Chapter 18
At this time, Chen looked at the hammer that kept hitting him, but his heart was full of fear.

Although the ending is good, but if it happens again, Chen Cai will not believe in any blessings to the soul, but will quickly jump away when the hammer is approaching.

Facing death directly is not courage, but stupidity!
If he had just changed his mind and slowed down, he would have died under that hammer.

At this moment, feeling the blow of the hammer, although it only penetrated himself every time, Chen's heart was still full of shadows, and with a thought, his body turned into light and came behind Kuba.

In fact, if you take a closer look at Kuba's big hammer, there is already a lot of corrosion on it, which is the burning of the power of light.

After all, invincible stars are not only "invincible", but also damage.

It's just that this damage has a certain limit, not only can't kill Kuba, even his weapon can only be corroded a little after repeated contact.

But at this moment, Kuba suddenly felt that the chrysanthemum that he had blown up was a little cold.

There, Chen had only one gaze, and it was still Xiaohua!
"No, no, no, no!"

It was as if he had guessed what Chen was going to do.

This is another injury to the flowers of the motherland, and Kuba is absolutely unwilling!

He tried hard to turn around and stop Chen's movement.

However, how can people, even monsters, be faster than light.

Chen's arm that had turned into light suddenly faded and turned into a slender arm again.

However, at this moment, the hand of this arm is holding a black thing!
A first-order green excellent alchemy bomb!
Resisting Xiaochen Tanhua's nausea, Chen stuffed his entire arm into the bloody hole—yes, the original little flower has been blown up by the detonating talisman into a big hole close to the mouth of the piranha. .

At this moment, Chen was really a little horrified by the physique of the Great Demon King Kuba, he could not die like this, and even attacked himself vigorously.

And he could see that the flesh and blood around the little flower was still wriggling, it was growing!

This is a strong little flower.

Of course, this didn't delay Chen from planting bombs in the flowers.

When Kuba turned around and wanted to stop Chen, he had already stuffed the alchemy bomb into the depths of Kuba's body, and then turned into light again and escaped.

In Kuba's increasingly desperate eyes, a muffled sound resounded in his body.

This made Kuba startled for a moment, then opened his mouth, and blood slowly flowed out from the seven orifices.

Ten seconds just passed, Chen returned to his original state, but Kuba fell to the ground with a crash!

do you died? !

Chen couldn't believe it.

In fact, although this alchemy bomb is powerful, it is still far behind the bundle of detonating symbols at the beginning.

However, after all, one of Kuba has been seriously injured.

Second, Chen stabbed too deeply this time.

The bombs were all close to Kuba's chest and abdomen.

Although Kuba was strong, he still couldn't survive two consecutive heavy injuries, and he really died.


Chen raised a question again, he slowly took out a pistol, and fired a few shots at Kuba's dead eyes.

The sound of eggs breaking was heard, and the eyeballs the size of pigeon eggs were easily shattered by bullets.

The dead Kuba no longer has the strength to protect the most vulnerable part of his body.


Really dead! "

Chen actually sat down on the ground, and suddenly burst out laughing.

For the first time in the past six years, he, who was always suppressed by the night of genocide, laughed so wantonly.

After a hearty battle, it really makes people feel so refreshed that they can't help themselves.

But when he really relaxed completely, Chen realized that his legs were actually a little weak.

He, after all, is the first real battle!

Still fighting against such a powerful enemy.

After some rest, Chen regretfully lifted Tikuba's big hammer and threw it aside.

It's a nice weapon, but too big and heavy to carry around.

Thinking of this, Chen looked regretfully at the fragments of the Yitian sword scattered all over the floor. This "excalibur" had not been warmed up in his hands for a few days before it completely fell apart.

Now Chen can be completely sure that there are no martial arts cheats in this Yitian sword.

After filling the water cup he carried with him for a lifetime of Kuba's hard work, Chen decided to search Kuba's castle and leave.

It has been nearly four hours since he entered this instance. He has been fighting all the time, and he is exhausted to the extreme.

As for taking Kuba's heart and soul, this is Chen's envy for Kuba's dragon blood.

Only the thin blood of the evil dragon is the second-order blue excellent level, and the increase it brings is even more powerful and terrifying. If it is a real evil dragon, perhaps its final blood strength will not be much worse than that of Indra's blood.

Of course, Kuba's tortoise bloodline cannot be ignored. After all, those various turtles in Kuba's castle are quite difficult to deal with.

After Chen left the stone bridge, he discovered another corridor. Behind this corridor is a place that Chen has never explored.

He guessed that it might be the "back garden" of King Bowser, hiding all his treasures.

After all, this guy is really like a dragon, hiding all kinds of treasures.

Soon, Chen came to the end of the corridor, where there was a large door and a stone room connected to the door.

Walking closer, Chen found that the stone room of this white rock building had a wide and heavy wooden door.

The door wasn't locked from the outside, but he pushed towards the wooden door. After shaking the wooden door a few times, it couldn't be opened, presumably it was a trap door.

He fumbled for a while, and after pressing a depression, the wooden door opened with a bang.

As far as Chen's eyes could see, there was a brilliant golden light.

Money, a lot of money!
Gold coins, lots of gold coins!
get rich......

At this moment, Chen finally understood what a local tyrant is and what a dragon is!
In this stone room, there are piles of gold coins like hills.

"Well, why does my heart hurt so much..."

Chen gently clutched his heart, and howled a defeated dog.

He can't take away so many gold coins!

"You, are you here to save me?"

Suddenly, a female voice with trembling sounded.

The voice is not loud, giving people a weak feeling, but it is an indescribable, extremely sweet baby voice.

If this voice were placed in Chen's previous life, even if he didn't show his face, he would still be the top Qiao Biluo.

At this time, Chen turned from the temptation of Jinshan to the only bed in the stone room, to be precise, it was the back of the bed.

There, a delicate figure poked its head out cautiously.

"What a delicate person!"

Chen's heart was shocked, and there was a bit of appreciation in his eyes.

Princess Peach's face is very fair, her skin is as delicate as white suet jade, but on both sides of her cheeks, there is a light pink blush, which looks as attractive as a peach.

At this moment, Chen finally understood why many people like to eat peaches.

This beautiful girl's eyes are very big, giving people a cartoon feeling. Her eyes are pure, her long eyelashes are slightly raised, her two pupils are azure blue like the sea, and they are now full of big teardrops.

From the face, Princess Peach looks like a [-]-year-old, innocent and lovely girl.

(End of this chapter)

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