Chapter 49 Mr. Chen
"Huh, Uchiha is still good, at least he hasn't fallen out of the top three in the class."

Ning Ci snorted coldly, and he glanced at Masata in front of him. This guy competed with Yuu Uchiha for the second and third place all the year round.

Although he is usually very respectful to himself, the inexplicable Neji doesn't like him. This seven-year-old guy looks more "mature" than many adults.

His respect for himself was a little awkward no matter how you looked at it.

After all, the deference of a mature seven-year-old?

What's more, although Neji Hinata has deep thoughts, he is actually childish and ruthless.

"Heh, Yuu, who is also the strongest clan in Konoha, is inferior to Neji and you, which already shows something.

The first-year guy in front of him is definitely not as good as you, Neji. "

Shimura Taro smiled, and looked at Chen with a hint of jealousy belonging to adults.

Mad, why do girls like this kind of guy.


No longer paying attention to a group of little kids in the second grade, Chen brought the loli group and Sasuke to the scheduled meeting place.

Here, their actual combat drill teacher is already waiting there.

The actual combat drill teacher, Chen used to call him a physical education teacher in his previous life.

It's just that unlike the physical education teacher who is weak and often sick, the actual combat drill teacher's body is very good.

The biggest similarity between the two worlds is that students like physical education very much.

"Okay, don't make any more noise, I'm talking about you, you little brats who haven't even grown their hair yet, don't hang around handsome guys every day.

Now start grouping. "

The actual combat drill teacher's name is Chen, he is a bit handsome, and has a very beautiful girlfriend. His biggest hobby is photography, and he looks very good.

What he just scolded was the group of little lolis chattering around Chen, even though Chen didn't pay attention to them at all.

The 66 children were quickly divided into six groups of 11 people.

"Now, the first group is ready to start the 3000-meter run.

The little guy with the least time gets [-] points, with him as the boundary, for every second slower, one point will be subtracted.

Now for the roll call...

Sasuke Uchiha, Hinata Hinata, Choji Akimichi, Sakura Haruno..."

Following Teacher Chen's loud shout, Sasuke and other primary school students quickly reached the starting line.

"I'm bound to win, at least in the race."

Sasuke glanced at Chen from time to time, secretly cheering himself up from the bottom of his heart.

"I must run first, and the top three seems to be okay.

At least let Chen see me working hard. "

Sakura hammered her fist, and the second personality in her heart had begun to condense.

Then she gave Sasuke a hard look, this guy was the biggest obstacle.

Damn, I envy Sasuke so much, this guy can go to school with Chen every day.

"Come on, Hinata."

Hinata lowered her head, not knowing where to put her hands.

"Well, I haven't eaten enough yet, so I can't run too fast."

Ding Ci made a bitter face.

"ready, go!"

Following Mr. Chen's order to start, Sasuke took the lead, and Sakura was the sixth from the bottom.

As for the bottom one, it was the little fat man.

The second to last is Hinata, but she is not the last in physical fitness, but she is too cowardly to let go of running.

"That little girl belongs to your Hyuga clan?"

Not far away, where the teacher had a temporary holiday and allowed onlookers to watch the first-grade exam, Shimura Taro looked at Hinata in surprise.

He was so thoughtful that he never thought that the Hyuga Clan, who is the second family of Konoha, would have such a "waste material".

"Really, disgraceful fellow."

Neiji Hyuga's expression was very embarrassing, but if he looked closely at his eyes, he could also see a trace of worry in them.

Before his father died, he loved his sister deeply.


Shimura Taro glanced at Neji, looking thoughtful.

3000 meters is not an impossible challenge for these ninja children who are only six years old.

Soon, Sasuke won No.21000 with a distance of more than 1 meters ahead of No.

Then he glanced at Chen, his face full of indescribable satisfaction.

"Sasuke is so handsome too."

Ino held his cheeks with admiration.

"Sasuke is handsome, go chase Sasuke."

A little girl in the same class glanced at Ino and said.

"Are you kidding me? I like His Royal Highness Chen's girl the most. Sasuke and others are also rivals in love!"

Ino suddenly yelled and looked at the little girl with hostility.

Well, the face is not as pretty as mine, and there is no threat.

Hmph, still want to compete with me, dream!

In the end, Sakura won No.6, and the little fat man was the last one without any surprises.

As for Hinata, she came from behind and overtook the previous one, becoming the third from last.

A group of little guys were panting, obviously tired from running.

"Next is the second group.

Uchiha Tatsumi, Uzumaki Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba, Shimura Ko...

On your marks. "

Teacher Chen soon announced the list of the second group.

"Oh, is there a armor this time?

My stupid brother, please don't lose face to my Shimura family. "

Shimura Taro squinted his eyes and looked at his younger brother Shimura Ko.

Shimura Jia seemed to be aware of it, he looked up and saw his brother.

Soon, he lowered his head, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Chen, just watch, you will definitely not be able to outrun me, I will be number one."

Uzumaki Naruto suddenly left his position, jumped in front of Chen, and announced to him.

"Bastard Naruto, I should be the first one. When it comes to running, no one can run faster than the children of my Inuzuka family!"

Inuzuka Ya quit, he jumped out of his seat and grabbed Naruto by the collar.

"Two idiots."

Chen Moran suddenly had the urge to quickly throw the evidence of dark personality on Naruto's face.

"Naruto, Teeth!
You two guys, get back to your place. "

At this time, the handsome Mr. Chen came over with a dark face, and carried Naruto and Kiba back to their original positions one by one.

"Okay, get ready, run."

After seeing that no one was making trouble, Teacher Chen nodded in satisfaction, and immediately announced the start of the exam.

Like Sasuke, Chen also took the lead.

It's just that his footsteps were light, and he was already like a bow that had been pulled from the string, and the group of children behind him were ruthlessly left behind.

"Don't run away!

Chen, you bastard. "

Seeing Chen running fast, Naruto immediately chased after him, yelling.

However, despite Naruto's hard work, he soon saw only Chen's tiny back.


When Naruto finally gave up chasing Chen, he suddenly noticed that Ya was also running in front of him, and had already dropped him by a long distance.

Behind Fang, Shimura Ko is tightly hugging her.

ps: Because I plan to cut off most of the copies-no one reads it, and everyone finds it boring.

The results are too bad, there are probably not many subscriptions on the shelves, and there are probably no recommendations.

So I am revising the outline, I plan to mainly write Naruto, and I have a headache.

All plans were disrupted.

If there is another book, I will not write infinite stream.

It's better to play two kings and get a few MVPs from the losers.

(End of this chapter)

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