Kuaishou Wanjie Museum

Chapter 92 [The sword that carves the boat and asks for the sword] is over (wan Geng asks for a tick

Chapter 92 [The sword that carves the boat and asks for the sword] is over (wan Geng asks for a ticket)
Ouyang Ruyu's heart trembled, and she asked vigilantly, "Has Mercury, my homeland, been invaded?"

"Insufficient authority to answer."

Authority authority is authority again, this authority dog!

"How to upgrade permissions?"

"Taskers are requested to work hard to explore the quest world and complete the quest.

Once accumulated, the authority will naturally be upgraded. "

In this sentence, Ouyang Ruyu heard two meanings.

First, every mission world should be explored and discovered as much as possible.

The second is the accumulation of mission worlds.

I am afraid that this accumulation is not only about completing more tasks, but also getting excellent evaluations.

Ouyang Ruyu always felt that it was not that simple if one could upgrade simply by completing tasks without considering the evaluation, and probably had to be classified as an invisible condition such as "excellent evaluation".

The tip of the iceberg revealed by the Ten Thousand Worlds Museum is already so powerful, how can the "permission project" it focuses on be so simple?
After all, this is a predator that treats other planes as food and initiates plane aggression!

This is a predator at the top of the food chain!
"Number 012's idea is completely correct."

——The mechanical voice caught Ruyu's thoughts, and answered very calmly and coldly.

"Where did the invading mission world come from, and how did the Wanjie Museum find it? Does this involve the legendary multi-dimensional plane?" Ouyang Ruyu asked again.

"Insufficient authority to answer."

"The result of the task calculation has been released." Ouyang Ruyu was about to pester her to ask further, when suddenly, a picture flashed in her mind out of thin air.

"【No. 012】Get rid of the weapon spirit sealed in the Fallen Leaf Sword, and accidentally complete the line of 'The Fate of Reincarnation for Thousands of Years'.

With the emergence of Penglai Xiandao, troubled times will arise, and magical soldiers will appear in the world. Among them, the thousand-year-old divine soldier [Batian] is the most eye-catching.

It is the first magical weapon discovered by people in the Kezhou plane, and it has attracted the attention of Emperor Cheng..."

After a period of background science, there is a series of congratulations.

"Congratulations [No. 012] for making the Divine Weapon Batian Sword disappear directly, causing chaos in the world, and promoting the progress of the invasion plane by 1%.

Congratulations [No. 012] for making a method of making magic weapons permanently lost, and promoting the progress of the invasion plane by 1%.

Congratulations to [No. 012] for making Cheng Huang's expedition to Penglai affected, and relying more on people from outside the sky to promote the progress of the invasion of the plane by 0.05%..."

A long series of cold words passed by, and finally, the important point came!

"The task is settled, [No. 012] completes 'Keeping a Boat for the Sword in the Sword' (normal evaluation), and rewards [-] utility points.

The order comes with a reward for invading the plane, [-] general points, and no additional conversion fee for the brought back items. "

Ouyang Ruyu blinked her eyes, and was taken aback when she heard it.

You said a long list of words there, what kind of progress was promoted, and I was like an epic hero, only to give [-] utility points in the end? !

Is this human talk?
Is this what people can say? !

No humanity, no humanity!

Her body moved uncontrollably, as if she was about to be pushed down by Muse, she quickly said, "Wait, I still have a few questions.

Muse, dear Muse, you're kicking me! "

However, to no avail.

Ouyang Ruyu was driven out without mercy.

This low-powered sand sculpture is inhumane and kills people without blood %*&¥... the authority dog!
Ouyang Ruyu scolded Muse thousands of times in her heart in her own way!
However, still useless.

The king is still a king, but she is a garbage king without any authority.

Fortunately, there are some basic questions, so you don’t need to go to Muse, just ask about the mission system of the Ten Thousand Worlds Museum for newcomers.

The mission system has a special channel called "Bai Xiaosheng", which is responsible for answering questions for newcomers.

"Bai Xiaosheng" is pretty good, but it's a pity that there is a fee.

It's okay to charge, but it's expensive.

Well, knowledge is priceless, so it's okay to be so comforted.

It took Ouyang Ruyu 20 general points to barely satisfy her curiosity.

There are hundreds of planes invaded by the Wanjie Museum, and these hundreds of planes are generally used as newcomer assessment planes.

Because these planes are already under the control of the museum, they are easy to manipulate.

No matter how big the newcomers make troubles, they can correct the circle and prevent the world from being affected by the collapse.

For other planes that have not been successfully invaded, the Ten Thousand Worlds Museum will send taskers to complete the task.

There are various forms of tasks, but they are all based on people's desires, curiosity, and love.

Every time you complete a mission, it will have a certain impact on the invasion world.

The more and more tasks are completed, the more successful the invasion of the world will be, and then the world will be completely annexed.

Why do some old people say that the tasks assigned by the Wanjie Museum are also very dangerous, and they have to compete with the natives.

This can be seen as an anti-aggression method for the plane world to let the local people eliminate the taskers.

The above is what Ouyang Ruyu can get, any news about "invading the plane".

Not much, but better than knowing nothing.

In addition, Ouyang Ruyu also knows what is called "additional conversion fee".

The "extra conversion fee" is based on the items brought back from the mission world, based on various factors such as the volume, quality, and energy of the items.

Ouyang Ruyu felt that her greatest reward was the Fallen Leaf Sword.

The Fallen Leaf Sword is not big in size and weight, but it contains huge energy.

After being appraised by "Bai Xiaosheng", if you want to bring back the Fallen Leaf Sword, the item conversion fee will start with thousands of points.

When she heard the news, Ouyang Ruyu actually felt the brilliance of humanity from the Wanjie Museum!
But it is still a permission dog ╭(╯^╰)╮!
After the knowledge appraisal was completed, Ruyu spent another [-] utility points to identify the body-building pill and the medicine bag.

The evaluation of Forging Body Pill is: [Low-grade rough processed pills, taken internally, with a lot of impurities.

For external use, there are no impurities, but the effect is minimal. 】

The medicine pack is: [low-level rough bath medicine pack, no impurities, little effect]

Ouyang Ruyu had doubts about the words "little effect".

She also saw the "Bloody Mary" she drank back then in the rookie hall. The first time she drank this glass of wine, she was promoted from the second level of body quenching to the third level of body quenching.

But the Wanjie Museum's evaluation of it also added a new note: the effect is minimal.

I don't know how the Wanjie Museum evaluates and grades these medicines. At least you have to experience the true efficacy of these medicines to know.

Ouyang Ruyu went around the newcomer hall, learned all about the functions of the Wanjie Museum for their newcomers, and then specifically looked for Jian Xuran and Geng Letian.

The fate between this pair of friends and her may stop here, and it is rare that they did not meet this time.

Ouyang Ru packed Yin Pixiu and green branches in his bag, held a Batian sword in his hand, and left the Ten Thousand Worlds Museum with a full load of 1701 universal points.

 (The plane of Carving the Boat and Seeking the Sword is over~ What should I write in the next plane? Thanks to Lan Lingyu, a local rich nobleman, for the reward of 1200 coins, I want to quietly reward [-] coins~)

(End of this chapter)

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