Chapter 170 Reversal
"Guarantor Baimei thinks highly of us two brothers. We two brothers have one life and can serve the princess and the sect. Even if we die now, it's worth it."

Ma Liang said excitedly, Jose and Zhang Hongjie almost lost their composure, while Princess Linghe just laughed and didn't talk about it, she just came to see what the person who helped her a lot looked like, just when they were talking excitedly A servant looked at Zhang Hongjie anxiously.

"what happened?"

Zhang Hongjie hurried out and asked, what did the servant say to Zhang Hongjie, Zhang Hongjie turned pale with fright, Ma Liang and Jose felt something was wrong at the same time, the guardian with white eyebrows saw the ugly faces of the three of them and asked:
"what happened?"

"Is such that."

Zhang Hongjie hurriedly told all about Lin Xuan. A young man with a soul sage, and not just an ordinary soul sage, made people a little confused. Princess Linghe asked:
"Is this person from the Heaven Dou Empire?"

"It looks like someone from the Star Luo Empire. Princess, you also know that people from the Star Luo Empire are generally anxious, but that boy's face is still childish, but he is as thoughtful as a boy in his 20s."

Zhang Hongjie said with shame, with a look of displeasure on the face of the white-browed guardian, he looked at Zhang Hongjie and asked:
"Where's the Lord of Yunheng City? Just let these people run wild in the city?"

"Guarantor Baimei doesn't know something. Yun Heng is just a bullying waste. He made things difficult for our two brothers many times, and now he hides from the princess and doesn't come to visit him in person. It's obviously because of his little achievements."

Jose said maliciously, just when they were still about to discuss, Lin Xuan shouted angrily from outside, Lin Xuan kicked the guarding disciple away and shouted:

"Take it apart!"

After speaking, Li Mingrui's subordinates rushed out and smashed the wall of the Axe Gang. Even Lin Xuan was dumbfounded, saying that the demolition was really demolished?What are you doing?


Zhang Hongjie looked at the mess in his compound with blood-red eyes, Lin Xuan waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat, Zhang Hongjie looked at the fallen disciple and roared:
"Xuanlin! Today is the day when Zhenshanzong Dharma Protector and Princess Linghe visit our Ax Gang, how dare you come here to make trouble?"

"Oh, none of my business."

Lin Xuan said impatiently, the next moment Baimei shot directly, the whisk in his hand hit Lin Xuan directly, Lin Xuan didn't dodge or dodge and got hit by the whisk, Lin Xuan didn't take half a step back, he looked at Baimei Guardian and shouted angrily:
"Hey! You old man just strikes without saying a word? You try it, and you see if I beat you or not, it's over."

Xuantian and Li Mingrui behind him immediately released their martial spirits. Xuantian has two yellows, two purples and three blacks, while Li Mingrui is a bit shabby, with one white, three yellows, two purples and one black and seven soul rings. There is no way that Li Mingrui was born in a poor seventh It's not bad that the soul ring can be a black ten thousand year soul ring, which is why Li Mingrui is at the bottom among the soul saints, and he might not even be able to beat the peak soul emperor.

"It's just a rat, why don't you dare to use your real name? Are you a spy of the Star Luo Empire? Are you afraid that we will arrest you now?"

The white-browed protector said coldly, behind him seven soul rings with two yellows, two purples, and three blacks lit up, and behind him, Zhang Hongjie also had seven soul rings with two yellows, two purples, three blacks, and the two brothers Ma Liang had one white Two yellows, two purples, two blacks and seven soul rings, the atmosphere suddenly cooled down. Two vs. four had no chance of winning at all. The onlookers didn't know where Lin Xuan's confidence came from.

"The city lord is here!"

I don't know who shouted, Yun Heng followed two middle-aged men and a woman to the middle of the field, and behind them were hundreds of well-dressed soldiers. Yun Heng looked at Lin Xuan helplessly, he knew Lin Xuan Hyun is just forcing him out.

"City Master, this Lin Xuan demolished the courtyard wall of our sect. We have bought this land for hundreds of years and it is considered private property. What crime should private property be destroyed?"

Zhang Hongjie asked hoarsely. Yun Heng looked at Zhang Hongjie coldly and made Zhang Hongjie take a step back in fright. The guardian with white eyebrows stood in front of Zhang Hongjie and asked:

"What? Isn't City Lord Yunheng here to enforce the law?"

"The white old man is right. The city lord is indeed here to enforce the law."

Before Yun Heng could speak, Lin Xuan sneered, Bai Mei was about to strike when he was angry, but Yun Heng locked Bai Mei, and Bai Mei asked with an ugly expression:

"The city lord really wants to cover criminals? Against our Zhenshan sect? Don't forget that the princess is still here!"

"City Master, you came just in time. I want to ask if Ma Liang and Jose are on the wanted list?"


Yun Heng said lightly, Ma Liang and Jose stopped breathing, Princess Linghe looked at Lin Xuan in astonishment, Lin Xuan looked at the princess and smiled and said:

"Princess Linghe, I'm afraid you don't know that the two next to you are the two masters of Heifeng Village. I'm just here to tell you about their crimes."

This reversal stunned everyone. Sun Deyi and Zhang Zhengtong almost laughed out loud. It turned out that Lin Xuan dragged Yun Heng into the water, but did Yun Heng really dare to fight Zhenshanzong?

"Mushan, read it!"

Yun Heng looked at Lin Xuan coldly and said, he didn't like Lin Xuan pulling him in. Mu Shan was stunned for a moment, then took out a piece of paper from the beginning of the robbery to the massacre of the village and the killing of girls, and finally to the end Princess Linghe turned pale with fright, while the guardian with white eyebrows looked at Lin Xuan with a gloomy expression.

"Fathers and elders, there must be some of you who know these two scumbags. Today, these two people actually lied to the Guardian of the Zhenshan Sect and Princess Linghe. This is simply audacity. I, Xuanlin, want to punish these bullies today! "

"I, Li Mingrui, are the first to support! Even if I die today, I will kill these two bastards!"

Li Mingrui said viciously, the Tiger Head Saber Wuhun was already in his hands, everyone looked at Ma Liang and Jose with unkind expressions, Sun Deyi and Zhang Zhengtong looked at each other and at the same time released the Wuhun and stood beside Li Mingrui and said :

"What these two people did to our Yunheng City is absolutely devoid of conscience. As long as we are human, we should rise up and resist, not to mention that they have thrown themselves into the trap and killed such evil soul masters!"

Lin Xuan looked at Sun Deyi and Zhang Zhengtong with satisfaction. It seems that these two people are not too stupid. Lin Xuan looked at Baimei and Princess Linghe and asked:

"The two of you won't join forces, will you?"

Before Baimei spoke, Princess Linghe stood beside Lin Xuan and looked at Ma Liang and Jose coldly. She couldn't be with this kind of person. A perverted murderer who tortures and kills girls!
"The old man naturally doesn't know these things, and if he knew, he wouldn't stand with them."

Bai Mei said with an ugly face, Lin Xuan's words had already put Zhenshanzong on the stove, and he dared not disobey.

(End of this chapter)

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