Shadow Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 149: The chess difference is one move

Chapter 149 One move away from chess


Qian Jun fell directly under the ring and was quickly rescued by Li Yi and others. Qian Jun is afraid that he will withdraw from this competition. Once the players receive treatment from the behind forces, they will be regarded as giving up the qualification of the competition, and there is only Kong Dezheng in the field people.

Kong Dezheng first came to the edge of the ring and kicked Tieshan down, then turned around and looked at Meng Shaoyun with a gloomy expression. One-on-one was his dream situation. After Tieshan was sent down by Qian Jun's self-destructive attack, he There is plenty of time to solve Meng Shaoyun.

Kong Dezheng took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Lin Xuan chuckled and Kong Dezheng entered the real state. He closed his eyes so as not to let his eyes confuse him. It is you who want to have no desires and desires at this moment, and the skill of the fusion of human and sword can just achieve this step.


Meng Shaoyun snorted and released the second soul skill cat clone directly. She split into four and killed Kong Dezheng from four different directions. Her clone was essentially different from Chu Linger. First of all, Chu Linger Er'er's avatar can move freely and release soul skills at the same time, and both of them are real bodies that can cause damage, while Meng Shaoyun's avatar is harmless, but Kong Dezheng doesn't know which one is the real body. Then Kong Dezheng will be attacked.

The corner of Kong Dezheng's mouth raised a slight arc. Using a clone to deal with him is a sign of lack of combat experience. Tang Qunfeng in the audience was obviously looking gloomy at Meng Shaoyun who was going to die. This stupid woman lost important things twice in a row. If possible, he really wants to expel Meng Shaoyun, but he is not the team leader. Secondly, Meng Shaoyun is the granddaughter of Prince Xueyu, and no one can expel her.


Kong Dezheng swung his sword and turned around to release his fourth soul skill. Meng Shaoyun watched in horror as Kong Dezheng's long sword stayed a few centimeters in front of her throat. Kong Dezheng calmly smiled and said:

"you lose."

"Do not!"

Meng Shaoyun suddenly made an attack. He slapped Kong Dezheng's sword away and grabbed Kong Dezheng directly with his left hand. The referee didn't stop him, because Meng Shaoyun didn't admit defeat, and Kong Dezheng didn't end Meng Shaoyun's ability to act, but how could Kong Dezheng be able to do it? Will fall here, he sideways avoided Meng Shaoyun's blow, then swung his sword again and hit Meng Shaoyun's left hand, and then pressed the sword against Meng Shaoyun's neck.

"Don't make me kill you."

Kong Dezheng said coldly, this time Meng Shaoyun didn't dare to move at all, as long as she moved, she would definitely be killed by Kong Dezheng, and Prince Xueyu on the stand looked at Kong Dezheng with a gloomy expression, and he could only blame his granddaughter Mrs. If he was on the stage, Kong Dezheng would have died a long time ago.

At this time, the game officially started. Kong Dezheng and Qian Jun were receiving treatment. Lin Meng and Yu Xiao hadn't stopped since the start of the competition. Let them recover extremely quickly, the question now is who will fight next.

If Li Yi and Tang Yumiao play, once the opponent is Tang Qunfeng and the soul master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, or the fire attribute soul master, they are not so easy to deal with, and once Li Yi loses, then the next It's hard to say about the battle, Lin Xuan always felt that there was someone in the Heaven Dou Empire who could restrain his ability.

Others don't know Lin Xuan, but Xue Qingtian definitely does. He must have found an opponent to restrain him, but who is it?He knew all the eleven martial souls in the data, if there really was such a trump card, they would know it anyway.

"I think it's best to keep the original plan unchanged. After all, the three of us have a better chance of winning if we play together."

Li Yi said in a deep voice, Liu Yuhang and Mo Xiaochen couldn't sit still, Liu Yuhang got up and said:

"It's fine if we don't go up. If it's Tang Qunfeng and the soul master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, we'll just admit defeat, so that you can maintain your best condition."


Mo Xiaochen nodded in agreement, Li Yi has no choice but to take some risky moves now, the competition cannot be lost, if it really drags on to the team battle, it is really hard to say, they should try their best to fight for the second and second San's victory in the match was a victory won by Kong Dezheng and Qian Jun's desperate efforts.


Li Yi finally agreed to Mo Xiaochen and Liu Yuhang. One is an agility attack system soul master and the other is a control system wind attribute soul master. It is impossible for them to be easily defeated by their opponents. The empire actually fell in love with the soul king of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and then a man with a firm face.

"not good."

Li Yi's eyes darkened, he actually forgot the existence of this person, Lin Xuan also frowned, this person is the son of the Tang Sect medicine hall master named Yang Chahun, his martial spirit is the same as his ancestors All of his soul rings are to strengthen his own martial soul. Yang Wudi was once famous for defeating Title Douluo with Contra, and the soul-breaking gun was also listed as the top martial soul.

And Yang Shahun even surpassed his ancestors and created three soul-calling skills. These three soul-calling skills allowed him to defeat the 52th-level soul emperor even though his soul power was only [-]. ​​Li Yi did not expect Tang Qunfeng to be so bold as to let him The soul master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect gave up assisting him and instead assisted Yang Chahun.

After all, it was a bad move, and Mo Xiaochen and Liu Yuhang nodded. They were not too surprised. Although Yang Shahun was strong, the two of them could still deal with it. The referee came to the center of the field and said:

"Common names for both parties."

"Tiandou Royal Soul Master Academy, Yang Shahun."

"Tian Dou Royal Soul Master Academy, Ning Yun."

"Shrek Academy, Liu Yuhang."

"Shrek Academy, Mo Xiaochen."

The referee ordered Mo Xiaochen to take the lead in attacking. His first soul skill Tornado locked Ning Yun directly, and Ning Yun was directly blown into the sky, while Mo Xiaochen's second soul skill, Wind Shield, had just been put on by Liu Yuhang. The next moment his Seeing a flash of coldness in his eyes, he lost consciousness.

It turned out that Yang Shahun's long spear was thrown out by him with all his strength. The distance between the two sides was a full 30 meters, but Mo Xiaochen was hit in an instant. This was Yang Shahun's fifth soul skill. Letting go of this gap, he came to Ning Yun, who was dazed because of Mo Xiaochen's elimination, and released the fifth soul skill Blast Kill directly. Before the poor Ning Yun could react, he was caught as a blood man by Liu Yuhang.

After Liu Yuhang succeeded, the first soul skill was released instantly. He quickly dodged Yang Chahun's shot. Yang Chahun looked at Ning Yun with a gloomy expression. Ning Yun's injury was too serious. You can see the beating heart inside.

And Mo Xiaochen was not very good either. Shrek's Titled Douluo rescued him for treatment after his abdomen was penetrated. If he was delayed, he might be seriously injured for life. This is not good news. Participating in the competition is not good news for facing the Star Luo Empire later.

(End of this chapter)

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