Kuaishou Wanjie Museum

Chapter 50 [Doomsday Luck Amusement Park] End

Chapter 50 [Doomsday Luck Amusement Park] End
In the Wanjie Museum, some are happy and some are sad.

For newcomers, this is an opportunity to let everyone know about the Wanjie Museum, and it is also an opportunity to start the path of cultivation.

As long as you get the invitation letter of the giant clown, or survive three games later, and meet one of the requirements, regardless of whether you have a clearance ticket or not, the mission rating is normal.

And for this ordinary rating, the Ten Thousand Worlds Museum will reward one hundred common points.

There is only one way of cultivation in the museum, and that is to become a warrior.

The cultivation method of exchanging warriors is one hundred general points.

If you don't start the path of cultivation and step into the first layer of body tempering, as the difficulty of the mission world you participate in in the future increases, the missionaries will not be able to complete the mission at all.

Based on this point, even newcomers who don't want to take the path of warriors have to embark on the cultivation of warriors.

If there is a chance in the future, it is not too late to switch to other exercises.

For the elderly, this newcomer tutoring task is an opportunity to make crazy money, and it is the kind that is easy to pick up for nothing!
They beat the rookies, and they can still get clearance tickets.

Even the most common customs clearance coupon can be exchanged for [-] general points.

In this kind of mission, old missionaries can generally earn thousands, or even tens of thousands of general points.

"Hey, you drive a roller coaster, today's harvest has exceeded [-]!"

The intermediate taskers stayed in the Ten Thousand Realms Museum, exchanging information with each other.

The tasker who drove the roller coaster said with some gloom: "No, I can only get more than 1000 general points after deducting the ones handed over to the organization."

Others asked curiously, "Why are there so few? Aren't newcomers unable to resist?"

It’s okay not to mention this, but when this is mentioned, the tasker who drove the roller coaster couldn’t help but complain:
"Don't talk about it, this group of newcomers don't know where to find the museum, some people are very perverted!
They worked out the rules for obtaining the customs clearance ticket. After getting off the car, they held back for a minute, and waited until they got the customs clearance ticket before throwing up. It was so damn resistant!
There is also a girl, I went, and she was able to survive the whole journey without vomiting, and she was able to walk steadily when getting off the car. "

Others looked in disbelief: "How is it possible, to be able to withstand the dizziness of the roller coaster, at least the third level of body tempering.

Some of us mid-level taskers are only at the fourth level of body tempering.

If it can survive, it is impossible to be a newcomer! "

At this time, someone in another place was also complaining bitterly, sadly: "There is a newcomer girl, she is the reincarnation of the car god, I'll go, it's awesome!
When playing bumper cars, not only overtook us all with a curve overtaking, but also gave me a missile.

If it weren't for the fact that the game wouldn't kill people, I would probably be dead by now, it's too cruel! "

When the others heard this, their faces became strange. Is she also a girl?
Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from another place.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, you were tricked by a girl? Then you also believe in the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon?

God, Dabai, you are really stupid to call you Dabai, hahaha, you can't beat a rookie girl! "

Wait, another girl?
The faces of the others became even weirder.

Those taskers who were in the same situation got together and exchanged news about the murderous sister paper.

As they talked, they also realized that something was wrong.

"Did you meet someone with long hair who was very beautiful?" one person asked.

"Wearing cartoon bunny pajamas, with big eyes, very smart?" another person asked.

"It looks very gentle, but it turns out to be very tough when it completes the task?" someone else asked.

After several people asked, they looked at each other, and they had already told them the answer in their hearts——

"No way, we all met the same girl?!"

Who is that tough girl!
Although Ouyang Ruyu is not here, there are more and more legends about her.

In the real world, many newcomers lost sleep after going through such an intense game.

Ouyang Ruyu couldn't sleep either, she held the reward doll in her hand and began to observe.

In the Ten Thousand Realms Museum, the status of the doll was [Available], but now it has become [Unusable].

Does this mean that the things obtained from the Wanjie Museum cannot be used in real life?

Ouyang Ruyu thought about it to no avail, shook her head, simply got up again, and practiced martial arts according to the posture.

It seemed that only a moment passed, and it seemed that after a long time, she entered a state of selflessness in which she emptied her mind, without any distracting thoughts in her mind.

The bright moonlight outside the window shone on her body, as if she had been covered with a layer of white plain clothes, and the tender green branches pinned to her waist shone with fluorescence.

At the same time, other newcomers who rushed to the Wanjie Museum overnight and exchanged for the exercises were also immersed in their cultivation.

But their cultivation was not as smooth as Ouyang Ruyu's.

Most people spend a lot of time just getting their bodies right.

After correcting the posture, you have to gradually relax your mind and enter the fantasy state of "settling into meditation", and a group of people can be stuck here.

Only a few very talented people can sense a faint breath hovering in their bodies on the first day they get the exercises.

The first three levels of body tempering are the cultivation of strengthening this ray of energy.

in a certain room.

With a "bang", Geng Letian couldn't maintain his posture and fell to the ground.

Jian Xuran next to him was not much better, his body was crumbling.

The bodies of the two of them are too stiff, and it is quite difficult to pose for cultivation.

When Geng Letian fell, even a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered something.

"I feel a little wrong, then Ouyang Ruyu told me that she bought a fake record, but won't the countdown be displayed after the fake record comes into contact with it?
I don't know the countdown, so how could she punch me so accurately at the last moment and take the DVD away? "

Jian Xuran couldn't hold on any longer, and took the initiative to let go of his hand, staggered and stood on the ground, and rolled his eyes at him: "You still don't understand?"

Geng Letian shook his head with a dazed expression.

Jian Xuran looked at him melancholy and helplessly, "She made it clear that she was fooling you!"


"Ah, what, it's just cheating you, a fool like you!"

"Then why are you-"

Jian Xuran said quietly: "Otherwise, what do you want me to do, fight her? Nonsense, I can't beat her.

In fact, your personality is quite good, you don't need to think too much about things, but sometimes you are a little stupid. "

Geng Letian was unhappy, rolled up his sleeves: "Do you want to fight?"

"It's nothing if I beat me, if you are capable, you can beat Ouyang Ruyu!" Jian Xuran said lightly.

Geng Letian: ...

Heartbroken, old iron!

 (Fixed update time, 12:6 noon and 6:[-] pm. Generally, it will be updated at noon, and [-] words or [-] words will be fixed at noon. [-]:[-] pm is an addition, it may be more or not, after all, it is not added every day More ^o^ There will be more updates tonight)
(End of this chapter)

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