with broken wings. Mr. Ming is one of the few disciples in the mountain who has realized the true meaning. .

Mr. Ming is not as good as the saint, and His Royal Highness the Seventeenth can defeat Mr. Ming. His sincerity must be very powerful, and maybe it can help the doubts in the saint's heart. "

Jing Huan recalled the hasty fight last time, and couldn't help being moved.


Getting up, she walked out of the yard.

When she came to the purple kite flower bed, the crowd in front of the wooden pillar decreased a lot. Those who failed were not so thick-skinned and still stood here for people to watch. people who try.

The little sword king Jing Huan looked over.

At this time, standing in front of the wooden pillar was a man with a tall and straight body, with a pattern of swords on his cuffs, and the fierce sword aura shot up into the sky. It was Xiao Zhigui, the big disciple of the Sword Hall, the branch of Xueheng Mountain, the "Little Sword King".

"Get out of the way."

One of them reminded.

The little Sword King's body moved.

This kind of abnormality surprised everyone, they didn't know what was going on, and they all backed away to open up space.

The sword light suddenly appeared, and it swiped to the left, and the figure of the little sword king moved accordingly, crossed with one foot, and folded his fingers into sword fingers to refer to the sword.

Suddenly, a part of the cuff broke, and his figure shifted to the left, hastily changed his moves, and stepped back, the sword light trembled, and multiple sword shadows appeared in an instant.

"If the little Sword King's move hits me, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch it at all. It's powerful, powerful. It's worthy of being a big disciple of the Sword Hall and a martial artist with perfect strength."

It was praised.

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Zhigui, the 'little sword king', froze. He retracted his sword and turned around. He took another step back, and his sword pointed out horizontally, chasing and biting like a long snake.

Some people also admired this move secretly, but they also knew the consequences of the person who spoke up in front. At this time, he was afraid of being slapped in the face, so he didn't speak out, but waited and watched.

"It's closed again." Someone said in surprise.

Everyone also saw that something was wrong, and the Little Sword King's face became serious.

Make a move, take a step back, never complete the sword move.

When he retreated to the threshold, the little Sword King lost his momentum and gasped heavily.


Little Sword Dynasty clasped the wooden pillar, not only admitting defeat, but also expressing admiration, "Admiration, although you didn't intend to help me, but you also let me see my own shortcomings, thank you."

After turning around, when he saw Jing Huan, he was slightly stunned.

"Saint, you are here too."

Jing Huan smiled and closed her head, and walked straight to the wooden pillar, feeling the domineering will attached to the knife.

As soon as the will touched slightly, she saw Li Ye standing with his hands behind his back, and his figure became more solid.

Turning around, he slashed down with a chemical knife.

This time Li Ye's moves changed.

When the knife landed, Jing Huan seemed to see a piece of heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and the activities of beasts. It was as if the sky and the earth were cutting towards her.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

This is Li Ye's home court, Jing Huan knew that she could not retreat, if she did, she would be like the little sword king, she could only retreat step by step until she lost.

Facing the terrifying attack, she stepped forward instead of retreating, and with pride in her heart, she struck out with a palm.

Nothing changed, just a full blow.

Behind Jing Huan, mountains emerged, Jiuling and Thirteen Peaks, heavy snow fell, moving towards Li Ye's knife with the movement of her palm.


When the blades and palms collided, the rest of the rage erupted, and a strong wind blew up.

One side collapsed and the ground cracked, the other side trembled, rivers and rivers changed, and figures floated on the ground, grasslands, rivers, and mountains. Holding a knife, regardless of life and death, they slashed towards the collapsed nine ridges and thirteen peaks.

Thousands of saber auras emerged, and a single saber aura was not powerful, but when there were many, it was extremely astonishing.

The world with the addition of the knife is even more vast than the Jiuling Thirteen Peaks. After the Jiuling Thirteen Peaks completely collapsed, the blade was only broken in half, and the remaining half looked like corpses strewn across the field.

Jing Huan took a step back, her eyes seemed to have some insight, thinking of the person on the knife.

"People on the mountain? People on the mountain, yes, people on the mountain. Mountains are not just mountains, they are also places where people live. No, not only people, but also animals, plants, living and dead things all over the mountains and plains."

She got it.

"The mountain before me was just a mountain, but the mountain is not only the mountain itself. My Xueheng Mountain is where it is today, and it is more because of people who go forward and follow, risking their lives and forgetting to die. I understand that this is the most powerful part of Xueheng Mountain. "

She kept mumbling.


Jing Huan bowed her hands in salute.

Everyone was at a loss, not knowing what Jing Huan was talking about.

"Saint, what are you talking about?" someone asked.

Jing Huan didn't answer, but turned and left. She felt that it was necessary to meet Li Ye for a detailed discussion.

The figures drifted away.

(End of this chapter)

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