Douluo: I fight for Bibi Dong

Chapter 262 Star Luo Banquet

Chapter 262 Star Luo Banquet
After Bibixuan returned to the hotel with DouDou, he opened a separate room for him.

He also wants to share a room with DouDou, but what can he do if she doesn't agree?
Fortunately, he was accompanied by Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling that night, so he was not alone.

At noon the next day, they arrived at Wuhun City.

Shi Mo and Shi Mo were sent to the Wuhun Academy, while the others went to the Demon God Sect's mansion with Bibixuan.

After a brief introduction and helping them become gods, Bibixuan said, "Yanzi, let's go. I'll take you to meet the poison-using person I mentioned."


The two of them went to another building of the Demon God Sect's mansion.

Bibixuan shouted, "Elder Yang, are you there?"

But no one responded.

Bibixuan smiled wryly, "It seems that he is practicing poison again."

Even without using mental detection, Bibixuan guessed where Yang Wudi was at this time.

So he brought Dugu Yan to a room behind the hall.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a very strange lavender poisonous gas drifted out.

There are two people inside, one is Yang Wudi, and the other man looks similar to Yang Wudi, but he doesn't look as fierce as Yang Wudi.

He is Yang Wudi's younger brother, Yang Wushuang.

According to the previous agreement, Yang Wudi and Yang Wushuang met after the Pozhi clan moved to Wuhun City.

At first, the two had some conflicts. After all, Yang Wudi didn't expect his younger brother to join the Wuhun Temple.

But isn't he the same now?

So the contradiction is naturally resolved.

And the two of them were studying and practicing poison almost except for eating and sleeping.

"Sovereign, what are you doing?" Yang Wudi turned around and asked, "Didn't you see that we are studying poison? The poison gas just now was a very important step."

Bibixuan smiled and said, "Just keep practicing. I brought someone here. This is Dugu Yan. The granddaughter of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo. I let her come to you to learn poison. I wonder if it is possible?"

"Hello, seniors." Dugu Yan greeted.

Yang Wushuang frowned and looked at Bibixuan with some doubts.

Yang Wudi said, "Of course. We are worried that no one will bring us tea and water."

"Ahem." Bibixuan said, "Elder Yang, don't I have someone who serves tea and water for you? Besides, do you think it's appropriate for her to do it?"

Yang Wudi was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

He smiled awkwardly, "Yes, yes, of course it's not suitable. Look at my memory."

Yang Wushuang asked, "Suzerain, can I take a step to speak?"

Bibixuan replied, "Of course. Yanzi, you should learn the knowledge of using poison from Elder Yang now."

"Hmm. Thanks."

Bibixuan and Yang Wushuang left the room and came to a quiet corner.

Yang Wushuang asked, "Sect Master, she is Poison Douluo's granddaughter. If she finds out, aren't you afraid of her?"

Bibixuan shook her head, "It's fine. Just teach her well. I have my own plans for other things."

"it is good."

After settled Dugu Yan, Bibixuan returned to the main building.

At this time, Ye Lingling had established a good relationship with Bi Ji, and began to learn some healing knowledge from her.

DouDou is about learning the flying spirit from Bai Chenxiang.

Bibi Dong asked, "Where else do you plan to go?"

Bibixuan shook his head, "I don't have any plans for the time being. Just wait for the Hongmen Banquet in a few months. At that time, the whole continent will be ours. What's wrong?"

Bibi Dong smiled and said, "Since I'm fine, help me deal with the affairs. There are more things to deal with than I imagined."

"Ah? Isn't it?" Bibixuan complained, "Can't you hand it over to other people?"

Bibi Dong chuckled, "You have a good idea. Come and help me. Otherwise, I won't talk to you."

Bibixuan sighed, "Okay."

In the next few months, Bibixuan didn't go anywhere.

They are all helping Bibi Dong deal with the Wuhun Empire.

From time to time, there will be rebels appearing, but they are all caught by Bibixuan's clone.

Doesn't have any effect at all.

Under the management of Tang Yuehua and Tang Xiao, Haotianzong finally returned to the state when Tang Chen was the suzerain.

There are no longer any disputes in the sect.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School has also advanced from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School.

It has become the veritable Wuhun sect of the world's number one auxiliary system.

In the blink of an eye, the soul master contest held by the Star Luo Empire was about to begin.

Bibixuan took his 25 harem members to the capital of the Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City.

Bibi Dong and Qin Lan stayed in Wuhun City.

Star Luo City is very different from when Bibixuan came last time.

The aristocratic quarter is gone, replaced by an enlarged palace and a huge soul fighting arena.

Bai Lin brought his harem here, but it was very grand.

All of them are peerless beauties, making everyone jealous after seeing them.

Led by the staff of Star Luo Palace, they were settled in an independent building not far from Star Luo Palace.

The official game will start tomorrow.

The rules of this competition are also very simple.

The Wuhun Empire and the Star Luo Empire dispatched experts above the Title Douluo level, and then engaged in a one-on-one wheel battle.

until one side wins.

Most importantly, there is no limit on the number of people.

Obviously, the Wuhun Empire will win, after all they have a lot of people.

But this is a grand banquet after all, so no one can be sure what will happen tomorrow.

Bibixuan explained, "Although I don't know what will happen tomorrow. But no matter what, just try your best. Ah Yin, can you be the first to play tomorrow?"

Ah Yin replied, "No problem."

"The rest of the order of appearance..." Bi Bixuan thought for a while.

Yun Mi proposed, "Let me do the second one. I also want to see how my current strength is."

Bibixuan smiled and said, "Yes. Who will come for the third one?"

"Me." Shui Yue'er said.

Originally Bibixuan had no plans, but her harem quickly made a decision.

The determined order of appearance is A Yin, Yun Mi, Shui Yueer, Ma Xiaotao, Dugu Yan and Hu Liena.

Early the next morning, they came to the Soul Arena and sat on one side.

On the opposite side of them is the powerhouse of the Star Luo Empire.

A total of seventeen Soul Douluo and three Title Douluo.

Under Bibixuan's observation, the Star Luo Empire did not have any god-level powerhouses.

There is no trace of any demon gods.

Only ordinary people.

After a brief introduction by Xu Shaoxun, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, the competition officially began.

Title: Blue Silver Douluo

Deity: Blue Silver God
Artifact: Blue Silver Emperor
One of her first opponents was Contra.

With her current strength, she almost released a Blue Silver Emperor without any effort.

And threw her opponent off the fighting spirit platform.

Killing her opponent in seconds is definitely not a problem if she wants to.

(End of this chapter)

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