Chapter 6
Seeing that the woman was about to cry, Ruyu kindly reminded her: "What you just said is wrong, it's not that sin180° and cos360° can be omitted, that's why sin25° and cos35° are deduced.


Conversely, if the parentheses are split, sin and cos are naturally linked together, so why did you come up with the idea that both sin180° and cos360° can be omitted so hastily? "

Seeing that the woman is still a little confused, Ruyu continued: "That is to say, the sin (180°-25°) in front of you is not obtained by ignoring it, and the formula of trigonometric functions is different from ordinary numerical formulas.


The woman suddenly realized, looked at Ruyu gratefully, and said a little embarrassedly: "I haven't touched these for a long time, I forgot for a while."

Ruyu smiled back, "It's been a long time since I—"

Suddenly, she paused for words, her heart beat heavily, and a strong sense of abruptness came to her heart.

Yes, she hasn't touched her for a long time. She majored in interior design and has nothing to do with mathematics.

She remembered that she only scored 54 points in the mathematics test of the college entrance examination. She must have forgotten these trigonometric function induction formulas.

So, why did she make the problem-solving process so clear at a glance just now?

Ruyu clenched her hands slightly and said, "Can you lend me a pen and a piece of paper?"

The boy gave her face very much, handed her the paper and pen while blinking his eyes, and said, "Sister, you are so pretty."

Ruyu wanted to laugh, but she couldn't laugh at all now.

Picking up the pen, she directly wrote π silently.

She is very sure that when she was studying in high school, including college, she only had the number concept of π=3.14159 for π, not to mention fluently, but she would never forget it.

However, π actually has a lot of numbers in the follow-up. There was once a friend who wrote π by heart, and whoever wrote more by heart would win.

Ruyu didn't participate in this game at that time, two words: she is lazy.

Being able to recite π to 3.14159 is considered a face for π, which I often hear my deskmate remember, otherwise she will recite the commonly used 3.14 at most.

It's just that at this moment, when she put down the pen, the follow-up about π jumped in her heart like notes one by one, and she wrote like a spirit.

"π=3.1415926535897932384626 43383279502884197169399337510 5820974944 59230"

After writing this, Ruyu suddenly put down the pen, and a look of bewilderment flashed across her eyes.

She confirmed one thing again, as long as she wanted to, she could write more than a hundred numbers, and there seemed to be an infinite memory bank in her mind.

What the hell happened to her?
How come there are so many things all of a sudden?

Next to it, the prince said happily: "Sister, you are so amazing, you can write so long silently, I can't write up to ten numbers silently!"

The woman in business attire also looked at her admiringly, with stars in her eyes.

But Ruyu was not happy at all.

She just wants to say shit right now.

When did she become so awesome, even she didn't know it!

The little boy jumped up and grabbed her hand: "Beautiful sister, I want you to be my teacher!"

The ashy mood is slightly dispelled, no matter where you praise it, it can make people feel happy, although she prefers to be called handsome young lady~
"You have already learned trigonometry. This is high school knowledge. My education level is not enough to teach you."

The boy was a little confused, blinked his eyes and asked, "Sister, don't you know this knowledge?"

Ruyu really wants to say no, but one cannot be ignorant of one's conscience.

Especially since she showed off her knowledge just now, um, so she has a conscience.

"I can."

The boy jumped up happily again: "Oye, I want my beautiful sister to teach me!"

The front desk seemed to see Ruyu's embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "Prince, this sister has other things to do, so she may not have time to teach you."

Ruyu's eyes flickered slightly, wait, prince?
The boy frowned and said aggrievedly: "But I just want her to teach..."

Ruyu smiled slightly: "Okay."

The receptionist was softly comforting the young man: "Prince, this sister has something to do when she comes to the company, and you also have—"

Suddenly, she was startled, looked up at Ruyu, and the boy also looked over.

Ruyu smiled again: "Okay, I'll teach you."

"But—" she changed her words, "It's not unconditional to teach you. I'll ask you to do a few questions and let me see how good you are. If it's too bad, I don't want to teach you."

The boy cheered, he selectively skipped the latter sentence, and only remembered the first sentence, "Sister will be my teacher!"

Ruyu: "You have to finish the questions first."

The boy grabbed her hand, "Come on, I'll show you to my house, my sister is coming to tutor me!"

Ruyu: "No, you do the set of questions first."

The boy dragged her forward: "Sister, run faster, why are you so heavy, I can't even pull you!"

Ruyu: "..."

Tsk, it really is a bear child.

No matter how fierce she is, she can't afford to provoke a brat.

The prince's treatment is extraordinary, as soon as he leaves the company, there will be a special driver to pick him up, and he can go wherever he wants.

In the car, Ruyu asked about the boy's studies, and also learned about his family situation. His name is Zhong Mufan, and he has an older brother, Zhong Muling, who is 20 years older, both sons of the owner of Shiyue Records.

His elder brother Zhong Muling is very powerful. He became a university professor at the age of 30. He has a dual degree in physics and biology. He usually attends classes and then spends time in the laboratory doing experiments.

According to Zhong Mufan, his brother is conducting a great experiment, if it succeeds, it can change human life!
Ruyu is not very interested in this. The background of this world, whether technological or social, is the same as the world she used to live in. She really wants to invent a product that crosses the age. The accumulation of this world is not enough.

At least their artificial intelligence here is very backward, and AI has not been popularized in mobile phones.

She is more interested in Zhong Mufan, this ten-year-old boy has shown outstanding talent in mathematics, and he can already understand the knowledge points of high school at a young age.

Give him a little more time, and I'm afraid he will be able to study calculus.

This is the only real genius boy boss she has come into contact with.


The sun seems to be particularly fond of this villa. The fine sunlight shines through the layers of leaves, leaving golden spots on the ground.

When Ruyu got out of the car, she saw a handsome young man standing in the shade, patiently trimming the grass with scissors in hand.

The man is wearing a white shirt and trousers. The most simple and popular style can be worn with a chic and calm taste. The sky behind him is a clear blue midsummer sky.

 (Ruyu: I am a very conscientious young lady~ I have held two small events, and the book review area has been updated. Everyone can leave a message under [Xueba Activity Post].)
(End of this chapter)

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