The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 73 Anti-navigation (continued)

Chapter 73 Anti-navigation (continued)
The ship set off layers of waves, left the shore, and sailed downstream.

Standing on the deck, Li Yang looked at the receding scenery on both sides of the strait, and his mood suddenly brightened.

"That's how it ends, not bad."

"What's good? Li, what did you just say?"

Paul walked past Li Yang and asked doubtfully.

An hour ago, Paul was as tired as a dead dog, but after a certain period of rest and adequate food supplements, this embarrassing situation was relieved.

Now Paul and the eight others could barely stand up, and then they kept walking back and forth on the deck.

"It's nothing, I'm just happy to think that I can go back."

"Oh, that's it. Actually, I'm also very excited. To be honest, when I first took on this task, I had the determination to die. Now that I can survive, it's a big profit.

Of course, to survive, I must first thank you, Li.

If it is useful to come to our place in the future, just ask, we will do our best to help you. "

Paul's tone of voice was very serious, and his expression was very serious.

After listening, Li Yang just smiled and didn't express his attitude clearly.

Perhaps the military accomplishments of Paul and others are world-class, but there are still areas in this world that are difficult for ordinary people to touch.Mutants, magicians, protoss, etc., are definitely not something they can compete with.

So Paul's promise may never be fulfilled in this life.

After the task is completed this time, they will part ways and even never see each other again.

"This mission is so tiring, why don't you go to the cabin to sleep and take a rest."

"Chuancang, Li, stop teasing me." Paul waved his hands again and again, shaking his head like a drum.

"Today's night is really fresh in my memory, and I can't forget it. The darkness that swallowed everything planted the seeds of fear in my heart. To be honest, I dare not close my eyes now, let alone sleep.

So, I'd better bask in the sun here, so I can be more comfortable. "

Li Yang nodded, expressing his understanding.

Paul stared at Li Yang for a long time, raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"Okay, then you continue to rest, I will talk to my brother."

After speaking, Paul took stiff steps and walked towards the other side of the deck.

There, Paul's brothers chatted excitedly, trying their best to imagine a better life from now on.

Under the sun, all of this is so beautiful.

According to Paul's later recollection, that moment was the pinnacle moment of his life.

The calm water suddenly exploded, and the raised water splashed in the air, like a sudden thunderstorm, so suddenly.

Bobby reached out to stroke the river water from his face, his eyes widened and he asked strangely:

"Strange, why is it suddenly dark?"

At this moment, a shrill and desperate scream suddenly exploded in Bobby Ren's ears.

"Run! Run! Run!"

The high-spirited voice just now stopped abruptly, and the atmosphere full of joy also shattered in an instant.

Looking at the panicked companion in front of him, Bobby seemed to realize something, then raised his head at a ninety-degree angle and looked up.

For a moment, Bobby seemed to lose his soul, and the original colorful tones of the whole person became only black and white.

What did Bobby see?
Bobby saw that the high above was no longer the eternal sun!

The huge body like a hill stood there straight, reaching a height of ten meters.An incomparably huge and ferocious python head replaced the eternal Yaoyang.The two black snake eyes, one on the left and the other on the right, are like two black holes, sucking away sunlight, colors, and even human souls.

Through those black stars that seemed to last forever, Poppy could not see a trace of emotion, nor could he see his contempt for human beings.The only thing that can be seen is a ray of blood hidden in the deepest part.

Bobby understood that it was killing!
The diameter of the python-like body fell like a giant dragon, with a weight of tens of millions of catties, coupled with the speed given by the gravity of the earth, the ship more than [-] meters long tilted [-] to [-] degrees as if it had been bombarded, almost overturning the ship .

And under the python body, the steel guardrail that had just been repaired after being crushed by the giant crocodile was once again ruthlessly destroyed, shriveled like a layer of paper.

As for Paul's brothers, getting together became the greatest misfortune.Under the python's body, the continuously flowing blood gathered together, dyeing the short python's body red, adding a bit of ferocity to it.

Paul looked at the scene in front of him in despair, and suddenly lost all his strength and sat down on the deck.Paul knew that those life and death brothers who had experienced countless dangers with him were gone, and he was the only one left, living alone in this world.

The beauty of the car and the fine wine that could be enjoyed in one step, all drifted into the distance with this loud noise.

"Come on!"

A low growl suddenly exploded in Paul's ears, and before he could respond, there was a feeling of floating in the clouds.When he regained his composure slightly, he found that he had moved to the door of the boathouse without knowing it.

And at the place where he was standing, it was Li Yang who replaced him!
"Enter the cabin, everyone, don't come out!"

After the wanton roar, the short spears cast by the two secondary Emand's joint guns re-formed into a double-headed silver spear at some point, and it was placed across the chest.

Li Yang focused all his attention on the giant python, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

But within a few seconds, Li Yang got some basic information about the giant python in front of him.At the same time, Li Yang couldn't help but gasp.

The dozen or so giant pythons that were more than [-] meters long and as thick as a millstone encountered in the valley can be called the largest in the world.But if it is compared with the giant python in front of it, it is insignificant.

The body of the python more than 30 meters long is basically the same length as the ship under its feet.The body of the python as thick as a water tank is almost as wide as three Li Yangs.Coupled with that huge, ferocious and spiked head, it looks like a world-destroying dragon!
Even through the pair of pitch-black pythons that seemed to exist forever, Li Yang seemed to find a trace of wisdom in them.

Could it be that this giant python is about to become a master, Li Yang has no strength to complain in his heart, but he dare not relax a bit.

From the body of this giant python, Li Yang couldn't help feeling a long-lost sensation, which was the smell of death.

Regarding this, Li Yang was both excited and apprehensive.

The way of martial arts lies in constantly forging ahead, constantly breaking through the limit, and surpassing oneself.

But in the face of this giant python, all the moves and skills were all useless.The only thing that can work is Li Yang's extremely sublimated speed and strength!
Suddenly staring at each other for a long time, Li Yang couldn't hold back his agitated mood anymore.


 Second watch for collection and recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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