greenery is king

Chapter 1082 Overtime

Chapter 1082 Overtime
The Brazilians seemed to have lost their souls, and they were all downcast. After they kicked out the football, the referee had already blown the whistle for the end of the game. The whole game was over, and the game entered the final overtime.

The Olympic football match has always been consistent with FIFA, so the Olympic Games has no longer used the more brutal golden goal match system, but directly used the normal game rules, so the players need to persevere for the next half hour.And this is a very difficult thing for the Chinese players. Everyone has fought to the point of desperation. When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, a few people had already fallen to the ground, all panting heavily.

But now no one cares about this kind of thing anymore. Now they only think about one thing, they have another chance to win against their opponent, and the opponent is the world's top team Brazil, which is enough to make them excited beyond words.

"We have already made two substitutions in the 10th and [-]th minutes, and now we still have one substitution, and Brazil also has one substitution, we are still on the same starting line, but what we want to watch is the next game. What kind of style of play should the team use in the next game." Xie Quan has returned to normal, but the flush on his face has not completely faded, and his eyes are still full of excitement. Everyone is very satisfied.

"I think we should stick to defense and try to delay the game until a penalty shootout. I still think that is the best chance." Li Ming still insisted on defense, and he still insisted on the concept of defensive counterattack in his mind.

Zhang Dao disagreed with this view, "I think we should continue to attack. After all, if we want to win this game, we must persist in attacking. This is a dead end. Brazilians rarely suffer in penalty shootouts, and we They rarely take advantage, which is also a problem we must consider. There is only 15 minutes of rest time, and it is impossible for them to recover all their physical strength, so we must seize the opportunity to start and take the lead first opportunities, only in this way can we take the initiative.”

At this moment, in the waiting room of both sides, the coaches are also nervously arranging their own tactics, but the problem is that they are all in a mess. Before the game, no one thought that this would be the case, so everyone was a little at a loss , This point has a huge impact on the Chinese coaching staff.

"Ai Huan, what do you think we should do in the second half?" What no one expected was that Chen Xiangfu, who had been silent since the break, suddenly asked such a sentence.

Ai Huan was lying on the chair very weakly at this time, the white towel on his face was still there, but from his fast rising and falling chest, it could be seen that this guy's physical strength had really reached its limit, and now everyone in the Chinese team also They are all paying attention to his every move. He has long been recognized as the heart of everyone. Without him, it is really impossible to play.

"Attack! We have no other way out, only to attack! The Brazilians are already on the verge of collapse, we must work harder, this time is a war, we have tried our best, but the battle is not over yet , then it is the simplest sentence, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road! Let's see who is the last brave." Ai Huan said almost gritting his teeth, every word seemed very heavy, but it also gave many people a feeling strength.

Chen Xiangfu nodded immediately without even thinking about it, "Okay, in the last half an hour, we will attack fiercely, stop defending, and press the whole line. If we lose, we will lose. Anyway, everything now is due to hard work, so let's fight hard now." .”



"Damn! If you live and die, fight!" Even if you don't have the physical strength, you still have the will to fight. As long as you can stand up, fight!Fight like a man!

The first half of overtime finally started. Ai Huan walked out of the player tunnel with other players. At this time, the Brazilian had already come out one step earlier, while the Chinese player was a little slower.

However, when Ai Huan just walked out, he suddenly felt a drop of water on his face. At first, he thought that someone in the stands accidentally spilled the drink, but he soon realized that It wasn't like that, because the more he walked outside, the more he would feel the raindrops falling from the sky, hitting his head and face little by little, and he himself could clearly feel that his physical strength, which had already bottomed out, was rapidly recovering.

"It's raining?" Ai Huan was startled at first, and then hurriedly looked up to the sky. Sure enough, the sky that was clear just now was already covered with dark clouds, and the raindrops fell from the sky like pearls with broken strings.

"It's really raining!" London, which has always been sunny, finally rained at this moment, and the raindrops fell on Ai Huan's face, which made him extremely excited. All problems are no longer a problem, Brazilians, you are finished.

The rain came suddenly, this is the style of London, especially in this season, the rain simply comes and goes, there is no warning at all.

"It's raining, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing for us, but if we attack in the second half, we must strengthen our long-range shots." Xie Quan also noticed the rain on the screen, which started to fall a minute ago Rain, but now it seems to have the meaning of heavy rain. The rain has covered the sky and the earth, and the whole stadium seems to be covered with a curtain.

"This kind of weather should be worse for the Brazilians. After all, they have always been known for relying on technology and ground coordination. Now the ground is wet and slippery. It should be difficult for them to cooperate, so I think Brazil is the most uncomfortable right now. People." The first thing Li Ming thought of when he saw the heavy rain was this. In fact, he didn't have any hope at this moment, but how could he say these words?I can only say some good things. Everyone knows that Chinese people still like to hear good things.

"Yes, and I still remember that as long as it rains, Ai Huan's performance will always be surprisingly good. I don't know if he can show his best form today." Zhang Dao still likes to speak with statistics.

Xie Quan has always paid close attention to Ai Huan. After thinking about it, what Zhang Dao said seemed to make sense, so he immediately nodded, "It makes sense. Ai Huan seems to be like this. When he was in Milan, he seemed to have a problem in the rain." Lion's nickname, but it was quickly replaced by other, louder nicknames."

"You are talking about the state. Now that Ai Huan's physical strength is exhausted, can it recover when it rains?" Li Ming immediately asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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