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Chapter 100??? Don't be in debt (please recommend!)

Chapter 100 Don't be in debt (please recommend!)
Lawyer Fang looked at Zhang Fan.

Seeing him wearing a courier suit, he still looked imposing, personable and sunny.

It's just that his lips are tightly closed now, as if he is angry with himself, knowing that the tone of the call just now was inappropriate, which annoyed him.

"You are the second largest shareholder of our company. Today, I welcome you on behalf of all shareholders. I also brought the company's financial report, and I want you to have a look at it."

Zhang Fan was overjoyed.

Lawyer Fang is really different. At this time, his tone of speech is very polite, and there is a taste of fawning.

He didn't need to show other people's face any more.

"Lawyer Fang, there are many people here, please speak slowly on the second floor."

Zhang Yong had already heard the conversation between the two, and thought he was dreaming.

Seeing that it was true now, he immediately sighed in his heart, Zhang Fan is really capable.

He looked at Zhang Fan's back with admiration.


In the office on the second floor.

Fangzheng and Zhang Fan sat opposite each other.

This year's financial statements were on the table, and Fangzheng pushed them all in front of Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan just glanced at them, and saw that the profit had reached 3000 million, and he was secretly happy.

His worries were superfluous. The moment he saw Fangzheng, he felt that Fangzheng's service company must be fine.

"I don't understand these things. Since Lawyer Fang is the president of the company, of course you have the final say."

Fangzheng was very surprised, Zhang Fan's change made her a little confused.

Indifference at first.

to the enthusiasm just now.

and now indifference.

It is impossible to make accurate judgments.

"Our company has always been very stable, but now there is a sudden change in shareholding. I am very surprised and want to communicate with you."

Zhang Fan was secretly happy, and he didn't know which fool was giving him such a large amount of wealth.

It seems that this fool must not be Fang Zheng, but her partner, that must be the case.

"If you have something to say, please tell me, I'm all ears."

Fangzheng couldn't be more surprised. He raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Fan in front of him, and there was a little rippling in his heart.

"It's like this. Although our company is well-known, it does earn a lot of money. In order to give back to the society, I volunteer to do [-] consultations every year. This will affect the company's profitability and cause disputes between partners. "

Xiao Wang suddenly realized that he agreed with Fang Zheng's idea. Since the company is making money, of course it can help others. Besides, he is not short of money now.

"As long as you don't lose money, you can do whatever you want."

Fangzheng was stunned again. Because of this incident, her two long-time friends turned against her countless times, and each time said she was a big fool, delaying their chance to become billionaires.

That's why they turned their backs at the end. The two each retained 10% of the shares, and all the others were sold.

She thought that Zhang Fan would object, so she put down the legal affairs she was handling and hurried over to negotiate with Zhang Fan, hoping that he would agree with her ideas.

If she still strongly opposes it, she wants to take back these shares at a high price, and she will become a major shareholder in the future, without being restrained by anyone, and doing what she likes.

"Our company has been in business for many years, and the large domestic groups are linked to us. It is impossible to lose money, but I will spend a lot of time doing assistance work, and I will no longer be able to find new customers. "

Zhang Fan stretched his waist. He was really sleepy, he couldn't open his eyes at all, and he wasn't interested in what Fang Zheng said.

"It's okay, as long as you're happy."

Fangzheng didn't know whether to be happy or depressed?
Zhang Fan didn't understand anything, so it was probably impossible for him to help him.

Fortunately, he fully supported himself.

They are afraid that if others instigate them in the future, they will turn their backs.

"Ahem, can you be sober? What I'm talking about is very serious, and it's related to the future of our company."

Zhang Fan immediately cheered up, sat up straight, and listened seriously. Fangzheng explained all his ideas. The main content was that she would increase the amount of assistance every year, hoping to get Zhang Fan's approval.

Of course Zhang Fan agrees very much. He came out of the orphanage. He can feel the sadness of helplessness very deeply, and he has long wanted to do something practical.

Now is a good opportunity, and he has no reason to refuse.

"Sister Fang, don't worry. I have the same idea as you. If possible, you can give half of my profit to help them."

Fangzheng couldn't say a word in surprise, he stared blankly at Zhang Fan, feeling extremely excited.

"Zhang Fan, thank you very much."

After speaking, what did you suddenly think of?
"I saw a little brother on the Internet today. He looks similar to you. He looks handsome, but the clothes he wears are different from your current clothes."

Zhang Fan also thought of his troubles, he really wanted to ask Fang Zheng.

"I have suddenly become an Internet celebrity now, and I am disturbed by others all day long. It is really annoying, especially when my portraits are everywhere on the Internet. Even the sellers of dog skin plasters borrow my name. I am about to find a lawyer. "

Fangzheng was secretly happy, but it was a pity that there was a gap in age between the two.

However, it would be nice to have a little wolf dog.

But now I am afraid that she is a little too hasty, so she suppressed her excitement, and said with a smile: "This is just a small matter, I will help you deal with it immediately, and I promise that starting tomorrow, there will be no more news about you on the Internet."

Zhang Fan was inexplicably excited, being looked at with a magnifying glass every day, which completely restricted his freedom of movement. If he could really make the pictures disappear, then he would be a lively hero again!

"how much is it?"

"You are a shareholder of the company. I will definitely help you. Talking about money is too hurtful. I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future." Fangzheng immediately stretched out his little white hand.

Zhang Fan grasped it without hesitation, but it felt soft and soft, and he was reluctant to let go for a long time.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Footsteps were heard on the stairs, and the two of them let go of their hands. Fang Zheng blushed even more, and lost his composure in front of Zhang Fan, which made her feel ashamed.

"I'll take a step ahead. There's still a lawsuit about to go to court. I'll take your shareholding documents back for notarization, and I'll send them over in person when the time comes."

Zhang Fan naturally nodded in agreement.

Fangzheng is completely different from what was described on the Internet. The evaluation on the Internet said that she killed decisively and mercilessly. She has always won lawsuits and never lost once.

But the young lady in front of her answered shyly and tenderly, how could there be half of the demeanor commented by netizens?
"In the future, I will help the company solicit business. You can do what you want. The only requirement is not to make us owe debts!"

(End of this chapter)

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