Chapter 166 Conspiracy
"As far as I know, no. On the day Xuanzong opened, there were indeed people who wanted to make trouble. That's because the city lord would not take care of such small troubles, and no one dared to do it. Elder Liu of Guizong It's against the rules to do it, but Yun Heng didn't stop him."

Sun Deyi said, Lin Xuan looked at Duguxue, and Duguxue also began to think, she knew that Lin Xuan would go to Haibin City next month, Sun Deyi also saw Lin Xuan's hesitation and asked:
"Is there something wrong?"

"I will leave Yunheng City for a short time in a month, but Elder Liu won't go with me, but I don't worry about Elder Liu here alone to accompany you to participate in the city competition."

Lin Xuan didn't hide anything. Wuxing Douluo used the martial spirit to divination, so he didn't think the Church of the Holy Spirit knew about it in advance, and no one else would know about it. Sun Deyi thought for a moment and suddenly smiled and said:

"Then call directly."

"It seems that Sect Master Sun understands what I mean, but the two of us were not sure about this matter in the past. Do you have any allies?"

Lin Xuan asked, he did not believe that Sun Deyi had no allies, Sun Deyi laughed and said:

"Li Mingrui in the east of the city is the target of our alliance. Although the east of the city is a slum, their main income comes from the delivery of supplies, but the biggest order is our north of the city. It can be said that if the north of our city falls, the east of the city will not be able to survive. .”

"That is to say, you are on both sides of the border. Now the south of the city is the most lucrative. If we control the south of the city, then the west of the city will surrender without a fight. What will we do then?"

Lin Xuan asked, once everyone is united, will Yun Heng sit back and watch?Sun Deyi patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, Sect Master Xuan, I know what you are worried about, but I can tell you responsibly that the city lord only needs taxes, and he doesn't care how many of you join forces. As long as there is no Contra, his rule will not be threatened."

"No, no, no, the cunning rabbit is dead, the lackey is cooking, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, the south of the city and the west of the city will not know. Once the three parties unite, the south of the city will definitely pull the west of the city and ask for help outside the city. What will we do then?"

Lin Xuan said with some disappointment, he thought Sun Deyi was a talent, but his vision was too short-sighted, he only thought about things in Yunheng City, and thought that the city lord could do whatever he wanted, but what about the forces outside the city?

"What if the business in the south of the city has attracted Zhenshanzong for so many years?"

At the mention of the word Zhenshanzong, Sun Deyi immediately froze in place. Zhenshanzong will always be a holy place in coastal cities. I don’t know how many people want to join Zhenshanzong in order to get the protection of Zhenshanzong.

"Of course, I'm just talking. I don't think there's much to say. How about we go directly to the Green Gang in the south of the city tomorrow?"

Lin Xuan got up and came to Sun Deyi's side and said with a smile, Sun Deyi could only nod bitterly, Lin Xuan was naturally not afraid of Zhenshanzong, he just negotiated with Sun Deyi in advance, offending Zhenshanzong is almost a death sentence, Because Yun Heng would definitely not protect him, so what if he did?How can a low-level Contra fight against Zhenshan Zong.

"Sect Master Sun, don't worry about gains and losses. Call Li Mingrui to gather at the northern border of the city tomorrow. If I don't see people on both sides at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I think our cooperation can stop."

Lin Xuan drank the wine in the wine glass and left Wanjin Tower, leaving only Sun Deyi to think alone. Lin Xuan waved his hand to let Xuantian follow them to leave. Duguxue frowned and asked:

"Will he come tomorrow?"

"Don't worry, just watch the fight tomorrow."

Lin Xuan chuckled, Sun Deyi is indeed short-sighted, even short-sighted, but so what? He just needs to give Sun Deyi orders. He believes that if it is Li Mingrui, he will do it without saying a word, because Li Mingrui has nothing to do. Lost, he has exhausted all means of earning a living in order to protect the slums, but he is still suppressed by the south and west of the city, probably Li Mingrui is already angry.

"Sovereign. I think a war with Chengnan may lead to undoing."

The old man said worriedly, because the place was not closed, and Lin Xuan didn't lower his voice, so everyone outside heard it, how bold, to be so unscrupulous, although this proposal was also proposed by Sun Deyi at the beginning.

But Sun Deyi didn't think so much, this battle might make Yun Heng act recklessly, and then they can survive Hao Wenzong?The ancestor of Haowenzong before the fifth generation was also Contra, who once became the actual controller of Yunhengcheng, but after the fifth generation, although Haowenzong is still standing, the owner has already changed here, and Sun Deyi can only guard it. Although he wanted to carry forward the glory of his ancestors, he was unwilling to take risks.

"Remember, you have to work hard tonight, and don't let anyone approach my mansion."


Xuantian nodded, just in case Lin Xuan still left Xuantian with a power of space, this power of space can give Xuantian the ability to tear open space cracks for a short time, and most importantly, it can Sense the wind and grass around you.


After repeatedly exhorting Lin Xuan and Duguxue to enter the room, Lin Xuan looked at Duguxue and said:

"I'm going to see Yun Heng tonight, I want to know his attitude, so you just don't go out alone."


Duguxue nodded. Lin Xuan arranged a large isolation formation around him, then tore apart the cracks in the space and left the mansion. Before the curfew, he could see people from Haowenzong going to the east of the city, presumably to discuss tomorrow However, in the south of the city, three soul emperors were arranged at the border, and they would take action as soon as there was any movement, and Haowenzong also arranged three soul emperors.

Lin Xuan came to the City Lord's Mansion. Just as he was about to show up and walk in from the City Lord's Mansion, a man in black wrapped in a cloak attracted Lin Xuan's attention. The man in black stood at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion from time to time. He looked suspiciously around, but this kind of person was actually invited in by the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

Lin Xuan did not show up but hid in the void and followed the man to Yun Heng's hall. Yun Heng sat on the throne and looked at the man in black standing underneath and asked:

"Jin Xin, what are you doing in this remote place like ours?"

"Bring the sincerity of my lord to meet you, the God of War of the Yunda Kingdom."

After Jin Xin finished speaking, he waved his hand, and ten boxes full of gold and jewels appeared in the hall, but Yun Heng's eyes were still extremely clear, because he knew that the money would definitely kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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