I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 132 Chapter 134 Feeding (4 more)

Chapter 132 Chapter 134 Feeding (4 More)

The rotating spoon collided with the porcelain cup, making a crisp sound.

Li Ye's eyes fell on Linghua's face.

"I'm the most generous person, Miss Linghua. Two days ago, you always said that I was stingy and didn't prepare it for you. Today, I will let you drink this porcelain cup."

The porcelain cup was pushed in front of Linghua, the fragrance was getting closer to Linghua, making her subconsciously hold her breath.

Calling Linghua to be a girl is Linghua's strong request.

No matter what kind of woman, age is always a big taboo.

"Dafang bastard, get the hell out of my old lady, just your little trick, don't make fun of me."

Linghua cursed at Li Ye.

Cover with a porcelain lid.

"Come here." Li Ye shouted.

Not long after, the chief guard who was guarding outside the wall in the distance walked in.

"Your Highness."

Li Ye didn't move his head, and started to eat with the dishes in between.

"Go and find everyone who has the opportunity to touch the porcelain cup."

"Yes." The chief guard didn't ask much, and turned around to act.

Immediately, there was a flurry of chaos in the mansion, and not long after, more than a dozen people were brought in front of Li Ye, and one of the maids was detained.

"Your Highness, this maid tried to escape, so she was detained here."

The head guard explained.

Li Ye turned his head to look at the imprisoned maid, who was a bit petite and dainty, and was still talking when she was imprisoned.

"Your Highness, I didn't mean to run away. It's just that my family is poor. I stole a string of jade beads from the house and wanted to sell them so that I could exchange some money for the family. Please, this is only the first time for me, and I will never do it again." Dare."

Linghua watched with a smile.

"Theft, it's nothing more than a trivial matter. The newcomers to the mansion used to serve there."

Li Ye picked up the porcelain cup and walked to the maid.

The maid's body became trembling, and her speech was a little slurred.

"It's the Palace of Benevolence."

"Come on, open your mouth."

The maid seemed a little hesitant, but the person who detained her didn't hesitate, pinched her fingers and forced the maid to open her lips.

Li Ye scooped up a spoon and fed it to the maid.

She was forcefully swallowed, and because of Li Ye's rude behavior, the maid choked and coughed a few times.

Standing up, Li Ye put the porcelain cup in the palm of the chief guard's hand.

Everyone was confused and confused.

What's the situation now?
A dignified prince, His Royal Highness actually feeds a maid.

Everyone was very worried, not knowing what kind of gourd medicine Li Ye was selling in his heart. Anyone with a little discernment would know that things were not as they imagined, and they could even make malicious guesses.

The maid became much more relaxed.

All the changes in her demeanor were under Li Ye's eyes. Li Ye walked back to the pavilion and sat there for a while, with a little playfulness in his eyes. He didn't say anything, and didn't order anything.

Just watch quietly.

"You have a lot of evil tastes. If you are not the prince, if you are in the Demon Sect, you are really a natural born excellent seedling of the Demon Sect."

Linghua said appreciatively.

After Linghua said, the maid who had become relaxed suddenly became uneasy and became suspicious. She looked up into Li Ye's eyes and wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say.

In the whole mansion, Li Ye has great power.

Killing a maid is a trivial matter.

Especially regarding Li Ye, in the perception of all their servants, he is not a kind person.

She was not afraid of anything, but she was afraid that the more she talked, the more chaotic she would be, which would cost Qingqing's life instead.

But Li Ye's wild eyes were too domineering, making people afraid to look directly at them.


Beads of sweat fell to the ground unknowingly, and the maid was extremely nervous.

Picking up the jade chopsticks, Li Ye picked up the dishes and walked in front of the maid again.

This time, the maid was not as calm as before, and her body began to tremble slowly. Needless to say, everyone else saw the signs.

Her fear is by no means, as she said, just theft.

"I'm a kind person, I don't like killing people, but there are always some idiots in the world who never change their nature and hand me murder weapons every time. Can you feel my distress?"

Li Ye asked the maid.

The maid panicked, "Your Highness, Your Highness, I don't know what you're talking about. The maidservant hasn't studied much since she was a child, so she doesn't understand any major principles."

Li Ye nodded, as if to express his agreement.

It's just that only Li Ye knows what this recognition means.

"You know what I'm talking about. Maybe you really don't understand the big truth, but you know how to kill people."

His face was terribly gloomy.

"Open her mouth."

Forced to open his lips again, Li Ye personally fed the maid again, but after feeding this time, the maid responded immediately.

First he foamed at the mouth, then trembled, and his face quickly turned blue and then black.

When the head tilted, the person died.

Everyone looked at Linghua who was eating with gusto, and suddenly became more afraid. They couldn't figure out why the distinguished guests in the pavilion were so calm, maybe they didn't see the appearance of the maid.

"The beauty of death is really good and beautiful."

Li Ye glanced at everyone.

"Really, let's all go down." He waved his hand, signaling for everyone to leave.

The dead maid was carried away, and someone hurried to the kitchen to replace Li Ye with a new pair of jade chopsticks.

"Oh, there are always people who want to harm me, it's really hard to be a human being." Li Ye walked back to the pavilion.

Sitting opposite Linghua, quietly watching Linghua's eating, ridiculing from time to time.

"You are a grandmaster anyway, if you can maintain a little image, you will die if your posture is more elegant!"

Ling Hua turned her eyes to Li Ye.

Jingle bells.

After eating and drinking enough, she prepared for activities, digested the food in her body, slowly raised her arms, lowered them, and stepped out in staggered steps, not fast, like a beautiful dance.

As time passed, it was still at that speed, but her figure remained, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

At first glance, Linghua seems to have more than a dozen twins, and the overlapping parts of the body are very beautiful.

Enjoy while eating.

The afternoon passed unknowingly.

Sitting on the rocky rockery, Linghua looked down at Li Ye and said with a smile.

"I finally know why you practice martial arts so desperately, and then executed a desperate guy. How can someone be so stupid, thinking that just that little trick can put you to death."

She rested her chin.

"Just let these people stay in your house, and be careful not to capsize in the gutter."

Li Ye punched.

"No way, there are still a lot of idiots in this world. There is no way to blatantly beat me to death, but you want me to die, then you have to choose some dark means. If you don't try, you won't know. If it succeeds."

To be honest, Li Ye didn't tire of bothering.

But after all, I endured it and dealt with it one at a time. It's better to let these people show up and deal with them all at once.

Once one is solved, there will be another.

Before he has the strength to suppress the entire Zongfu, he can only follow the rules honestly.

"You can see clearly. When will you introduce your brother to me? The demon cubs of the Phantom Demon Sect are waiting to be fed, and they need to find something to do for them."

Linghua urged.

"I've always been curious, are you people from the Magic Sect as unreliable as you?" Li Ye asked.

Linghua was full of anger.

"What do you mean, I'm unreliable, how can I be unreliable, you talk about it, if it's wrong, then I will teach you a lesson."

Li Ye shook his head, "I don't think you care about this at all, why bother to bring it up."

The chaos in Yu Jing was a bit chaotic, but history has proved it many times.

As long as this kind of chaos exceeds the tolerance level of Monkey Ancestor, it will take action, which is not the soil suitable for the growth of the Demon Sect at all.

(End of this chapter)

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