I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 117 Chapter 118 A Different Hobby (4 More)

Chapter 117 Chapter 118 A Different Hobby (4 More)
Royal Garden.

Li Yuan walked among the flowers alone.

This is his unique habit, when he is troubled, he likes to be alone and calm.


There was the sound of anxious footsteps, and an old eunuch ran to the entrance of the garden with a hurried expression.

"what's up?"

Li Yuan asked.

The old eunuch whispered in Li Yuan's ear, causing his expression to change rapidly.


The old eunuch was also surprised and nodded.

"In this case, I underestimate him. An insignificant person has become an important variable in the chess game. Li Ye, if you don't tell me, I will almost forget his son."

Li Yuan's eyes became deep, and he walked back and forth among the orchid bushes.

"Go back to the palace."

After thinking about it again and again, he returned to the palace.

After returning to the palace, Li Yuan took out a blank imperial decree scroll, picked up a pen and wrote it.

Ladong Mountain.

Li Ye walked towards the private prison on the mountain with his hands behind his back, looking at the messy yard due to little use, smelling a sense of decay, he entered the private prison from the moss-covered stairs.

The private prison is not big, even a little cramped.

Under the stairs is an interrogation room, where there are all kinds of iron-ash torture instruments. At this time, Qingxuan is suffering from painful torture.

"Whether you say it or not, why did you assassinate my Highness? If you don't say it, this suffering is enough for you to bear."

I saw a torturer, who was putting his hand on the handle of the red-hot soldering iron.

Qingxuan, who was propped on the wall, had her ten fingers pierced by a thin iron needle, which was covered in blood, and from time to time, drops of blood dripped slowly.

"Meet Your Highness."

Hearing the movement from the stairs, the torturer turned around and saw Li Ye, he quickly let go of his palm and knelt down on the ground.

"stand up."

Li Ye waved his hand to signal the torturer to get up, walked up to him, and looked at Qingxuan's pale face.

This face made people feel even more distressed.

"Actually, why do you have to suffer? As long as you tell me what you know about me, I can make you feel at ease."

Qingxuan's eyes were like knives, wishing to crush Li Ye to ashes.

"I bother."

A stream of blood spurted from her mouth.

Fortunately, when Li Ye saw the movement of Qingxuan's throat, he immediately expected it, and the qi released formed an invisible iris, blocking the blood in front of him.

"Your Highness, are you alright?

Please rest assured, give me a few more days, and I will definitely pry her tongue open. "

Seeing Qingxuan's actions, the torturers were a little panicked, lest Li Ye's anger would implicate him.

"Go out first."

Li Ye waved his hand.

"Hey, as a member of the Demon Sect, how can I be afraid of your little tricks? Back then, when I escaped from many disciples and forced my way through many inhuman tortures, my little ten fingers and hearts couldn't do anything to me.

It fell into your hands, I admit it, but you must not let me escape, or I will definitely crucify you, just wait and see. "

Qingxuan was very stubborn.

Her determination was far stronger than Li Ye imagined. At that moment, the demon seed in her body absorbed a certain firm will and became more mature.

While maturing, the secret connection between the demon seed and Li Ye became closer.


Li Ye seemed to hear a ghostly voice, it was very vague, and it was disconnected after a while.

"Are you planning to break my bones with a tarsal knife? I'm really looking forward to it." Li Ye said a vague perception.

Qingxuan's pupils constricted, and she muttered in her heart.

How did he know what I was thinking? It was that real qi, and where did the real qi he planted in my body go? Suddenly, a more condensed real qi appeared in the dantian, it was his fault . Regarding the changes in the body, Qin Xuan still couldn't figure it out.

"Actually, I have always been very interested in the mysterious and mysterious sects of the Demon Sect. If you tell me something about the Demon Sect that the outside world does not know, maybe I can give you a good time."

Li Ye reached out his hand to Qingxuan's oily face, as if he was teasing her.

"Dream, don't think I'll tell you anything."

Qingxuan resisted the strange expression on her face, somehow, she felt that Li Ye's fingers were very friendly, which made her a little shy.

This feeling is something she has never had before.

You know, she is called a cold-blooded witch in Qiyin Pavilion, so how could she have strange emotions for an enemy who ordered to torture her.

It must be madness, delusion, delusion.

