The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 98 Seeing through (3 more please subscribe!)

Chapter 98 See Through (Third Watch Subscribe!)

In the noisy bar, with flickering lights and constant passion, hundreds of people or hundreds of vampires let themselves go freely here.

Li Yang and the other three walked through the slightly crowded dance hall, found a hidden place to sit down, and looked around at everything in this bar—whether it was people or things.

Peter twisted his body awkwardly, obviously not used to the environment here.After sneaking a few glances into the dance floor, he whispered:
"It seems that there is not much difference between this place and ordinary bars. At most, these people are crazier. Well, look, that guy seems to be on drugs, and his whole body is twitching."

"Don't worry, after all, the nightlife has just begun, and it won't be long before they all reveal their true colors." Harry was much more relaxed than Peter, and while watching the crowd openly, he chatted with Peter in a low voice.

"In fact, except for the essence of bloodthirsty, vampires are no different from humans in all other aspects. Peter, you must know that compared with humans, vampires are becoming weaker and weaker now. Therefore, vampires are becoming more and more able to disguise themselves The fangs and fangs are taken away. To be honest, they are really no different from human beings.

So what you have to do now is to relax your mind. If you keep acting like this, you will be easily spotted by them.Besides, with our strength, even if we are discovered, are we still afraid that these vampires will fail! "

The confidence in Harry's words infected Peter, he rubbed his cheeks hard twice, and slowly relaxed.

"That's right, we can't be afraid of them." Harry nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to look at the dancing crowd.

Li Yang sat there without being disturbed by the bar environment at all.After observing for a while, he opened his mouth quietly, controlled his voice within the range of three people, and asked: "I counted, including the bar staff, there are 305 people in total, that is to say, there are 305 vampires gathered it's here.

This amount is not too small. "

Harry nodded after listening, and explained calmly: "Yes, there are so many vampires, about all the vampires in this area!"

"Huh?" Peter uttered an unclear question.

"Today is considered a special day for vampires, that's why there are so many of them. Normally, a hundred would be considered too much." Harry licked his dry lips, paused for a few seconds, and continued: "You know, pure-blooded vampires are very rare, and the vast majority of the current vampire race are mixed-blooded vampires. And among mixed-blooded vampires, there are all kinds of different industries.

To put it simply, we can divide mixed-blood vampires into three classes-rich, middle-class, and poor.

The problem of money not only plagues humans, but also vampires.

Vampires need blood to survive.Therefore, money is a very important thing.

Most of the vampires here are poor ghosts like David, and they never eat their last meal, so today is a day comparable to Christmas for them.Well, may Santa forgive me for my unintentional offense.

Do you still remember the photo I saw before? Yes, the blood feast that only happens once a month is tonight. Here tonight, vampires can drink blood without restriction.

You said, how could these starving vampires miss this opportunity. "

After hearing this, Li Yang frowned like a knot, "Do you know who the supporters behind this matter are? You know, without strong support, such a big movement would be impossible to achieve."

"The time is too short, so I don't know yet." Harry shook his head, hesitated for a while, and continued:

"It must be among the vampires, that person is also a radical. To a large extent, this kind of activity is provoking the nerves of the government. Those old vampires who have lived for a long time probably don't have the guts at all."

Li Yang said softly: "In the future, you can check the main messenger behind it. I think his attitude towards human beings will not be friendly."

Harry nodded, briefly putting the subject to rest, before the three of them turned their attention back to the swaying dance floor.

Li Yang and the other three stayed in a remote corner like this. After an unknown period of time, the high-spirited jazz music suddenly stopped, and the dancers who fell into madness were still twisting their bodies tirelessly. A high voice came from the dance floor:

"Hey, old Neil, why did the music stop? I need it, this is the only carnival in a month!"

At this time, the bartender at the bar walked up to the high platform and responded loudly: "Yes, carnival days really need music as a foil, don't worry, the most wonderful moment will come in a few minutes.

But before that, some things need to be dealt with first. "

After speaking, Old Neil, who looked about 30 years old, walked towards Li Yang in a leisurely manner with a smile.

Harry's heart shrank suddenly, and he whispered nervously: "He seems to have found us, what should we do now?"

Harry was not as chic as before. Hundreds of pairs of blood-red eyes stared at him, and he broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

Seeing this, Li Yang patted Harry's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Relax, Harry, just like you said before, these vampires are nothing more than chickens and dogs to us."

Li Yang's words gave Harry a boost.Indeed, there was nothing to be afraid of, not to mention the strength of the three of them, even the weapons he prepared were enough for these vampires to drink.

With this in mind, Harry looked at Old Neil who had already walked in front of him, and unconsciously a smile appeared on his face.

"The three guests look a bit unfamiliar, I don't know how to address them?" Old Neil asked with a smile.




Three calm voices sounded in succession. Seeing this, the smile on Old Neil's face grew even stronger.

"Three, do you know where this place is?"

"Where? Obviously, this is a bar, isn't it?" Peter blinked and pretended to be stupid without thinking.

"Yes, that's right, this is the bar." Old Neil nodded in response.

"Since it's a bar, what's the problem with us coming here?" Harry took the words and asked forcefully.

"No, no, no," Old Neil waved his hands again and again, "It's just that all the people who come to this bar of mine are acquaintances, and there are very few unfamiliar faces."

Harry didn't answer the conversation, but said nonchalantly: "You just open the door to do business and make money, it doesn't matter whether we are acquaintances or strangers."

After hearing this, Old Neil didn't speak, but the smile on his face grew stronger.

Suddenly, a sharp voice came from the dance floor again:

"They are humans!"

 Good night, friends! *(`)*
(End of this chapter)

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