Chapter 64 Inherited Chen's Strength

Just now, Danzo used Izanagi to escape the fatal attack, and because of this, he lost the Sharingan in his eyes.

It made his heart ache.

You must know that the Uchiha clan has not been wiped out yet, and there is only one pair of Sangouyu Sharingan in his hand.

Now, he has lost one of them, and is the only one that he carries with him.

After all, the burden of Sharingan is very heavy, and the old man Danzo can no longer bear it.

Today, he has not completely remodeled his arms, and he is far from the heroic spirit of the resurrection coins when he fought Sasuke in the future.

Compared with the loss of Sharingan, the death of Sun Tzu Taro made him feel even more heartbroken.

After all, this little guy is not only his favorite junior, but also a junior who can assume the position of patriarch of the Shimura clan in this generation.

Danzo, which was hit by the fireball, quickly turned into a mass of coke, and the power of the fireball hit the ground, setting off a wave of fire here.

Let the fire that has not been completely extinguished rise again.

Not far away, Patriarch Shimura retreated quickly. He knew that although he was a rare Jnin, it was better to stay away from a battle of this level.

It's not that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, the patriarch Shimura even wanted to fight this assassin desperately to avenge his son.

But he knew that he couldn't rush forward recklessly, it would add chaos to the pot king.

As the coke exploded, Danzo's figure appeared behind the ninja king who had sneaked up on him. His mouth bulged greatly, obviously about to spit out a terrible attack.

Just now, he had already prepared a substitute technique to guard against the sneak attack of the King of Ninjago, and by the way, he wanted to fight back!

"Wind escape. Vacuum bomb!"

As if a machine gun was fired, continuous small wind beams spewed out from Danzo's mouth, directly shooting through the body of the King of Ninja Shadows who had no time to escape.

In an instant, it was plugged.

"The master's gift was broken by you."

Rarely, there was a hint of sullenness in the eyes of the King of Oni Shadow Ninja, and he glanced regretfully at the f-gun that was beaten into tatters like his own body.

The next moment, the originally tattered pitch-black body turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Danzo.

His body was originally made up of shadows, and an attack that did not reach a certain level hit him would not kill him directly, and of course it would also deplete the "magic power" on his body.

immortal! "

At this moment, Danzo's pupils shrank sharply. Of course he has seen the immortal body. For a high-ranking person like him who has been working with darkness and forbidden techniques all year round, as well as body transformation, he has all kinds of immortal bodies of different levels. understand.

But most of those so-called immortal bodies have strong resilience and can recover from injuries in a relatively short period of time.

The other part is like the hydration technique of the Shuiyue clan in Wuyin Village, immune to most attacks.

There are also more advanced ones, such as Izanagi, an alternative form of immortality.

However, after being beaten into a plug, he can still make such an offensive immortal body, except for the technique of hydration, this is the first time he has seen it.

This is already the same as the technique of hydration, and it is close to the level of Izanagi in terms of immune attack.

"No, there must be no terrifying power like Izanagi.

This kind of shadow can definitely kill as long as it is dealt with properly.

Just like the technique of hydration, it is afraid of thunder escape.

This kind of shadow-like existence is either afraid of thunder or fire! "

Danzo is worthy of being the master of the big root, the king of the pot king, and he guessed the weakness of the king of ghost ninjas in an instant.

"Thunder Dun. Appreciation wave."

Stretching his hands, a large amount of thunder and lightning turned into a thunder curtain and blocked in front of the Oni Ninja King.

As a "kage" level ninja, although Danzo is far inferior to his teacher Senju Feima's forbidden art, he is not as proficient in five-attribute ninjutsu as his opponent Sarutobi Hiruza.

However, he has dabbled in ninjutsu of all five attributes, but the ninjutsu of other attributes is far inferior to that of wind escape ninjutsu.

Not beyond Danzo's expectation, the King of Ninjago turned around in the air, as if he had no weight at all, and returned to the original place.

For the king of ninja shadows, the attribute of Leihuo really restrained him.

Not to mention, when it comes to hard power, Danzo is stronger than him.

"Ninja method. Detonating talisman warfare method."

The Oni Ninja King, who inherited the concept of the master Uchiha Tatsumi, threw out a large amount of kunai at an extremely fast speed in the next moment.

What's even more frightening is that detonating charms are tied to these kunai.

"Hmph, Qian donkey is poor.

Wind escape. Vacuum wave! "

Danzo was not angry but happy. In a battle of their level, if it were not an accident, the detonating talisman would not have much effect.

A ninjutsu like a pillar of wind sprayed from Danzo's mouth, directly cutting a large number of Kunai into pieces.

A large number of detonating symbols exploded in mid-air, causing a series of explosions that blocked the line of sight directly between Danzo and the King of Ninjago.

"Ninja. Machine gun fire!"

At this time, the King of Ninja Shadow had brought a Gatling machine gun from nowhere.

This is the second Gatling that Chen obtained during the check-in during this period.

The bullet storm penetrated the explosion in an instant and enveloped Danzo.

"Tu Dun. Earth Flow Wall!"

An earthen wall appeared suddenly, directly blocking the machine gun fire.

"Thunder Dun. Pseudo-darkness."

At the moment when the machine gun storm shattered the earthen wall, in front of Danzo, who had already revealed his figure, a ninjutsu that was more like a thunder gun had already taken shape.

Immediately afterwards, he shot towards the king of ninja ghosts.

In the place where the thunder gun passed, a large number of bullets were hit and melted, and fell to the ground, which broke the dangerous situation of Danzang being shot by machine guns at the same time.

The Oni Shadow Ninja King dodged and immediately dodged Lei Dun's pseudo-dark attack. He was obviously prepared for this, and he didn't think that a mere machine gun could kill Danzo.

"Did you escape?"

Danzo's face did not know when there was a sneer.

At the same time, four stone pillars suddenly rose around the place where the king of ghost ninjas stayed.

"Thunder Dungeon. Four-Pillar Restraint Technique!"

A loud shout sounded, but it was the Shimura patriarch approaching the battlefield at some point.

Among the four stone pillars, a large amount of thunder and lightning were released in an instant, shaking the ghost ninja king among them.

But the King of Ghost Ninja is indeed a fourth-order existence, even if he was restrained by Lei Dun, a large black mist erupted all over his body the next moment.

The black mist and lightning resisted, and the king of ninja ghosts would take the opportunity to escape from the stone pillar.

"Enjoy your death with peace of mind, Assassin!"

At this time, Danzo was already approaching. Of course, he would not just watch the chief Shimura fighting with the king of ninjas.

"Lei Dun. Walk away."

A large number of thunders sprinted from the ground, and quickly combined with the thunder and lightning in the Thunder Dun. Four Pillars Binding Technique, directly pressing a large piece of black mist towards the body of the Oni Ninja King.

(End of this chapter)

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