The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 94 Taking the Blood Orchid Potion

Chapter 94 Taking the Blood Orchid Potion
Li Yang smacked his lips as he savored the taste of the blood orchid potion, which was surprisingly not bitter.

Well, the taste is okay, sweet, with a faint orchid fragrance.

Wait, is the point of the matter wrong!

After savoring the unique taste of the blood orchid potion, Li Yang was puzzled to find out why there was no reaction at all?

"Ahem, it may take some time for the medicine to take effect." Li Yang comforted himself in this way.


Under the action of gears in a purely mechanical watch, the second hand moves at a constant speed round after round under the leadership of time.

"Could it be expired?" Li Yang waited for 10 minutes, and finally ushered in disappointment.

"Is it because of my wrong storage method that caused it to fail? Or is it that the effect of the blood orchid potion can no longer strengthen my body?"

Countless questions filled Li Yang's brain, but he couldn't find the correct answer.

Looking at the remaining two blood orchid potions, Li Yang hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​taking it again.

Putting one hand on the ground and standing up again from the cross-legged sitting position, Li Yang murmured: "Go to Harry tomorrow and ask about the situation, maybe you can get a reasonable explanation from him."

After speaking, Li Yang vigorously shook his head a few times to get rid of countless distracting thoughts, and then walked towards the door.

There was a sudden explosion of thunder that broke the earth and surrounded Li Yang's ears, making him tremble all over.

As if a bomb exploded in Li Yang's stomach, a violent energy swept through his whole body in an instant, and every cell in his body cheered for it.

The blood orchid potion has taken effect! ! !
This was the only thought in Li Yang's mind. For a moment, various complex emotions of joy, fear, and longing rushed into his heart.

Li Yang could clearly feel that a steady stream of violent energy overflowed from his stomach, washing away the skin, muscles, and bones, without any place being pulled down.

Li Yang's heart made a loud thunderous sound like "bang bang bang". Between tightening and loosening, a tyrannical force was generated, driving the blood as heavy as mercury to circulate continuously in the body.

At the same time, the blood in Li Yang's body was flowing rapidly, like the mighty and surging Yangtze River, rushing forward with an unstoppable momentum.

The bones creaked, and under the impact of energy, every bone vibrated regularly.All the bones are connected into a whole, forming a regular cycle, devouring and digesting all the energy.If someone can see through, they can clearly see that the original white bones are constantly changing, and finally move closer to the crystal clear jade color.

At this moment, Li Yang, sensing the changes in his body every second, had a ferocious and weird smile on his face—the blood orchid potion was also strengthening his facial muscles all the time, so he looked uncoordinated.

The unlimited supply of energy almost exploded Li Yang, so he couldn't let go!

Xingyiquan - Paoquan!
Explosive power poured into the clenched fist, and the bones all over his body beat violently, making a crackling sound. Li Yang's body was suddenly raised to two meters, and his muscles were knotted like a little giant.Immediately, the sandbag-sized fist hit the air like a cannonball, blasting the air. Amidst the sound of explosion, the fist collided with the hard concrete ground.

Unrivaled power poured out, the ground was cracked, and dense cracks spread out like spider webs.At the same time, a fist mark with a depth of ten centimeters remained in place, showing the terrifying and destructive power!
Li Yang screamed excitedly, stepped on his right foot, left a deep footprint on the spot, and arrived in front of a huge pillar as if teleporting.

The giant column is silver-white in color and made of refined steel. It is two meters high and one meter in diameter.

Under the light, there are mottled traces on the giant pillars, and traces of fist marks, knife marks, gunshots, etc. are all over every corner.

Juzhu is one of the most frequently used tools by Li Yang. Whether it is a powerful boxing technique or a sharp-edged spear technique, he can bear it by force.

Li Yang looked at the bruised steel giant pillar, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Unable to suppress the surging energy, Li Yang immediately let go of all his worries, and poured out the burst of energy to his heart's content.

Youlong Baguazhang, Xingyi Twelve Fist, Three Emperor Paohammer, Wudang Cotton Palm, Vajra Subduing Demon Fist...

All kinds of fierce and powerful boxing and palm techniques are displayed to the fullest, and they are sublimated time after time.Under Li Yang's attack, the giant pillar made of fine steel lost its rigidity, just like a ball of soft dough changing its shape in his hands.

The hammer of the Three Emperors Pao blatantly slammed down, and the deep fist marks showed the violent power.

Youlong Baguazhang lightly pressed on the giant pillar, a sunken palm print was revealed, and even the criss-cross lines on the palm were clearly visible.

Fist, palm, elbow, knee, Li Yang made full use of every part of his body to deal the deadliest blow to Juzhu.During the 5-minute roar, Li Yang became stronger and stronger under the support of that steady stream of energy.

"Hoo hoo ~, hoo hoo ~, hoo hoo ~"

Like a dilapidated bellows, between inhaling and exhaling, the air waves keep rolling.

Finally, the continuous energy gradually weakened, and Li Yang stopped his violent attack.

Treasures of heaven and earth!

At this moment, Li Yang only had this most real idea in his mind.Regardless of washing off the stains on his body first, looking back suddenly, Li Yang's eyes were full of burning desire.

There, there are still two unused blood orchid potions!

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Yang strode forward and grabbed the two blood orchid potions in his hands.

The light red liquid reflected Li Yang's face, he grinned and poured two blood orchid potions into his mouth without blinking his eyes.

Ten minutes later, Li Yang felt the violent energy exploding in his body again, and Li Yang couldn't be more excited.

His eyes shifted to the giant steel pillar again, and Li Yang laughed wantonly.


At five o'clock in the morning, before Uncle Sun showed his face, he couldn't wait to sprinkle golden light to illuminate the world.That is to say, Sister Moon has a good temper and doesn't care about it. She just gathers the moonlight and gradually hides her body.

After a night of tossing, fortunately the sound insulation in the basement is excellent, otherwise the neighbors would have called the police.

After completely absorbing the effects of the three blood orchid potions, Li Yang was taking a cold shower in the bathroom.

Looking from a distance, the bathroom is surrounded by clouds and mist, and Li Yang's figure is looming in it.

Li Yang in the shower is like a human-shaped sun, emitting endless heat.As soon as the bone-cold water came into contact with it, it changed from a liquid state to a gaseous state, rose in mid-air, fell when it was cold, and fell on Li Yang's body, turning into a gaseous state again.Repeatedly, endless loop.

After taking a cold shower for half an hour, Li Yang's body temperature, which was enough to fry an egg, gradually receded and returned to normal body temperature.

Sitting on the soft sofa in the living room, Li Yang felt every change in his body. Unknowingly, the corners of his mouth on both sides were raised, outlining a perfect arc.

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(End of this chapter)

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