Chapter 67 Exploring the Valley
"What do you think now?"

Li Yang was the first to break the silence.

Everyone looked ugly, obviously the Indonesian anaconda shocked everyone greatly.

Professor William said excitedly and fearfully: "It's an Indonesian anaconda, and it looks quite big.

Moreover, [-]% of the valleys may have blood orchids, otherwise it would be impossible for Indonesian anacondas to grow to such a huge size! "

"If we want to face this guy head-on, I think it's very difficult for us to win. After all, there can never be only one of them. Like giant crocodiles, they should also be a group!" Paul said, holding the automatic rifle firmly hand, in order to seek a little sense of security.

Li Yang also very much agrees with Paul's point of view. The search for blood orchids is at the most critical moment, and there must be no carelessness.

Blood orchids have created giant crocodiles and Indonesian anacondas, so blood orchids are their most important support for dominating the rainforest.For example, the giant crocodile group was attacked by the Indonesian anaconda, and the blood orchids in the territory were completely destroyed, so the giant crocodile group had to leave the habitat that had been entrenched for many years and find another place.

It can be seen from this that the blood orchid must be the most important thing for the Indonesian anaconda, and it is not easy to get it.

It is even unknown whether the Indonesian anaconda will kill the weeds like the blood orchid in the mud when it comes to a critical juncture.

However, we must guard against it.

Never underestimate their intelligence and determination.

Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a thorough and executable plan.

It seems that it took a long time to go through all the things in Li Yang's mind, but in fact it only took a moment.

Finally, under the expectant eyes of everyone, Li Yang spoke.

"Well, I think it's getting dark soon, why don't you set up the tent first, then build a fire, and then we'll talk about it in detail."

Seeing everyone showing constipated expressions, Li Yang was also very unhappy.

That's right, he is strong, even if he confronts the python head-on, he will have no pressure.However, what if the giant pythons swarmed up, they couldn't free their hands at all, as long as one of the giant pythons was separated to deal with other people, it would really be to watch the live broadcast of the giant python swallowing humans alive!

If you want to get the blood orchid, you must have a careful plan and the perfect cooperation of all team members, so as to ensure the success of the operation to the greatest extent.

If you rely on him alone, the result can be imagined, what ideals, what dollars, are all imaginary. In the end, Li Yang is the only one who goes back alone. He holds the baby, and the baby holds the lemon, and tells a personal story. Legendary adventure story.


Two hours later, Li Yang and others surrounded the burning fire and continued to prepare to overcome this last difficulty.

"First of all, the only way to get in and out of the valley is not to walk, maybe there is a giant python hiding there, waiting for the prey to take the bait automatically.

So we're going to sneak in from both sides of the valley tomorrow, trying to avoid the pythons. "

Li Yang looked at the red faces of the people reflected by the flames in the flames, feeling a little melancholy for a moment.

Tomorrow, no matter how perfect the plan is, there is no guarantee that no one will die. I really don't know how many people will be able to go home safely.

"Li, Li, what's the matter with you?"

Jessica waved a hand in front of Li Yang's eyes, and kept calling.

"Sorry, I suddenly thought of something else just now. Let's continue," Li Yang recovered and continued his previous speech.

"Tomorrow we will be divided into two teams. Paul, you will lead a team of four, and the rest will follow me and enter from both sides of the valley, focusing on finding the blood orchid and marking the location of the python.

Be careful, don't attract the python's attention, I believe you won't want to play games with them.

At the same time, if you find blood orchids, don't pick them without authorization. There may be a giant python lurking there to protect the blood orchids.

Are all the above clear? "

Paul immediately patted his chest and assured him: "Don't worry, Li, we know how much we have, and we will never do anything that is greedy for money."

"Well, after the investigation is completed tomorrow, we will make the final detailed plan.

Now, Paul, you organize two groups of people to watch the night in turn, and the rest of the people have a good rest to ensure tomorrow's state. "

After everything was dealt with, except for the two team members who needed to watch the night, the rest of them got into their tents and fell asleep.

Li Yang also closed his eyes and went to sleep, but the sleepy eyes were very shallow, as long as there was a little abnormal sound outside, he would wake up immediately.


"Jessica, take my hand."

In the dense rainforest, two groups of people started to move inward from both sides of the valley.

On a steep rock wall, Li Yang extended a helping hand to Jessica.

After pulling Jessica and Professor William up easily, Li Yang squinted his eyes to observe the surrounding environment.

"It's not far from the waterfall here, let's go to the waterfall and observe it now."

Jessica and others agreed.

After all, compared to Paul's team, it is more secure to follow Li Yang.Even if he encounters one or two giant pythons without eyes, I believe Li Yang will take care of everyone's safety.

So, under the leadership of Li Yang, a group of six people quietly dived towards the waterfall.

"Xuelan... huh?!"

Suddenly, Professor William cried out in surprise, and Li Yang was caught off guard and quickly covered his mouth, swallowing the blurted words.

"Watch out for concealment!"

Li Yang crawled on the ground with Professor William, warning the four people behind him in a low voice.

Jessica and the others didn't dare to neglect, they immediately lay down gently on the ground, and then moved forward inch by inch.

When their eyes overlapped with Li Yang, they couldn't help but gasped.

Unlike Professor William, a scientist who is obsessed with blood orchids, the first thing Jessica and others saw was not the dense blood orchids growing on both sides of the waterfall, but in the pool below the waterfall, countless giant pythons squirmed and splashed together. splash!

In the small pool, there are no less than twenty giant pythons!
Jessica couldn't help leaning on Li Yang's body to relieve the uncontrollable fear in her heart.

And Li Yang's eyes were focused on that patch of bright red like Professor William's.And different from Professor William's obsessed eyes, Li Yang's eyes are full of longing!

Just when the blood orchid came into Li Yang's eyes, every cell in his body was like a hungry ghost crawling out of hell, Qiqi sent a signal to his consciousness, that is - eat it!

This primitive impulse triggered by a signal from the depths of the soul submerged Li Yang in the endless, extreme desire for blood orchids in just a moment.

The muscles of Li Yang's whole body swelled up, almost bursting his clothes.At the same time, his hands grabbed the soil, compressing the loose soil extremely!
Li Yang's steel-like will is constantly fighting against this impulse towards the blood orchid, trying to overwhelm it.

As if he hadn't spoken for hundreds of years, his voice was hoarse and thirsty like a desert.



Outside the valley, members of Li Yang's first team and Paul's first team gathered together again.

Paul is reporting to Li Yang all the discoveries along the way.

After listening, Li Yang was silent for a long time before he said:
"How many high-explosive grenades are we carrying?"

(End of this chapter)

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