Chapter 26
"How is it possible?" Zhao Xiaoxue asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Ouyang Ruyu turned to look at her, and said with a smile: "I lost the memory of this year, so I don't remember anything."

Zhao Xiaoxue's eyes widened, "Ouyang Ruyu, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I will say this kind of joke? Amnesia is a big deal!"

Zhao Xiaoxue felt a little confused, and her voice was a little louder: "You really lost your memory?!"

"Zhao Xiaoxue!" The voice of the female devil sounded coldly in the classroom, "You come to answer this question."

"When the wall is approved, what is the treatment procedure for the wall?"

Zhao Xiaoxue stood up, pursing her lips, "Uh, uh..."

Ruyu opened a certain page in the book calmly and pushed the book over.

"Ouyang Ruyu, you answer this question."

Ouyang Ruyu immediately stood up, "Okay, teacher."

"When approving the wall, the treatment procedure for the wall surface is to apply glue once, apply putty two to three times, polish it, and then level it.

After that, paint, paint the matching primer once, top coat twice, and the wall treatment is basically completed. "

The female devil's expression softened, and she continued to ask: "How do you level the wall?"

Ruyu said lightly: "The best way to check the effect of the wall is at night, with fluorescent lamps or white energy-saving lamps.

Take a photo against the wall to check whether it is flat, and then manually polish the uneven parts. "

The female devil nodded, "Okay, let's all sit down."

"Next, I will tell you how to process the TV background wall and waterproof wall. The TV background wall is first..."

As soon as Zhao Xiaoxue sat down, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and then gave Ruyu a thumbs up.

"As expected of being number one in the whole grade in our major, I admire you, I can memorize this!"

Zhao Xiaoxue didn't know, and neither did Ouyang Ruyu.

But she had just found the answer, and she memorized it automatically with a sweep of her eyes.

In the past, Ruyu definitely didn't have this ability.

Now, she is also a big cow with 1% more brain development than ordinary people!

But when she thought that the development of her brain might be at the price of her life, Ruyu didn't feel happy at all.

Still a teenager, but his head is turning gray from worry...

After getting out of class, Zhao Xiaoxue chatted with her enthusiastically, and talked about a rumor that had spread in school recently.

"The old teaching building behind us, there are almost no classes there, only the studio on the first floor is still in use, and then I heard a rumor..."

Zhao Xiaoxue lowered her voice mysteriously.

Ouyang Ruyu raised her eyebrows: "A demon?"

"Oh, how did you know? I haven't even said it yet!" Xiaoxue patted Ruyu's shoulder excitedly.

Ruyu smiled "hehe", "It's not just the university campus, as long as there are rumors related to the campus, it must be a story about demons."

When it comes to demons, there is really a long history of popular science.

In this world, all events that are defined as supernatural are called demonic events.

It is generally believed that evil spirits come from outside to confuse people's minds and cause them to fall, resulting in suicide and other events.

Since people discovered demons, various cults and demon religions have emerged as the times require.

No one knows why the evil spirits want to lure them to degenerate and yearn for another world, but one thing is clear.

Any demon is not a good thing!

Zhao Xiaoxue rolled her eyes: "Listen to me first, maybe it's a demon!"

Ruyu gave her a sideways look: "So it's really not a demon?"

Zhao Xiaoxue choked on her words, "Okay, it's really interesting, you listen to me first!"

Ruyu shut up and gestured to her—please start your performance.

Zhao Xiaoxue said quietly: "Last night, a post suddenly appeared on the campus post bar, which attracted many people's attention. The post was about the old teaching building behind us."

"The person who posted the post said that she came to this teaching building with her boyfriend at night when she had nothing to do, and suddenly at 11 o'clock in the night, she heard a cry, a woman was crying.

The post owner went over with her boyfriend to have a look, and found that the crying came from the fourth floor. "

Zhao Xiaoxue used the tone of storytelling to attract the female students around her.

Unknowingly, more and more audiences were watching.

"Then they went up to the fourth floor, and the cries got closer and closer, only to realize that the cries came from the women's toilet on the fourth floor.

The boyfriend of the post owner yelled at the time: 'Who's there! ', guess what happened in the end? "

"Oh, Xiaoxue, don't be foolish, tell me quickly!"

"That's right, is this a demon story or a joke story? What happened to them?"

Everyone chattered non-stop, and some students couldn't help but guess: "Could it be that someone intends to do something wrong in the middle of the night?"

Ruyu flipped through the book, and said calmly: "If you want to say that you intend to do something wrong, it is more likely that it is the post owner and her boyfriend.

In the middle of the night, the two of them ran to the teaching building behind alone, what did they want to do? "

Zhao Xiaoxue coughed softly, and muttered: "Maybe it's not necessarily just to watch the rooftop and chat about life..."

I feel a little guilty when I say these words, ahem.

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Xiaoxue waved her hand, "Keep listening, keep listening!"

"After the post owner's boyfriend said it, they found that the crying in the women's bathroom still hadn't stopped. They were puzzled, and they didn't hear any other signs of struggle besides the crying, so they walked over .”

"The boyfriend of the post owner yelled again at the door, but the crying still didn't stop, and he didn't hear anyone moving inside, so the man walked in."

"And then?" Someone asked softly.

Zhao Xiaoxue: "Then...then..."

She suddenly shouted: "Then the man ran out with a loud cry, saying that there are demons, there are demons, there are demons!!"

"Ahhh!" Some female students screamed in fright.

"Zhao Xiaoxue, you scared me to death!" Some people slapped Xiaoxue while patting their chests.

"It's just a demon story, why are you talking so scary!"

Zhao Xiaoxue shook her shoulders and shook their hands away: "Hey, hey, let me go.

You will also say that it is just a demon story, and you all guess what the ending is, so why are you so scared! "

"I haven't heard this for a long time..."

"Don't say it, I still feel creepy when I think about it now, the teaching building behind is really deserted!"

"Look, I found that post, and it has quite a lot of clicks. It was posted last night, and many people left comments."

"Hey, there are still people who want to form a group to explore the secrets together, how bold!"

After hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxue rolled her eyes, leaned in front of Ruyu, and said, "Ruyu Ruyu, why don't we go and have a look?"

Ouyang Ruyu pushed her head away, "No, no time."

"Go, go, I want to see if there is really crying!"

Ruyu shook her head, "I really don't have time recently."

Inexplicably lost 50 years of life and memory, her mind is in a mess, and her sad mood has not been sorted out, so she has no time to explore any secrets.

With this time, why not think about how to complete the tasks in the Ten Thousand Worlds Museum.

 (Some time ago, many books in the supernatural genre were sealed, so I changed the settings overnight and turned them all into demons from outside the sky.

  It was changed to set me in more pain than you, which affected my overall outline concept, but in order to save my life, I still have to break it as soon as possible.I hope everyone can understand that no one wants to lose a book that has been written for a year or two for some reason. )
(End of this chapter)

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