She kept retorting in her heart, but her face turned red unnaturally.

Li Ye was taken aback.

His finger rested on Qingxuan's face, but he seemed to hear Qingxuan's inner voice in his heart, this was a feeling he had never felt in other furnaces.

"Is it?"

He pulls his finger out.

When Li Ye pulled his finger away, Qingxuan suddenly felt a sense of loss.

This feeling made her wish she could slap herself twice more.

The next moment, Li Ye's fingers surged with genuine energy, and he tapped on Qingxuan's dantian again, forcing her to enter the sea of ​​energy, as if it was some kind of introduction, which made her sea of ​​energy tumbling, and it was amazing that more than half of it was consumed, leaving only a little bit more Condensed real air mass.

In the zhenqi ball, the phantom of a young child flashed past.


"What did you do to me?" Qingxuan was extremely frightened at this moment, martial arts practitioners are most concerned about the dantian issue.

Although restricted by the drugs, she couldn't perceive Qihai accurately, but such a big change in her body still caught her attention, but she couldn't perceive the specific situation.

Li Ye smiled.

With his hands behind his back, he stood in front of Qingxuan with a smile.

Suddenly, Qingxuan didn't know why she went crazy, the more she looked at Li Ye's face, the more she couldn't get angry, this change made her afraid, and made her happy.


Li Ye left.

The torturers guarding outside the private prison saw Li Ye come out, and then prepared to enter the private prison again.

"Wait a minute, you don't need to torture anymore, go to the medical management office to get some medicinal materials, treat her well, and satisfy her with good wine and food." Li Ye said to the torturer.

The torturer froze.

He didn't know that Li Ye was making a show, but he kept Li Ye's instructions in his heart.

What's wrong with me?Could it be that I have some special hobbies? Qingxuan in the private prison was a little dazed, watching Li Ye leave, suddenly realized that she wanted to hate but couldn't.

"Your Highness, there are people coming from the palace, and they brought a lot of things."

Xiangyu came over.

Li Ye followed Xiangyu to the Qiandian Hall.

The people in front of the hall are a group of eunuchs, behind them are boxes of sealed rewards.


The white-faced and beardless eunuch put on a serious face, opened the imperial decree in his hand, and read it out.

A long, stinking pile of false subterfuge.

The simple meaning is that Li Ye contributed a lot to this rebellion and lost a lot. As a father, Li Yuan was very pleased, and specially rewarded him with some compensation, as well as a mansion in the city and so on.

The other is to let him serve as a condolence envoy, and prepare to attend the Xueheng Mountain's annual sect ceremony in half a year, and the accompanying personnel are being drawn up.

"My son accepts the order."

Li Ye received the imperial edict with both hands.

After the eunuch finished reading the imperial decree, there was a pleasing look on his face.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty asked Xiao Nu to say a few words in private, saying that if Your Highness needs anything, feel free to speak up, and if you have nothing to do, you can come to the palace more, and describe the relationship between father and son with Your Majesty.

This is a great honor, Your Highness. "

Li Ye's expression remained unchanged, and he even sneered from the bottom of his heart.

To be honest, he has no father-son relationship with Li Yuan.

When he first came here, he didn't know, and he thought that Li Yuanzhen could do nothing to deal with the cold poison in his body, but in reality, it was Li Yuan who felt that it was not worth saving a prince who was also a cripple after he was alive.

Talking about the royal background, I really want to solve the cold poison in Li Ye's body is not a big problem, but there is no way to solve it 100% perfectly.

"I see, can I make any request?"

The eunuch closes his head.

"Then can you let him exchange some rewards, such as precious porcelain, calligraphy and painting, how about exchanging them for gold?"

Li Ye pointed to those ordinary people's coquettish porcelain calligraphy and paintings.

The eunuch was dumbfounded.


"Is there a problem?" Li Ye said.

The eunuch didn't dare to make decisions, and he didn't expect Li Ye to say such a thing.

"This, Xiaonu can't be the master, let Xiaonu report back to His Majesty."

He hesitated.

"That's fine." Li Ye said.

Xiangyu bid farewell to the eunuch, and quietly stuffed some hard goods.

Li Ye watched the eunuch leave, and couldn't help thinking about Xuehengshan, and felt a little strange why he was sent to Xuehengshan as a condolence envoy.

(End of this chapter)

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