Chapter 99 The Night of Genocide - Prelude

"Yes, he's often been at Nohara Lin's cemetery recently, and...

The clan of the Uchiha clan wanders around. "

With a blank expression on his face, Chen watched Obito leave quietly.

"This guy with soil is also a poor man."

Zhishui sighed.

Obito is older than him.

Many years ago, this hot-blooded idiot was quite famous in the Uchiha clan.

At the end of the crane, and like to help the old lady cross the road.

Not at all afraid of not being able to support myself.

It's just that he didn't expect that Obito Uchiha, who died as a hero, would come back to life today after many years.

He also became the mastermind behind the Nine Tails Rebellion six years ago.

Maybe, this kind of behavior of becoming a beauty in a rage..."

I also admired and cheered for it in my previous life.

"However, he is a member of our Uchiha clan.

To actually ignore us and the rest of the family for the sake of a woman.

Even, in the near future, together with the traitor Itachi, we will destroy our family.

This kind of traitor deserves to die. "

Chen's tone was indifferent.

For Obito, his senses are quite complicated.

In the previous life, he was also moved by Obito's love for Lin.

But when he really faced Obito, he discovered that this was a Uchiha psychopath who was sicker than Itachi.

This guy, because he lost a woman, turned into a guy who ignored the whole world and regarded the whole world as a dirty hell.

Even the family that gave birth to him and raised him could be cleaned up mercilessly because they didn't care.

Yes, just because I don't care anymore.

Kill teachers, exterminate clans, destroy villages...

All these behaviors are just because of the loss of a woman.

Simply insane.

This guy's strength is all based on this sick love.

Uchiha is mentally ill, the more he loves, the crazier he becomes, the stronger he becomes.

Whether it is Zhishui, Weasel, Obito.

Even the strongest Uchiha Madara!

Even Tatsuo Uchiha, because he loves himself and his family members so much, opened Sharingan when his parents died in this life.

With his not outstanding talent, he can become the earliest eye-opener among the Uchihas of all generations.

In addition to the mature mind and the pressure of extermination, it is also because of love, the paranoid love influenced by blood.

The Uchiha family is too deeply influenced by Indra's blood.

Even Chen,

In his previous life, Chen was just an ordinary person after all.

After getting the system in this life, he became stronger and stronger, and he began to gradually get rid of the negative influence of Uchiha's blood.

Some people are stronger because they are deeply in love.

Such as belt soil, such as ferret.

Some people control their emotions because they are getting stronger.

Such as Madara, such as Chen.

"Ignore or even destroy the family for their own selfish desires.

Unforgivable indeed. "

Zhishui sighed softly, he didn't understand why Itachi and Obito would go so far as to destroy the family.

Shouldn't they be proud of Uchiha's glory?

Even Zhishui once took refuge in the village, most of it was to protect the family.

He couldn't imagine destroying a family.

"Well, let's begin.

Let the clansmen wake up in the baptism of death,
And, I really want to see, this time, how many clansmen will open the most proud eyes of our clan.

In addition, both Itachi and Obito must atone for the family in endless pain and death. "

Chen's voice gradually became extremely cold.

On that night, he wanted to smash the arrogance of the people, open those eyes, and destroy those two traitors!
The Uchiha clan, of course, must be arrogant, but this kind of arrogance should be based on strength.

Instead of just barking at the strong.

"No boss knows that he is just a puppet manipulated and destroyed by players in the game."

A low laughter sounded.

Those guys who think they are behind the scenes, let me, Uchiha Tatsumi, give you the final judgment.

In my eyes now, you are just poor puppets.

I will become stronger step by step, and when I stand in front of you, I will become an opponent that you cannot face.

At that time, your dignity, your pride, and your so-called calculations are all just a joke.

Whoa, hahahahahaha...


In the Hokage office, the three generations who received Chen's order had complicated expressions.

He never dared to think that Chen would take such a crazy step.

But in the end, the third generation did not raise any objections. Firstly, this is Chen's family matter, and he is not qualified to manage it. Second, he is already Chen's puppet and has no ability to object.

Although the next thing to do may cause turmoil in the village and weaken the strength of the village - the third generation did not know that Chen possessed the group resurrection scroll.

"Itachi, do you know the enchantment system in the village?"

Soon, Itachi, who received the order, had arrived at Hokage's office.

Some time ago, Itachi had accepted an order from Konoha's senior management and became a dark army leader.

All of this is already in Chen Kai's plan.

"Is that the system that can detect people who invade the village without authorization?"

Listening to Sandai's words, Itachi asked with some doubts.

"It seems that someone broke through the barrier and entered the village again and again.

Only a handful of people in Konoha know the secret codes that pass through the barrier.

Maybe, the traitor revealed the news..."

The third generation lowered his eyes, and he, who was roughly informed of the plan, of course knew who the barrier breaker was.

His purpose at this moment is to guide Itachi to meet that person.

All the words at this moment are just to induce Itachi.

"It may also be that there are operators who have the ability to unravel the enchantment technique.

If it is a traitor, you can check it by changing the spell, but I believe that someone with the spell can pass through the barrier.

Although, I don't want to admit it..."

The words of the third generation were a little low, and if Wuchen told him, he would never have thought that someone would possess that terrifying pupil technique called Shenwei, and possess the power to manipulate time and space at will.

"Now, I order you to investigate this matter. This is the configuration diagram of part of the enchantment system. In certain positions, the frequency of reactions is very high..."

The third generation continued to speak, he looked at Itachi who took over the configuration map of the enchantment, and finally paused in his tone.

"This is the area near the Uchiha clan..."

Itachi's pupils shrank slightly, and the shock in his heart made it difficult for him to control his expression.

As the spy in charge of investigating the Uchiha clan, Itachi certainly knows that the Uchiha clan is close to the stage where it has to be released.

They can't wait to prepare the materials and equipment for combat.

A coup d'état, perhaps in the near future.

In fact, he has already reported this matter to his boss, Shimura Danzo.

That's right, the sad thing is that Danzo who "killed" Shisui became the boss Itachi had to follow orders.

Itachi, on the other hand, had no intention of resisting at all.

(End of this chapter)

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