Shadow Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 182: Here Comes Huang Laozhang

Chapter 182
"It's really unlucky."

Lin Xuan said this sentence for the third time today. Although he got the shocking treasure, he was still a little worried, but it was nothing. Killing Harumu could only be said to be a last resort. A princess died inside. How could Lu cause a political crisis, but this is beyond Lin Xuanneng's control, he must find a secret place to rest now.

Lin Xuan found a cave in a deep mountain and dived in. However, after entering the cave, he still encountered a hundred-year-old spider soul beast. Lin Xuan didn't have time to entangle with this thing, so he released the purgatory dog ​​again. Purgatory When the dog saw the spider, his eyes immediately lit up. The best way for a monster like it to increase its strength is to devour its own kind.

Lin Xuan began to recover from his injuries in the cave, and the news about the Dragon Emperor's tomb had already resounded throughout the mainland, especially the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor had been taken away. For a while, there was a lot of turmoil in the mainland, but no one had any clue Who got the inheritance? Some people said that Princess Harumu got it and was robbed and killed halfway. Some people said that the people from the Zhenling Army got it and started killing them. There are different opinions for a while, but no one knows. Xuan's existence, after all, everyone who saw Lin Xuan died.

A month later, Lin Xuan returned to Yunheng City. At this time, Yunheng City was already strong and strong, and Yunwei quickly took down the two cities that belonged to Yunheng. In their hands, the Yunda Kingdom kept issuing ultimatums asking Yunheng to explain the situation to the capital, but Yunheng ignored it. This forced the Yunda Kingdom to muster 30 troops to Tieshan City next to Yunhengcheng to prevent Yunheng from rebelling.

It's just that in Yun Heng's view, these people are nothing more than chickens and dogs. His 30 Yunwei can break through the 50 miscellaneous troops. After all, the entire Yunda Kingdom only has 30 troops, and Yun Heng's [-] Yunwei And the [-] imperial guards, there are only these [-] miscellaneous troops, usually guards in various cities, and they are all paid for nothing.

When Yun Heng and the four major families were discussing the defense and what would happen in the future, Lin Xuan came back. This news made Yun Heng and others ecstatic. Lin Xuan smiled helplessly and said:

"Master Yun, let me take a rest anyway, I just came back."

"Young Master Xuan, this meeting can't be done without you."

Sun Deyi hurriedly poured Lin Xuan a cup of tea and said flatteringly, Lin Xuan helplessly asked:
"what happened?"

Zhang Hongjie didn't dare to be negligent and immediately gave a brief account of what happened recently. Lin Xuan nodded, which was almost as he expected. Yun Heng was able to be quiet for more than ten years because he dismissed Yunwei. Now Yunwei has gathered and recruited How could one hundred thousand recruits prevent the Yunda Kingdom from panicking? We also know that Yunda can rely on Yunwei from the principality to the kingdom, and the rest of the army is only for maintaining stability, and has never fought a few tough battles.

"Xuan Shao, what I mean is to go directly and eat the 30 yuan, and directly control the Yunda Kingdom, so that the Yunda Kingdom can support Yunwei. At that time, I can recruit another [-] troops, and my Yunwei will definitely be able to fight!" Invincible!"

Yun Heng said ambitiously, and Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction. How can a man be without ambition? Maybe Yun Heng doesn't want to be an emperor, but wants a steady stream of resources to supplement his Yunwei and make contributions. An official is certainly better than a king of a kingdom.

"Just do it according to your plan, but I have a request. Before I come back, I can only defend firmly and not chase blindly."

"Ah, Young Master Xuan, are you leaving again?"

Li Mingrui asked in puzzlement, why did Lin Xuan leave after leaving for a month, Lin Xuan looked at Yun Heng and asked:

"Do you still have money?"

"The power of three cities is not enough to support 20 troops, so I said that if there are taxes from ten cities, it can definitely support the three armies."

Yun Heng replied truthfully, this answer made Sun Deyi and the others smile awkwardly. It is true that except for Li Mingrui, no one would want Lin Xuan to stay here. After all, Li Mingrui is a pauper who is used to it, but they all know that they are all using the four major families now. The capital is used to support the army, Lin Xuan nodded and said:
"Let me prepare. Then we can start to fight. Just wait for my good news."


Everyone nodded excitedly. After Lin Xuan and the others gave some orders, they left Yunheng City overnight and returned to Shrek. Originally, he planned to take a rest, but Yunhengcheng is like a baby waiting to be fed. Don't delay him.

The 300 million gold soul coins won't last long at all, of course it's just this one, because apart from the money for buying a house, it can't be said that after all the money is given to Yun Heng, Yun Heng will definitely keep it, 300 million plus Lin Xuan's belongings It's only enough to buy equipment for 300 people, and it's definitely not enough for follow-up diet and maintenance, so he wants to go back to Shrek to ask for money and people, and even one Yunheng is not enough to kill Zhenling King.

There are regulations on the mainland that only Soul Douluo is allowed to participate in the ground war. Once the Title Douluo is found to be secretly attacking, he will be wanted by the mainland. Once the Heaven Dou Empire did not believe in evil and asked its Title Douluo to kill a senior general of the Star Luo Empire In the end, he was chased to Tiandou City by the owner of the Sea God Pavilion at that time and killed the Titled Douluo on the spot. After that, no one would disbelieve in evil, so this time Lin Xuan actually wanted to be a Contra senior or a The teacher followed him, of course his expectation was Wang Lin, after all Wang Lin retired this year, he wanted Wang Lin to help him.

It took Lin Xuan seven days to return to Shrek. At this time, Shrek was not affected by the war and started school on a daily basis. This year was more popular than other years. After all, no one wanted their children to be involved in the flames of war, so they all wanted to come to Shrek for a try. , Of course, the time for enrolling students has passed, half a semester has passed now, and Lin Xuan is almost 15 years old after all.

"The boy Lin Xuan is back."

Wuxing Douluo leaned against the window in the Sea God Pavilion and said with a smile. Chu Linger beside him froze. Wuxing Douluo came back three days ago. We still have to wait for Lin Xuan to bring that thing back.

"Ling'er, I really don't blame Lin Xuan for this incident, even if your mother is still alive, you won't blame him. Don't make people sad, okay?"

Wu Xing Douluo looked at Chu Ling'er and sighed, he was most troubled that Lin Xuan and Chu Ling'er had a falling out after returning, Chu Ling'er poured Wu Xing Douluo a cup of tea and said:

"He doesn't lack a woman for me, and I don't want to be with him."


Wuxing Douluo was speechless in an instant, Lin Xuan's flirtatiousness was also his biggest headache, after all, if it wasn't for Lin Xuan's flirtatious heart, he wouldn't be able to reach this point.

(End of this chapter)

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