Chapter 88

Sandai looked at the soles of Susano's big feet, and the whole person jumped away from this place a few times ago.

His face was bitter, although he could feel it, the Susano in front of him was far from being able to compare with Uchiha Madara's invincible power.

But compared to his all-powerful strength when he was young, I'm afraid it's even better.

This kind of power, coupled with the strength of the Uchiha clan, is really enough to sweep the village as Shisui said.

"Perhaps, I was really wrong. With your strength, you really had the intention to solve the Uchiha coup."

The thoughts of the third generation have returned to the beginning, and they no longer firmly doubt that Shisui and Uchiha are deliberate.

Before Ghost Ninja, I am afraid that they were not their collaborators.

Cooperating with Shisui now is more likely to be an act of Shisui's decision after Shisui was assassinated by Danzo.

Of course, it's not that the third generation has never thought about it. Shishui's control of himself and Danzo today is to control the village in a stable way and not to be turbulent due to the coup.

But the third generation also wanted to understand that before this battle, Zhishui had too many opportunities to plant other gods for himself, and there was no need for it to be superfluous like today.

I indulged Danzo by myself, and finally ushered in the most serious consequences.

"However, although the chances of winning are very low.

But for the sake of the village, I have to burn my last strength.

Wherever there are leaves flying, the fire will burn.

The shadow of the fire will illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout.

Danzo is right about one thing, Uchiha, cannot become Hokage.

Among you, there may be Uchiha people like Kagami who have Hokage thinking, but most of them don't have the great love of the will of fire, but most of them are ninjas who care too much about narrow love.

Handing over the village to you is no different from handing over to Danzo.

So, desperately, I also want to stop you. "

This time, the third generation did not say that Shisui and Itachi had Hokage thinking, he directly talked about his former partner-Uchiha mirror.

Because today's Zhishui has obviously changed.

As for Itachi, out of hesitation about Zhishui's changes, the third generation did not dare to trust him as before.

The Uchiha family is prone to great changes in their hearts because of love.

In the eyes of the third generation, this kind of family that pays too much attention to little love is not suitable for Hokage.

And with Uchiha's combative nature, I am afraid that in the future, like Danzo, he will lead the village to the abyss of war.

"Come on, Shizuo.

Let me see the strongest power of your ancestor, Uchiha Madara! "

After yelling, Sandai bit his finger, quickly formed seals with both hands, and shouted: "Spiritualism!"

In a puff of white smoke, a vigorous ninja monkey jumped out.

First, he glanced in amazement at the god-like Susanoo, and then asked the third generation: "Sarutobi, who is the opponent?

This is Susanoo!

Could it be that someone from the Uchiha clan opened those terrifying eyes! "

As a well-known psychic beast family in the ninja world, Ninja Ape Demon certainly knows a lot about the Uchiha family.

For example, when he was young, he also met the invincible Uchiha Madara with the third generation!

Although the Susano in front of him is far from being comparable to Madara, it is still a Susano, an almost invincible force compared to the ninja world.

Sandai pointed to the green Susano standing in front of him, and said solemnly: "The enemy is Shisui of the Uchiha clan, the ape demon, please, transform yourself into a 'Vajra Omnistick'!"

The ape demon nodded in understanding.

He didn't hesitate, didn't say much, and immediately shouted: "Transform!"

Amidst the muffled sound, another cloud of white smoke rose.

Almost at the same time that the ape demon performed the transformation technique, the third generation flew up, and the whole person jumped high into the air.

And when San Dai's figure was about to fall, the ever-extending Vajra Wishful Stick pierced through the white smoke, and reached San Dai's feet, supporting his body and stretching forward rapidly.

The speed at which the vajra wish-fulfilling stick stretched was far beyond the imagination of others. In just a few breaths, it carried Sandai close to the top of Susanoo's head, where Shisui was.

The third generation and the ape demon are indeed comrades-in-arms for decades. Although they didn't communicate much, just a few eye-to-eyes, the two sides formulated the most tacit battle plan.

Of course, it may also be out of fear of Uchiha, the two have already studied tactics against Susanoo.

This research may even be traced back to the period of his teacher, the Second Hokage - Senshoubanma!
At this time, Sandai, who was already close to Susano's head, took a deep breath. He calculated the position of Shisui, his entire chest swelled to the limit, and then he shouted: "Huo Dun. Huo Long Yan Bomb!"

In an instant, a fiery, eye-opening fire dragon spewed out from Sandai's mouth, directly engulfing the entire Susanoo's huge head!

The blazing flame seemed to be enough to melt everything.

The spit of flames lasted for half a minute, and the entire Susanoo also took two steps back slightly under the impact of the Huo Dun. Huo Long Yan bullet.

After a long time, the release of the three generations of ninjutsu ended, and he fell helplessly to the ground.

"Ape demon, how is the situation?"

The third generation still didn't dare to look directly at Shishui's position, he just sensed the breath of illusion all the time, and let the ape demon observe the battle situation instead of his eyes.

In this way, the third generation can know the results of his attack in a timely manner without looking directly at Shishui.

Fighting against the Uchiha clan is so aggrieved.

Unless you are strong enough to ignore his illusion, you are not qualified to look directly at him.

Even if it is possible to judge the direction of attack by observing the head of the Uchiha tribe.

But after facing a guy like Zhishui who can drive a Gundam, he realized that all the targeting was just a joke.

"No damage..."

In the Vajra Wishful Stick, there was a bitter sound from the ape demon, and he could clearly see that under the fire dragon's bullet, Susano's head was almost undamaged.

The third generation also had an ugly face. Although he was prepared in his heart, he couldn't feel happy when he realized that his efforts were just tickling the other party.

"Hehehe, hahahahaha...

Three generations of adults, is this the strength of your ninja?
It's almost painless.

In front of Uchiha's power, under my eyes, all your efforts are meaningless. "

Susanoku's head, looking at the three generations who looked like ants at his feet, Shisui leaned over and laughed wildly.

His heart was greatly satisfied.

He laughed at why he tremblingly wanted to use other gods to control Fuyue. With the power of the Uchiha clan, a direct coup is the best way.

Of course, it's just that Zhishui has swelled a bit here.

Back then, even if he really used Susano, he might not be the opponent of the third generation.

Now, it is just that with the blessing of the Super Shadow Realm and the Eternal Eye, Zhishui is much stronger.

 Thank you for the big boss Langqi, the monthly ticket reward of 109024 boss, and the recommendation ticket rewards of other big bosses-there are more bosses who recommend tickets, so I won’t list them all, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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