Chapter 63 Exploring the Swamp

The patriarch's words revealed the meaning of exhortation, but Li Yang was firm in his will and did not waver in the slightest.Li Yang has confidence in his own strength, and will never capsize in this small gutter.

Next, after accepting the patriarch's warm hospitality, Li Yang and his party discussed follow-up plans in a wooden house specially vacated by the patriarch.With Paul's six team members guarding the house outside, there is no need to worry about other risks.

"These three places are the three dangerous places that the patriarch said." Li Yang spoke first.At the same time, a map gifted by the patriarch was spread out on the wooden table in front of everyone.

The map was hand-painted by the Dayak people. It is very simple, but it is also enough for Li Yang and others to use.

The map records the entire virgin rainforest centered on the Dayak tribe, among which three ferocious skulls are scattered on the map.This is the three taboo places.

"Currently, these three places are the places where blood orchids are most likely to grow, so we have to go."

"That's right, I believe in the character of the patriarch, he will not deceive me." Johnson nodded and said.

"However, the danger hidden in it must not be careless."

The Dayak tribe conquered the entire rainforest, but they feared these three places like snakes and scorpions. The reason for this can be understood as soon as you think about it.

"Then let me ask one last thing, does anyone want to quit now?" Li Yang's gaze swept across the crowd as sharply as a knife, and there was a chill in his tone.

In fact, at this point, everyone had already put down the idea of ​​giving up and shook their heads in unison.

Paul smiled and said, "Li, I still want to get US dollars quickly to live my happy life."

The mercenaries wanted a profit, as long as the money was in place, they wouldn't mind trading their lives for it.And the price that Harry offered this time was enough for these bloody desperadoes to spend the rest of their lives in style.

Li Yang looked around, nodded in satisfaction after seeing everyone's performance, and said, "Since no one wants to leave, let's plan tomorrow's itinerary."

Following the words just now, Li Yang asked a question: "These three places are relatively scattered on the map, so you all have to talk about your own ideas about which place to go first."

"I don't express my opinion. After all, I'm not familiar with the jungle. I'm a medical staff. I'll listen to you." Jessica took the lead in expressing her attitude.

Li Yang gave Jessica's words an appreciative look. In a completely unfamiliar environment, it is a wise choice to follow the advice of professionals.

Immediately afterwards, Professor William also said: "Uh, me too, I don't express any opinions."

In this way, the eyes of the three focused on Johnson and Paul.

One of them is an outstanding guide who is familiar with the local rainforest, and the other is a fighter with rich jungle combat experience. Li Yang believes that the two of them will come up with a good plan.

Johnson and Paul also realized this, so the two continued to communicate and provide advice to each other.

In the end, the two came up with a plan together.

"Li, I suggest that the first target location should be in the swamp." Johnson said to the people in the house with the results of the two.

"Whether it's the woods or the valley, although the distance from us is not too far from the map, we don't fly there, and we have to go around a lot to reach one of them.

The swamp is different, and I learned from the patriarch that we only need to go around a tributary of the Man River to reach it.Even if you are in a hurry, you can just cross the river directly.

Most importantly, very safe. "

Personal safety is extremely important.

Then, Johnson discussed from various aspects such as time and efficiency, and finally won everyone's approval.

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow morning, we will set off for the swamp!"

After planning, a group of people dispersed to do their own things.

After spending a peaceful night in the depths of the jungle, the next day it was dark, Li Yang and his party of 11 people were ready to go.

According to the route planned yesterday, Li Yang and his party walked through the dense forest in an orderly manner.

"Attention, we will arrive at the target location in about two kilometers, so proceed with caution."

Everyone's physical fitness is not bad, after a whole morning, Li Yang and others are about to enter the swamp.

When he got here, Li Yang's vigilance was raised to the highest level, and his body's five senses were always paying attention to the changes in the surrounding environment.

Paul and others also opened the safety of the rifle in their hands, always ready to deal with emergencies.

For the last two kilometers, Li Yang and others walked surprisingly slowly.

Johnson turned his head and asked Li Yang: "Li, there is a swamp ahead, where are we now?"

Li Yang didn't immediately give Johnson an accurate answer, but squinted his eyes to carefully observe this land that was feared by the Dayaks.

First of all, it looks a bit empty here, only some tall trees grow here, unlike other places in the rainforest, dense bushes and weeds cover everything up.

Secondly, in the primitive rainforest with a wide variety of species, there is no reflection here.Here, not a single animal was found, not even all kinds of insects.

Sure enough, something unusual.

Li Yang shook his head first, then waved at Paul and said, "Don't rush in, Paul, come and check the air here first, I don't want any problems."

What Li Yang was worried about was miasma.

Miasma is a poisonous gas produced by rotting animals and plants in tropical virgin forests. The main reason is that no one effectively disposes of dead animals after death, and the high temperature in the tropics creates favorable conditions for the generation of miasma.The powerful poisonous miasma can easily kill people.

And the environment here is very likely to breed poisonous miasma.

"Li, the test results are back, and everything is normal." During the short time Li Yang was thinking, Paul fiddled with a small instrument and displayed the results in front of everyone.

Except for the factors of the forbidden place caused by the poisonous miasma, Li Yang observed for a long time again, hoping to get a glimpse of something.

In the end, Li Yang frowned tightly and gave the order.

"Now enter the target location, pay attention to the changes in the surrounding environment, and also pay attention to your feet, after all, this is a swamp."

The people who received the order crashed into the woods without daring to breathe.


Suddenly, there was a strange noise, which immediately tensed everyone's nerves.Paul and the others aim their guns everywhere, and the trigger between their fingers is only a hair away from being pulled.

Jessica smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to my step, I stepped on a dead branch."

The result was just a false alarm.

In such a vigilant state, Li Yang and others wandered around the swamp, but found nothing.

Not only were there no blood orchids, but even living creatures a little bigger than fingernails had never been found.

Li Yang was a little puzzled in his heart, how could such a place become a place of death in the mouths of the Dayak people!

"Paul, Johnson, divide the eight of you into two teams and explore this swamp carefully. As for Professor William and Jessica, I will be on my team."

Li Yang came around and had a rough understanding of this place.Since he didn't find any danger, he also let go of his movements a little, and directly divided the group of people into three teams, and searched for traces of Blood Orchid at the same time.

Paul led people to search west, Johnson's team went south, and Li Yang led Professor William and Jessica to the north.

After more than half an hour of plowing search work, but still no results, this situation is really a failure.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the walkie-talkie to Li Yang's ears, which lifted his spirits.

"Li, I think I understand why the Dayaks regard this place as a place of death. Come and see what I found?"

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(End of this chapter)

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