The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 71 Escape from the Valley of the Pythons

Chapter 71 Escape from the Valley of the Pythons

So far, the picked mature blood orchids have filled the backpack. Unless the blood orchids are ineffective, this amount is believed to be enough to make a potion to cure Harry's genetic disease.

Similarly, more than ten blood orchid plants have been collected for future research, so it is a wise choice to retreat now.

On the narrow stone path, Jessica supported the trembling Professor William to retreat slowly step by step, and finally his figure disappeared among the dense vines.

At this moment, Li Yang returned to his original place with a hanging heart.If there is no accident, Professor William and Jessica have already run to the foothold outside the valley according to the original plan.

Now, Li Yang can also retreat.

Out of the corner of Paul's eye, he saw Li Yang's figure retreating slowly, and finally disappeared into the green, and immediately roared a few times excitedly.

Li Yang's retreat means that the task has been completed, and at the same time, it also means that they have to say goodbye to this group of terrifying pythons, uh, they say goodbye!

Paul couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and shouted: "Johnson, Bobby, throw a high-explosive grenade, and then retreat quickly!"

Johnson and others were immediately refreshed when they heard the words. During the longest 10 minutes of their lives, every second was a painful torment.

Without hesitation, Johnson and Borziqi put down the spraying automatic rifles, and then activated the remaining seven high-explosive grenades at lightning speed and threw them into the pool.


With a heart-piercing cry, accompanied by a series of explosions, the eight Pauls stopped shooting almost at the same time, and then rushed out without any image or any scruples.

This moment was the most anticipated moment in the lives of the eight people including Paul.Paul can swear to God, if not, then he will never grab a loli lollipop again in his life!

The whole plan starts with high-explosive grenade and ends with high-explosive grenade power.

In the pool, the black-yellow silt kept trying to muddy the water, but it was eventually stained red by blood.

The [-]-meter-long remnant of the giant python floated on the surface of the pool, making the small pool suddenly seem a bit crowded.

The joy of defeating the giant crocodiles that dominated the rainforest a few days ago disappeared completely at this moment. The dead pythons returned to this world, while the living ones sank to the bottom of the pool and licked their wounds silently. be reborn in.


"Hahahaha, Li, quite a few of us have come back alive. This is simply a miracle!"

Paul and his party of eight ran out of the dense forest quite embarrassedly, but their faces were full of excitement.

"Thanks to Almighty God, my Lord must be watching me, so that I have such great luck."

Li Yang looked helplessly at Paul who was talking nonsense, and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he understood his mood.

In Paul's life, no matter how difficult and dangerous he had experienced before, none of today's actions made him fearful and made him think that he was fighting against legends.

Even Li Yang himself did not expect this to happen.

The perfect victory of this operation, the element of luck accounted for a large proportion.

If there is no favorable location, and the giant pythons are not caught off guard, I am afraid that there is only one person who can walk out of the rainforest alive.

After the excitement lasted for a while, Paul and others came out of this extreme emotion.

Johnson asked suspiciously: "Li, where are Professor William and Jessica, haven't they arrived yet?"

Li Yang could only shake his head: "Not yet, just wait."

Although Professor William and Jessica were the first to retreat, their physical fitness was the worst in the group.So this situation is also expected by Li Yang.

In this valley, apart from the giant python, there are no other carnivorous animals.Of course, herbivores are also rare.Therefore, the safety of Professor William and Jessica is still guaranteed.

The only thing Li Yang and others can do now is to wait, to die.

If Professor William and Jessica didn't come back, their plan would be meaningless.

Finally, after an anxious and long wait, Professor William and Jessica ran out from the side of the dense forest, both out of breath.

Seeing this, Li Yang hurriedly urged Paul: "Quick, go and meet him."

Paul and Johnson ran over quickly, took the backpack full of blood orchids and carried them on their shoulders, and then helped them meet Li Yang.

Li Yang just watched quietly, his feet didn't move.The reason why Professor William and Jessica were arranged to withdraw alone was because of the blood orchid.The Blood Orchid would have an inexplicable attraction to Li Yang, so in order to avoid accidents, Li Yang did not choose to go with them.

Now, everyone has gathered together, and whether Li Yang can act with Johnson and the others in the next move will soon be revealed.

"Li, we're here." Jessica greeted with a heavy breath.

Li Yang's tense nerves finally relaxed, the backpack was well sealed, which isolated the smell and appearance, and the blood orchid did not make him feel the most primitive throbbing anymore.

"Very good, can you still hold on? Next, we can't neglect for a moment, we must rush back to the ship now!"

Li Yang's tone was very serious, because the current situation was very urgent, and he had to travel overnight, otherwise he might face the enraged giant python.

At this time, there is only one step away from completing the task perfectly, even if you die, you will die on the way to leave.

"Huh, huh, no, it's okay, go, get out of here."

"Okay, time is urgent, Paul, please protect Jessica and Professor William, and Johnson and I will open the way ahead."

After finishing speaking, Li Yang took a step forward, holding a short spear in each of his left and right hands, and walked in the front, cutting off the shrubs and other low plants blocking him one by one, forcibly opening a path from the dense rainforest. Come on.

A certain writer once said that there are no roads in this world, and when there are many people walking, it becomes a road.

But now, Li Yang is practicing this truth alone.

There are many deadly threats hidden in the lush rainforest, such as nimble cheetahs, ferocious tigers, colorful poisonous spiders that can kill people instantly, and..., but all of them together, it is impossible to follow them One ten-thousandth of the python that came.

The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is the unknown.

As long as one thinks of the giant python's body that stretches for more than twenty meters, and then thinks of the appearance of dying and struggling in the giant python's stomach after being swallowed by the giant python, everyone's already exhausted bodies will be immediately shaken. New energy was injected, supporting them to escape quickly.

"Even at night, we can't stop, we have to maintain this speed.

If anyone can't hold on, get a shot of adrenaline! "

 Uh, I still continue to ask for collections and recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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