The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 80 Harry's Changes (2 more for collection and recommendation)

Chapter 80 Harry's Changes
"Are you full?" Li Yang asked loudly.

"I'm full!" The eight people replied in unison.

"Very good," Li Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then continued: "Then I'll send you back to Xavier College in a while, and I've been out for a long time. If I don't send you back, Professor X should be in a hurry."

"Ah, are you going back now?"

"I still want to play outside for a while. Just now I saw a store selling candied haws. I really want to eat it."

"Well, I want to eat too, but if it worries Professor X, I think we'd better go back."

"That's right, we've only invited you home for half a day, and it's time to go back."


Good times always fly by, but it is not easy for Li Yang to take half a day off for this group of Xavier College students to play.After all, they all have extraordinary abilities, no matter how powerful they are, given their age, it is easy to lose control.

Therefore, Professor X always tries to avoid such things from happening.

"Okay, children, let's go downstairs." Li Yang smiled brightly, and the time with the children is always so happy.

"Candied haws, right? No problem. We'll buy them in a while. Everyone has them. By the way, bring some back and distribute them to your classmates."

A group of people bouncing downstairs, and then went to the store on the road to buy a batch of candied haws, Li Yang took eight people and one cat on their way home.

Along the way, the children were chattering non-stop, making people forget the time.As if in the blink of an eye, the gate of Xavier College appeared in Li Yang's vision.

"Brother, remember to come back early to celebrate my birthday."

The baby turned his head three times a step, his eyes were a little red.

"Don't worry, baby, I will definitely come back tonight, I promise." Li Yang looked serious and swore to God.

"Hurry up and go back to the dormitory. Remember to deliver candied haws to Mary and Katie."

"Yeah, I'll go then." The baby nodded vigorously, then reluctantly walked towards the dormitory.

Li Yang looked at the baby's back dotingly, until it disappeared from his sight, then he went back to the car and drove towards the Osborne Building.

"Li, you came very quickly, go, Harry is waiting upstairs."

When Li Yang got out of the car, he heard a familiar voice.

"Why, you came here specially to pick me up." Li Yang asked with a smile on his face.

Peter raised his brows, and his immature face was solemn: "Of course, Li, I came here to pick you up on purpose, and I've been waiting for almost half an hour."

"Really?" Li Yang smiled playfully, then reached out and grabbed Peter's back.

"Oh, let me see, what's this. Two iced Cokes, four double cod burgers, and two bags of chips.

Tsk tsk, that's how you came to pick me up. "

After all, Peter was not thick-skinned enough, and he was already slightly flushed at this time, and he said coyly: "Uh, huh, oh, I was afraid that you came over in a hurry and didn't have lunch, so I just took advantage of this time to buy some things.

Uh, are you hungry, do you want a burger? "

Li Yang stared at Peter for a while, until he twisted his body uncomfortably, and then continued: "Hehe, no, I didn't come here until after lunch.

Come on, take me up to see Harry. "

Even though he said so, Li Yang walked ahead of Peter.

Peter quickly followed Li Yang, and said with a lame excuse: "Actually, if you don't eat, I think I can help you, so don't be polite to me."

"How many floors?"

"Oh, the 27th floor. It was Dr. Connors' laboratory."

Hearing this familiar name again, Li Yang felt indescribably complicated in his heart.But fortunately, that is a thing of the past.

Silently pressing the elevator button on the 27th floor, Li Yang entered the sage time.

After all, standing next to him is Peter, the annoying little spider who chatters!

"Li, let me tell you, the blood orchid you brought back is really amazing. As far as I know, there has never been a plant that has such a magical effect!"

"Hey, Li, what kind of eyes do you have? Let me tell you, my scientific literacy has been recognized by many doctors and professors!

Also, don't look at me as a senior in high school, in fact I have already taught myself college courses. "

Ding Dong!

After being quiet for a long time, Li Yang finally said, "Here we are, Peter, lead the way."

"Okay, come with me." Peter agreed.

After finishing speaking, Peter walked ahead with a bag of food, walked around the corridor for a minute, and finally pushed open the door of the laboratory.

"Come in, Lee."

Li Yang asked rather puzzled: "Didn't you say that you are doing a test, why is there no one?"

The laboratory was empty, not a single person was there.

A loud voice came from the innermost room: "Is Peter back? Come in quickly, I'm going to starve to death."

Peter glanced at Li Yang in embarrassment, and then said: "Here, Harry. Just in time, I brought Li up too."

"Oh, come in, come in, I also want to thank Mr. Li very much."

Going around the desk full of instruments and documents, and pushing open the door of the innermost office, Li Yang saw Harry again, a very different Harry.

Different from being surrounded by death before, now Harry is not only radiant, but also has a pair of bright eyes like stars in the night sky, exuding a strange brilliance.

"Li, please take a seat, I'm sorry for the inconvenient, I can't entertain you well."

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Yang's eyes, he didn't expect the blood orchid to have such a miraculous effect.It seems that Harry not only completely solved the problem of his genetic disease, but also gained other things from it.For example..., power!

"How are you feeling now?"

"Very good, better than ever!" Harry's tone was very excited, he wanted to stand up but seemed to think of something, and continued to maintain the state of that wooden figure.

"Blood Orchid has solved the problem of genetic diseases from the genetic level. In other words, not only I am free from the trouble of genetic diseases, but even my descendants will not have the problem of genetic diseases.

Once and for all!

Of course, with regard to future generations, we can take our time. "

"It can be seen that your current condition cannot be improved!" Li Yang replied seriously.

"Yes, yes. The miraculous blood orchid, not only cured my genetic disease, it also gave me other things.

Uh, how should I say it?

I think I am now on the same level as Captain America! "

Li Yang showed a puzzled expression appropriately to satisfy Harry's endless desire to talk.

"Oh, there is a detailed test report on my body on the table, Li, you can take a look.

I can also add explanations as appropriate. "

After hearing this, Li Yang temporarily shifted his gaze from Harry to the document on the table.

"Oh come here Peter, I want a hamburger and I'm starving!

Come and feed me! "

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(End of this chapter)

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