Kuaishou Wanjie Museum

Chapter 65 I Was Wrong

Chapter 65 I Was Wrong

A mighty infuriating energy emerged from this move, without the slightest bit of energy manifesting, and it couldn't be seen that it was powerful.

But it was precisely this true energy that made the pupils of the fox demon's eyes shrink, and she was knocked down heavily on the ground, even her original shape appeared!
A black fox!

Ouyang Ruyu frowned slightly, thinking that she didn't intentionally attack animals protected by the country.

Good is good, Amitabha.

Lin Meixin fell to the ground and wanted to say something, but she spat out a mouthful of blood.

She clenched her fists tightly, and a look of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, "Exorcist, you are an exorcist who has cultivated true energy!"

Ouyang Ruyu looked at her condescendingly: "You can think so if you want, why do you want to possess Lin Meixin so much?"

The fox demon suddenly laughed, "attached to her body? Hahaha, this body is mine in the first place, I am not as nasty as Lin Meijiao, taking other people's body by force.

Lin Meixin traded this body with me, I didn't eat her! "

Lin Meijiao, who was sitting in the living room, had come to her senses, and rushed over when she heard the words, "What deal, what did you do to my niece?"

"Your niece? Dead... Dead, hahaha, she died a long time ago, she died when she was very young!

When she was dying, she saw me and made a deal with me, as long as I kill her parents, this body will be given to me, hehehe, so I..."

Lin Meijiao hammered the fox demon resentfully, "You demon, you must die!

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have died, and my husband wouldn't have left me! "

The fox demon laughed again, a sad and weird smile.

"Hahaha, I don't want to die? Then where are you?
You think I don't know that you have used many dirty tricks in order to annex the local pet company.

Why do you think your husband was transferred to other provinces? It's because he knew the bad things you did and didn't want to watch anymore, so he left on his own initiative!
I seduce your husband, what you said is really funny, do I still need to seduce a fox demon?

As long as I radiate my ability, ten of your husbands will not be my opponent! "

Lin Meijiao fell to the ground in a daze, with an expression of disbelief.

"What do you mean, he already knows? Didn't you seduce him and make him change his mind?"

The fox laughed wildly and recklessly, "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, what else would you humans do if something happened to you other than to blame it on the other party?
It's you!All because of your suspicion! "

"Your husband hasn't changed his mind at all, he doesn't even know about your death until now!

You said how ridiculous you are, and I said that your husband changed his mobile phone number, and you really thought he had changed his mobile phone number, and you didn't even ask him, just chatted with him about the new mobile phone number.

That mobile phone number was specially arranged by me. I deliberately let you see those things, and I also deliberately let you hear those words, so that you think your husband has betrayed you!

Lin Meijiao, you are the most sinister, selfish and cowardly human being I have ever seen.

I didn't expect that I just sent you a divorce text message, and you would be in a trance and have a car accident.

It's a pity, I haven't given your soul to..."

"You fox demon, I will fight with you!"

Before the fox demon finished speaking, Lin Meijiao rushed out of Lu Yuxi's body, and rushed towards the fox demon with the posture of a soul.

"Lin Meijiao!" Ouyang Ruyu was surprised, her eyes widened slightly, no good!
Even if the fox demon had been injured by her, Lin Meijiao, a newborn demon, still couldn't defeat the fox demon!

The fox demon opened its ferocious mouth, swallowed Lin Meijiao's soul in one gulp, and laughed loudly.

Suddenly, it looked down and found that its slowly healing body was rotting very fast.

The fox demon suddenly turned his head to look at the puppet figure and Yin Pixiu, "You all—"

Before he finished speaking, the fox demon dissipated and turned into specks of light and dust.

In Ouyang Ruyu's eyes, she saw two souls.

One is a fox demon, being pulled by the silk thread of Yin Pixiu and swallowed into its belly.

Ruyu recalled the puppet man's previous introduction that Yin Pixiu feeds on souls.

Another soul was not pulled by Yin Paixiu, but slowly floated into the air, that was Lin Meijiao.

Lin Meijiao pulled a smile at Ouyang Ruyu that was more sad than crying.

Ouyang Ruyu's cold heart couldn't help but feel a little sour, "You—"

"I was wrong."

Lin Meijiao stared blankly at the front, and said softly: "There's nothing wrong with making money, I like money very much, it allows me to live a prosperous life.

I planned a beautiful blueprint for our future, but he left. Who changed? "

Two lines of clear tears slowly flowed out of her eyes, turning into dust and slowly dissipating in the air.

"I really want to see him..."

With these words falling, Lin Meijiao completely dissipated into the air, and her soul flew away.

Ouyang Ruyu watched this scene and was silent for a long time.

She turned her head to look at the puppet man and Yin Paixiu, and said sharply, "You guys made the fox demon collapse just now?"

The body of the puppet fluttered forward, and said tremblingly: "She, she wants to harm the adults, so just, just..."

Ouyang Ruyu said indifferently: "It uses you to harm others, so it didn't sign a contract with you?"

The puppet said in a low voice: "There is no contract."

At the end, it added another sentence: "The fox demon is not qualified yet."

Ruyu raised her eyebrows, this Horcrux looked very powerful.

The puppet twisted its body, although it was a bit funny to make this movement with its crude body.

"My lord, we are willing to sign a contract with you..."

Ouyang Ruyu stopped answering now, turned her head and said, "Let's talk about this later. If you want to sign a contract with me, it depends on whether I am willing or not. I haven't made up my mind yet."

In terms of pretending to be B, Ruyu is a professional!
She refocused her eyes on Lu Yuxi who had fainted on the ground, feeling a little tricky, a big living person followed her out and fainted, so it's not easy to fool her!

Two hours later, Lu Yuxi woke up shaking and found that she was riding a bus.

Her eyes were blank, and she suddenly looked down at her hands.

Isn't her hand broken? Why is it already healed?

So fast!
"Student, are you alright?"

A burst of smiling words came from her ears, and Lu Yuxi stared blankly at the beautiful woman sitting next to her, a little stunned.

"you are?"

Ouyang Ruyu cleared her throat, "That's a long story, I'll explain it to you slowly."

It's good to fool Dafa, and it's time to start fooling Dafa.

After this and that, she finally wove a perfect lie to explain to Lu Yuxi, and took her to the old locust tree.

It is not safe enough to rely solely on the pure deception method, and the final step of perfection must be made up by the old locust tree.

This girl also had such a disaster because she saw the old locust tree, and the old locust tree still needs to make amends.

(End of this chapter)

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