The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 77 Fierce battle against the giant python king (final)

Chapter 77 Fierce battle against the giant python king (final)

The flames of vengeance burned in Paul's eyes. Without a trace of hesitation, he pulled the trigger, and bullets detonated by gunpowder shuttled through the air, and then exploded on the python's head.

The giant python shook its head frantically, hoping to avoid the sharpness of the bullet.At the same time, the python's body, winding for more than [-] meters, swam quickly on the ground, heading straight for Paul.

With the extraordinary wisdom of the boa constrictor, he naturally understood Paul's threat to it.But Paul only relied on the heavy machine gun in his hand, and his own strength was extremely weak.

The witty giant python has seen through all of this, so naturally the persimmons are the first to pick the soft ones!
For Li Yang, let him be presumptuous for a while.

With this thought in mind, the python kept getting closer to Paul.

Paul, on the other hand, was also calm. The death of his brother gave him infinite courage. He didn't want to escape, but aimed the muzzle of the heavy machine gun at the python, and poured out a shuttle of bullets.

Seeing that the giant python didn't attack him first, but swam to another place quickly, Li Yang immediately understood what the giant python was thinking.

But how could Li Yang fulfill the giant python's wish.

All the thoughts were completed in Li Yang's mind in an instant, and he immediately ran after him like a shadow.


The low-pitched sound waves spread, and Li Yang, who was following closely, used a spear instead of a spear, and threw out a shot like lightning. The bright silver light flashed through the air, and instantly sank into the tail of the giant python.

The strength that Li Yang poured into it was combined with the sharpness of the silver spear. The silver spear pierced through the root, and then pierced through the scale armor, nailing it to the ground.

The giant python's galloping body froze under the pull of the silver spear, and then stopped taking a step forward.

It's not that it's impossible to move forward, but once it moves forward, it is bound to tear the flesh and blood because the tail is nailed to the ground.Such heart-piercing pain, the giant python did not want to bear it anymore.

The giant python turned its ferocious head back, staring at Li Yang firmly.

This springtail in his eyes, an insignificant springtail, actually hurt it twice and three times, it is unforgivable!

Seeing Li Yang approaching again, the anger in the python's heart could no longer be contained.

Springtail, must die!

The huge python body suddenly erupted with unparalleled power, driving the terrifying python head to crush Li Yang mercilessly amid bursts of sonic booms.

Facing the huge mouth full of sharp fangs that could swallow a full-grown bull, Li Yang was surprisingly calm in his heart.

The dust exploded with a bang and dispersed in the air, covering Li Yang, making it impossible to discern his position.

In the next second, the giant python arrived as expected.Under the rage of the giant python, the already huge blood mouth was enlarged again, and then swallowed all the dust-covered places into the mouth.

After the python passed, the cigarettes disappeared.

But after the giant python chewed twice, only a raw feeling filled his mouth.The python knew that it was the feeling of dust mixed with its saliva.But this is not what the python wants. What the python expects is the taste of blood, muscle and bones exploding in its mouth.

However, it didn't appear.

Li Yang, who was hidden in the dust, seemed to be one with the air, silently losing any trace of his existence.

At this moment, the giant python's brain that had been occupied by anger regained a bit of clarity, and there was a very humane look of doubt in its eyes.Logically speaking, the attack just now had absolutely no possibility of failure, but why didn't it kill the enemy?
However, before it could think about this problem, a sound suddenly came from above its head.Although the volume was extremely low, it still didn't escape its sensitive hearing.

The two fist-sized cold eyes turned upwards vigorously, but they still couldn't see anything.

After all, the two eyes of the giant python grow on both sides of the head, and there are always places that it can't take care of.

And in the blind spot of the giant python's sight, Li Yangzheng clasped his hands firmly in the gap between the python's scales like a dragon's claw, and the black windbreaker flapped wantonly with the wind under the movement of the giant python.

The critical moment of breaking the game is approaching so quietly.

It took a few seconds to stabilize the figure on the giant python's head, then, it's time to attack!
There was a flash of light in Li Yang's eyes, and then two extremely destructive dark forces poured into the giant python's head continuously along his hands.

The tyranny and dominance of Anjin destroyed the connection between the giant python's skull and the layer of scales at the moment of contact, and then exploded the scales, revealing the crystal-like white jade skull inside.

Li Yang's original meaning was to destroy the brain tissue of the giant python with dark energy, causing it to die instantly.But this idea doesn't seem to work now, because the skull of the python is too thick and too hard.

Let's not talk about whether it will be successful in the future, but for now, Li Yang's dark energy can't break through the barrier of the giant python's skull, and the idea of ​​​​destroying brain tissue is naturally impossible to talk about.

The dark energy that Li Yang cultivated so hard, lost its magical effect in front of the giant python's skull.

However, Li Yang was not discouraged because of this, the iron-like will is not reserved for everyone to joke about.Take the previous life as an example, he has experienced countless battles, large and small, and not every time the dark energy can achieve good results.

If the dark energy fails, then attack openly!
Thinking of this, the tightly clasped dragon claw hands immediately left a snow-white skull and raised it high.

Baji - Paoquan!
The power from the waist poured into the arms, causing the arms to swell in a circle.Immediately, the clenched fist cut through the air like a falling stone, and amidst sonic booms, the sandbag-sized fist brazenly bombarded the crystal skull.


Today's Li Yang is by no means comparable to back then.Even with such a high-intensity bombardment, Li Yang still didn't blush and couldn't breathe.

Of course, Li Yang raised his fists, but the python underneath didn't think so.

Just when An Jin shattered the scales and flesh, the giant python realized Li Yang's existence.And the shell-like bombardment that followed immediately caused the giant python to howl and struggle desperately.

The giant python frantically shook its head, hoping to expel Li Yang from above his head.But Li Yang's feet seemed to be rooted on the top of the giant python's head, even though the giant python tossed about in every possible way, it still didn't help.

And that thunderous muffled sound still resounded densely.

The giant python finally realized the current situation, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and immediately, like a dragon falling from the sky, the raised python's head slammed towards the ground.


With a berserk blow, the tyrannical force was reflected back by the ground, and the violent shock impacted the python's thinking, making him unable to continue to control his body for a while.

Li Yang was also badly injured, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and three ribs in his chest were broken, but luckily no internal organs were punctured.

Under the attack of the giant python that hurt both sides, Li Yang did not give in at all, but chose to bear the blow forcefully.

And now, the best opportunity is here!
Although Li Yang was dizzy as well, but with his iron will, he always maintained a little clarity.

His still intact hands brushed his waist, and there were two Willow Leaf Flying Knives that had not been used for a long time.

The flying knife is still sharp, it is worthy of use.

Driven by both arms, two lancet flying knives appeared in front of the python's two eyes.

Through the giant python's black eyes without focus, one can still feel the chilling killing intent contained in the Willow Leaf Flying Knife.

Without hesitation, Li Yang's arms burst out with tyrannical strength again.

Two slight cracking sounds sounded in Li Yang's ears at the same time.

 Sorry for the delay, so I just finished coding now. (╥╯^╰╥)
  Well, this chapter was yesterday.

  Hope you all support!

(End of this chapter)

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