The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 75 Fighting the Giant Python King (2)

Chapter 75 Fighting the Giant Python King ([-])
Witnessing the death of six living and dead brothers, even the corpses were crushed to pieces, Paul once fell into despair.

Rage, Rage brother's death.Fear, fear the invincibility of the enemy.Ashamed, ashamed of my own weakness.

All kinds of emotions intertwined into a fine net in Paul's mind, covering him and making him unable to extricate himself.

Finally, when the battle between Li Yang and the python started, Paul woke up from the nightmare.

Now, the time for revenge has come.

Paul's eyes were full of madness, his strong arms were holding the heavy motorcycle tightly, and he pulled the trigger immediately.


The heavy machine gun spewed out tongues of fire, fell to the ground and made a series of light and crisp sounds, mixed with Paul's crazy roar, forming a strange and harmonious symphony.

The heavy machine gun bullets were jetted out at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and the huge kinetic energy contained in them poured on the python body one by one after a short flight.

For a moment, sparks flew from the giant python's body, which was caused by the friction between the bullet and the metallic scales of the giant python.At the same time, python scales, blood and a small amount of flesh and blood were mixed together and splashed in the air.

Although human beings are physically weak, relying on their extraordinary wisdom, they overwhelm all living things and become the sole overlord of this blue planet.

And the super giant python in front of him is no exception.

The tumbling giant python was suddenly shot by a round of heavy machine guns, and immediately howled and screamed.

Faced with the high-speed spray of heavy machine guns, Python changed its strategy.It immediately stopped rolling and rolling, turned the python's head upside down, and entered the water upstream from the ship.

With the barrier of the Man River, Paul's heavy machine gun became useless for a while.

"Captain, full speed ahead!"

After a roar, the normal and safe speed of [-] knots increased to the highest speed at a speed visible to the naked eye.In addition, the direction of travel was downstream, and the speed of the ship reached the extreme for a while.

"Li, do you see where it is?" Paul roared full of hatred. At the same time, his eyes kept sweeping across the water, looking for the python.

"I'm going to kill it, damn python, it's killing all my brothers!"

"Keep calm, Paul." Li Yang was vigilant about the water around him, not daring to relax for a moment.

"It's definitely not gone, it's still here, lurking in the water, looking for the right opportunity to pounce."

This operation caused more than half of the python group casualties, almost extinction.Even, Li Yang and others took the opportunity to take away the most precious treasure of the giant python family - the blood orchid!

Judging from the wisdom shown by this giant python king, it will never give up the chance of revenge after suffering a little setback.

"At three o'clock, shoot!"

A sudden command from Li Yang fell into Paul's ears without any sign.But Paul, who was still in a state of madness, did not hesitate at all. He turned the muzzle of the heavy machine gun and executed Li Yang's order perfectly.


In the river water in the direction of Paul's three o'clock, there are traces of faint blood mixed in it.As soon as Li Yang found out, amidst the roar of heavy machine guns, a piece of water was instantly stained red with blood.

Ten seconds later, the muzzle of the heavy machine gun was smoking, and the violent vibration stopped.

As for the area that was dyed red, the red color gradually faded and returned to its original color after being continuously washed by the river.

This round of heavy machine gun fire showed that the giant python did not leave, but was lurking in the water around the ship.Even if the speed of the ship reached the extreme, it still couldn't get rid of the chasing of the giant python.

One second, two seconds, three seconds..., one minute, two minutes, three minutes...

A full 10 minutes passed, and the python did not make any attack, not even a tentative move.

Did Python really give up the idea of ​​revenge?
Do not!Li Yang never believed it, even though maintaining such a state of high vigilance all the time consumed a lot of his energy, but he didn't dare to neglect one centimeter.

Judging from the cunning of this giant python's ancestor, maybe Li Yang would pay a heavy price for it, even his life, if he let it go for a moment.

A dull sound came from the water, and at the same time, Li Yang felt a wave of shaking.It wasn't Li Yang who was shaking, but the whole ship moving at high speed!
Li Yang's whole body was shaken as if he had been electrocuted, and he immediately came to his senses.

"No, the python wants to overturn our boat!"

The muffled noises and the constant shaking of the ship were all caused by the giant python.

In order to ensure the success of this mission, Harry transported the ship weighing a hundred tons.Normally, even if the giant python exhausts all its strength, it can only shake the ship slightly, and there is absolutely no possibility of capsizing.But now the ship is running at the highest speed in order to get rid of the giant python, so the violent impact of the giant python has achieved the effect of four or two.

Perhaps in the next second, the ship will capsize due to a violent collision!

Li Yang cannot bear the consequences of the ship capsizing.

In the water of the Man River, the super python evolved from the Indonesian anaconda has a strong advantage.

Once he falls into Manhe, not to mention others, but Li Yang himself, it's not bad to be able to exert all his strength to achieve six or seven achievements.

And if you encounter the giant python at this time, the winning rate is extremely low.

Changes must be made to avoid the crisis of capsizing the ship and at the same time weaken the advantage of the python.

After thinking about all the questions, a rough and loud voice came out of Li Yang's throat:
"Captain, listen to my order, slow down, and dock!"

To avoid the danger of the ship capsizing, at the same time, force the giant python to give up the geographical advantage and swim to land to fight.

When the captain heard Li Yang's order, he immediately carried it out without hesitation.

If it were someone else, the captain might hesitate and hesitate.But facing Li Yang, who witnessed the slaughter of a giant crocodile with his own eyes, the captain gave him [-]% trust.

The speed of the ship slowly decreased under the control of the captain, and the degree of shaking of the ship was restrained amidst a series of muffled sounds.At the same time, the direction of the ship turned slightly, and the ship began to approach the shore a little bit.

The metal hull collided with gravel on the river bank, and the ship eventually docked normally.

Li Yang couldn't wait to take the lead in a vertical leap, jumped off the deck more than three meters high, and landed lightly on the shore.

"Quick, everyone, get off the boat and retreat to the jungle first!"

After the order was issued, Li Yang fixed his eyes on the calm water of the Man River.

The water on the shore is not deep enough to hide the giant python's body, which bought Li Yang a bit of buffer time.

Although the crew members were panicked and terrified, there was no confusion at all.Headed by the captain, everyone disembarked methodically along the escalator, and then moved to the jungle.

Li Yang looked out of the corner of his eye and confirmed that everyone, including Professor William and Jessica who were still in a coma, had withdrawn from the ship, and Li Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Paul, find a suitable position and provide me with fire support.

Now, it's time to have a good fight with this giant python ancestor! "

After finishing speaking, Li Yang was still staring at the river, but he backed away slowly.

 Finally, I finished this chapter in time!
  I accompanied my mother to the hospital to see a doctor at night. I thought the task would not be completed, but I didn't expect it!
  Give yourself a thumbs up! *(`)*
  Finally, continue to ask for recommendations and collections from book friends!In the new week, I hope everyone will support us a lot!ヾ(`.ヾ)
  Oh oh, I forgot to mention, thank you book friend Feng Duyu for the reward of [-] coins, thank you!

  I'm so happy (﹡o﹡)
(End of this chapter)

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