Kuaishou Wanjie Museum

Chapter 16 Pretty Sister Wants to Chase Someone?

Chapter 16 Pretty Sister Wants to Chase Someone?
Zhong Muling knew his younger brother's temper very well, and said with a smile: "I have something to ask him for help, but I can't give it to you."

Zhong Mufan immediately drooped his head, the word "disappointed" was written all over his face.

Ruyu took this opportunity to bid farewell.

She didn't get close to them, she just stood there and said something, and after getting the consent, she hurriedly walked further, and trotted lightly when she reached the back.

No way, my hands and body are still shaking!
Mo Ziheng looked at Ouyang Ruyu's leaving back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "Who is that?"

Zhong Muling replied nonchalantly: "The tutor that Xiaofan invited here is not bad at teaching knowledge."

Zhong Mufan said seriously: "The beautiful sister is very powerful!"

Zhong Muling patted him on the head: "Yeah, she is very good, so have you completed the project she assigned to you?"

Zhong Muling's little face immediately collapsed.

At a young age, he has not yet experienced the horror of the Chinese Sea of ​​Questions, but his keen intuition has already made him somewhat resistant to such things.

Ruyu returned to the small apartment, closed the door and leaned against the door, the palpitations in her heart faded a lot.

She lowered her head and looked at her body, frowning tightly.

When meeting certain people, her heart beats faster, she feels panicked, and her brain sends out dangerous signals. What does her body want to tell her?
Could it be that those people were all bad guys, causing her to die?

No, no, it doesn't have to be a bad person, and it doesn't have to kill her. Could it be someone who threatens her?
Or is it someone who is very capable and can't beat him?

Or someone who would hinder her from completing her mission?
Questions popped up in Ruyu's mind one after another, and she was dizzy at the end of the thought, and returned to the most primitive point of "what's wrong with her body".

She shook her head, took out the life-saving record and observed it again, with a solemn expression.

The countdown on the record is getting less and less, I don't know how the other taskers are doing.


Ruyu began to secretly observe Mo Ziheng.

Not to mention that Mo Ziheng's appearance gave her a strong sense of crisis, far exceeding the feeling she felt when seeing Zhong Muling for the first time.

Besides, now is a special period. In order to obtain the record, each tasker will use his own unique tricks.

Shiyue Records, as the company with the most records of superstar Zhang Jingchen, will definitely be targeted.

It is not surprising to find out the identities of Zhong Muling and Zhong Mufan through the company's channel, and it is also a way to get the records from the two of them.

So Mo Ziheng is very likely to be a tasker.

Every time she went to Zhong's house for class, Ouyang Ruyu would ask Xiaofan about Mo Ziheng, and made an agreement with Xiaofan not to tell his brother or Mo Ziheng.

When Ruyu first asked about it, Zhong Mufan would happily talk about it.

Asked more times, although Zhong Mufan also answered with great interest, but looked at Ruyu's eyes more and more strangely.

After the development, Xiaofan always has a little expression of "I want to ask but I have to hold back" every time, which is vivid and cute.

Ruyu really likes to see this expression, and feels good every time she sees it.

So she clearly knew that as long as she asked Zhong Mufan what happened, Zhong Mufan would say it like beans, but she just didn't open her mouth.

It's healthier to hold back, and it's always cool to hold back~
One day, after class, Zhong Mufan finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Beautiful sister, why are you so curious about the handsome brother?"

Ruyu asked with interest: "Why do you think I am curious about him?"

Xiaofan's lips opened and closed, closed and opened again, and he seemed hesitant to speak.

Ruyu lowered her head to sort out her textbooks, and said calmly, "I'll leave if you don't tell me."

Xiaofan was startled, and hurried to Ouyang Ruyu, holding her tightly with her small hands, and blurted out: "Beautiful sister, do you want to pursue handsome brother?"

Ouyang Ruyu was stunned.

Halo, who gave Zhong Mufan such an illusion?
chasing someone? !
Does she look like someone who needs to be chased, hum ╭(╯^╰)╮!
The corners of Ouyang Ruyu's mouth twitched, she reached out and touched Xiaofan's head, and said with a kind and loving look:
"No, tell me, who told you that I inquired about him to chase him?"

See if I can't kill him!

Xiaofan blinked her big eyes and looked shy: "My deskmate Xiao Yueyue told me about it."

"I asked her what she wanted to do when a girl always inquired about a boy.

Xiao Yueyue told me that it must be that the girl wanted to pursue the boy, so she had to inquire about him to prepare. "

Ruyu raised her eyebrows, okay, I even thought of "preparation", are all the kids so smart nowadays?
Although Zhong Mufan has a high intelligence, he obviously learned step by step, and he is still in primary school.

Just judging by his appearance, it's right that he doesn't go to school very often.

Ruyu is not in the mood to care about children, Tongyan is innocent, if she has a chance, she still wants to see what Xiaoyueyue looks like, and Xiaofan's face turns red when she talks about it.

Seeing his blushing, Ruyu asked curiously, "You don't like your tablemate Xiao Yueyue, do you?"

Xiaofan quickly shook his head, jumped up and wanted to cover Ruyu's mouth: "Pretty sister, don't talk nonsense, puppy love will be notified and criticized!"

Ouyang Ruyu: ...

Isn't this still early love?

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, "Wait, you really like Xiao Yueyue?"

Xiaofan lowered her head shyly, "Everyone likes her, she is the best looking."

Fu raised his head nervously again, "Don't tell brother!"

Ruyu couldn't help but patted his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't say anything, I'll swear to you later, and—"

She paused, "Understanding a person doesn't necessarily mean you want to pursue him. There are many complicated things that you will know when you grow up."

She obtained a lot of information about Mo Ziheng from Zhong Mufan, and her doubts about Mo Ziheng became more and more serious.

If he is really a tasker, then she will be more risky if she wants to get the hall's record.

They were also looking at Zhang Jingchen's record, Ouyang Ruyu didn't think they would ignore the conspicuous record in the living room.

If she wants to get it, the two will definitely have a confrontation at that time!

It was much earlier than Ouyang Ruyu imagined that Mo Ziheng was the tasker.

When the time on the record came to the tenth last day, she ran to give Zhong Mufan a class, and saw Geng Letian and Jian Xuran in the hall of Zhong's house.

Zhong Muling is entertaining them. He is the eldest son of the Zhong family, and Shiyue Records has gradually been taken over by him. For those who are capable and talented, Zhong Muling will personally entertain them.

Mo Ziheng was also there at the time, standing quietly behind Zhong Muling.

As soon as Ouyang Ruyu entered the hall, she heard Zhong Muling smile gently and say, "I didn't expect that you are also Ziheng's friends. We are all acquaintances and know each other. That's even easier."

 ("Tian Hou Cultivation Handbook" officially ended today. After publishing the chapters at night, I turned off my mobile phone and turned it on again. I wanted to read your messages and comments, and forced myself to turn off my mobile phone to sleep again. Every time I write a story, it’s like talking about a story. A love, a carefully planned love, the article is over, and I am also broken in love... Take a deep breath and continue to devote yourself to the creation of new stories. After all, the best treatment for broken love is to start a new love_(:з "∠)_)

(End of this chapter)

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