Shadow Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 36 Evolved Soul Bone

Chapter 36 Evolved Soul Bone

"Aren't you going to explain?"

After Su Luoluo recovered to normal breathing, Lin Xuan looked at Chu Linger expectantly and asked, this is really good news. Charm with eyes closed can be said to be unprecedented, and charm relies on gathering soul power Using the soul power and spiritual power in the eyes to cause an impact on the local spiritual sea, the reason why it is not called a spiritual impact is because the sea of ​​consciousness will turn pink after being hit, and the whole person is easily sent away by the opponent.

"It's very simple, my spirit bone has evolved."

Sitting next to Lin Xuan, Chu Ling said proudly. Lin Xuan froze for a moment and then frowned. According to legend, only the soul bone of a god can evolve later. The best example of this is the Eight Spider Lances, the cousin of Senior Tang San The attached soul bone evolved by absorbing the same type of soul beast, but after all, it was an external attached soul bone, a simple evolution of the soul bone?

"Don't think too much, just cut off the left arm and dripped a few drops of the blood of the Bright Fox, this is a very normal thing, as long as the soul bone absorbs the same but higher level of soul beast's blood, it is also possible Evolved, and my ability to evolve is absolute charm."

"It didn't bring me any new skills. After all, it's not a 10-year-old soul bone, but it strengthened my three soul skills. The soul power consumption of the clone of the first soul skill is reduced, and the charm of the second soul skill can ignore the opponent. Whether you close your eyes or not, you must hit an instant soul skill, but the gap in soul power has become larger. At most, you can absolutely charm people within the gap of three levels. If it exceeds, it will not work. Being able to charm Zhu Lin to interrupt their martial soul fusion skills, of course, there is also a probability that it will appear in a state of confusion like you, and will attack people around you, this probability is only 10%."


Lin Xuan was overjoyed. The strengthening of Chu Ling'er this time can be said to have solved Lin Xuan's greatest concern. If he really released the martial soul fusion skill, he would have to expose and release the power of his own blood. As long as he is cruel, he can temporarily With the power of the soul king to fight the Nether White Tiger close to hand, if there is no White Tiger with Evil Eyes, he can fight against Dai Lin with the help of his physical strength.

"Then we will have more tactics in the future. Let's adjust it a bit. We will face Dai Lin in the first match."


The three got up and stood together again and began to sharpen their soul skills. Su Luoluo was the most unlucky one, because there was still a chance of confusion, and Lin Xuan seemed to have discovered how the [-]% probability was inferred. That's right, first of all, it's because Lin Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness likes Chu Ling'er, and after being charmed, there is a high probability that he will be in a state of chaos, but Su Luoluo is different, he really did it once out of thirteen times. in a state of confusion.

In this way, two days passed in a blink of an eye, Lin Xuan and the three had reached the peak of their integration, and Dai Lin and the others on the other side did not mean to underestimate Lin Xuan, they were also constantly preparing everything, before the start of the game Lin Xuan rarely practiced one night, but sat in front of the window sill looking at the moon, while Chu Linger snuggled into his arms. The evolution of the Bright Fox Soul Bone made her disguise technique easy to be manipulated. See through, she plans to stop pretending next semester, but not pretending means that she will live separately from Lin Xuan.
"Tomorrow's game may be very difficult. I only have one request. Don't be stupid. I know your character. Don't be so stubborn. Once you make a risk, I will expose my hole cards desperately, and the gain will outweigh the loss."

"Well, I will."

Chu Linger nodded. He knew what Lin Xuan meant. Their opponent was not only Dai Lin, but also a more terrifying Xue Qingtian. In fact, many people didn't care about tomorrow's group arena. , because the difference in strength is too small, you only need to go all out, but for Xiao Bei and Dai Lin, tomorrow's battle should not be underestimated. Although Li Qi's group seems to be the weakest, but Xiao Bei Bei didn't dare to be careless.

"Lin Xuan, tomorrow is the decisive battle. Although you and I will compete with each other, the team battle is the real test of strength."

After Dai Lin finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to practice. Just like this, the sleepless Lin Xuan saw a white fish appear in the east. He got up and stretched. His affinity for the power of space had reached its peak. The soul power also became more active because Lin Xuan realized the power of space last night.

"Today we will win."

Chu Linger got up and said with a smile, Lin Xuan nodded and went to have breakfast with her and waited in the arena. It was only after Chu Linger arrived that she found that her master at the guest seat was sitting in the first place with a displeased face. A position, let the students who came in front look at it adoringly.

Wuxing Douluo originally wanted to watch the game quietly over Shrek Academy, but Kong Lao not only refused to let him sit in the first guest seat, or get out, this annoying Wuxing Douluo yelled, there is no way Old Kong's fist is hard, unlike his Starless Douluo, who is just approaching the Super Douluo, he will definitely not be able to win.

Behind Wuxing Douluo, Contra and Soul Sage, who came to watch his heirs, were all sitting upright. Even the dukes of the two empires did not dare to be too presumptuous. Any one of Wuxing Douluo's fortune-telling can guarantee the luck of a country for ten years Wuyou, Wuxing Douluo helped the royal families of the two empires a lot in his early years.

Lin Xuan laughed dumbfounded and then stood on the stage. There was still something to do before the start. He looked at Wang Lin's expectant eyes on the teacher's seat, and immediately returned a relieved look. After all the contestants arrived at the venue, the teaching director After chattering a few decent words, all the arenas began to operate, and the dean came to Lin Xuan and Dai Lin's arena in person. The dean looked at both sides and said:

"You can start by reporting your name."

"Dai Lin, a level 37 assault system soul master!"

"Zhu Lin, a level 33 agility attack system battle soul master!"

"He Qin, a level 31 control system soul master!"

Lin Xuan looked at the white-haired woman who spoke at the end. He Qin shrank in fright from Lin Xuan's gaze. Zhu Lin stood in front of He Qin and looked at Lin Xuan coldly. Dai Lin smiled apologetically:

"Brother Lin, He Qin is a timid girl, so don't scare her."

"Brother Dai, I was negligent."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and just abstain."

Seeing that Lin Xuan started chatting, the dean's face was as black as the bottom of a pot and scolded, Lin Xuan shrank his neck and hurriedly cupped his fists and said:

"Lin Xuan is a level 33 agility attack system battle soul master."

"Chu Ling is a level 32 control system battle soul master."

"Su Luoluo is a level 29 control system battle soul master."

Seeing that both sides were introduced, the dean immediately came to mid-air, and both sides released their martial souls at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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