The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 55 Departure - Looking for Blood Orchids!

Chapter 55 Departure - Looking for Blood Orchids!

At [-]:[-] p.m. the next day, at the airport.

After saying goodbye to the baby reluctantly, Li Yang rushed to the airport alone.

At the airport, Harry and his party had been waiting for a long time.Seeing Li Yang's arrival, Harry enthusiastically began to introduce the situation to him.

"Lee, let me introduce you to the entourage."

Harry pointed to the white male beside him, and said, "This is Professor William, who was the main person in charge of the Blood Orchid project before, and he will try to help as much as possible in this operation."

"Hello, I hope this trip can be done with sincerity and bring back blood orchids." Although he is over fifty years old and his hair is withered, Professor William still speaks with confidence.

"Blood orchid, that is my lifelong pursuit."

"Yes." Li Yang nodded.

Harry continued to introduce: "This is Ms. Jessica, an excellent medical staff. She has served as a field doctor for many years. She has rich experience and strong physical fitness. She can provide you with the best medical care."

Jessica is about 30 years old. She is different from ordinary American women. Many years of field medical work have given her the characteristics of courage and perseverance.

"Hello, Li, wish us a pleasant trip this time!"

Li Yang replied with a smile: "I sincerely hope that this trip will not use any of your professional skills."

"Hopefully," Jessica responded.

Harry pointed to a group of seven people, and the fully armed personnel said again: "Li, the seven people here are the security personnel I have equipped for this operation. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that you are always powerful alone. not caught, so they will try their best to cooperate with you to complete this task.

They were all the most elite soldiers. After retiring from the army, they formed a small mercenary group. They have been active in the Amazon rainforest all year round and have rich experience in jungle fighting. "

Li Yang gave Harry a reassuring look, and then said: "I understand, I am not a proud and arrogant person, with their assistance, I believe this trip will ease the difficulty.

Of course, the premise is that I don't want to overwhelm the host. "

"Of course, you are the person in charge of this operation, and everything is up to you." Harry replied without hesitation.

"Paul, come here, I have something to tell you."

Harry yelled to the group who were packing their gear, and then someone trotted over.

"Paul, this is the person in charge of this mission, Mr. Li Yang. All actions must be carried out according to his orders, and there must be no disobedience!"

"Li Yang? Asian?" Paul narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yang carefully.

"Why, is there a problem?" Li Yang asked back.

"No, there is no problem." Paul shook his head again and again.

"Since Mr. Li can take on the role of the person in charge of this operation, he must be superior. I never hold any prejudice against anyone. Please rest assured, Mr. Li, I will definitely cooperate with you to complete this mission."

"What about the others?" Li Yang continued to ask.

Paul said seriously: "I am the captain, my will is the will of the entire team, please rest assured."

"I hope to cooperate sincerely." Li Yang nodded.

"Okay, Paul, you go back and continue to organize your equipment. I have something to talk to Li about." Seeing that the two had finished communicating, Harry waved Paul back to his place.

"Li, according to your request, the two short spear weapons have been cast overnight. The short spears weigh 54 kilograms each and are made of secondary Adamantium alloy. Not only are they extremely strong, but they are also sharp."

Although Osborne is a medical company, its influence is not limited to the medical industry.

Perhaps the formula of true Adamantium alloy is difficult to obtain, but the formula of secondary Adamantium alloy is easy to catch.

"Oh, where is it?" Li Yang couldn't help being a little interested.

One of the short guns used before was destroyed by Logan, and the other was left at home and temporarily handed over to Matt for safekeeping.Now Li Yang only has thirty willow-leaf flying knives as weapons, which really makes him dissatisfied.

Maybe one day, with his strength, he can completely abandon these weapons, but now, a good weapon can bring him a huge boost.

"Put it in the cabin. You can familiarize yourself with it when you get on the plane. Now, I have one last thing to say."

"What else is there?" Li Yang stopped walking towards the engine room, turned his head and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, because the time is too short, so when you arrive in Borneo, the guide who will lead you has not yet been determined." Harry looked a little embarrassed, after all, it was a matter of his own life and death, so he couldn't help but worry about it.

"Don't tell me we have to find a guide slowly when we arrive in Borneo?" Li Yang said displeased.

Harry quickly waved his hand and immediately explained: "No, no, actually, I have confirmed three candidates, not only are they the most experienced people in the area, but they are currently facing some difficulties and need help.

And I, can provide enough resources to help them through the difficulties.

So when you arrive in Borneo, you only need to spend a little time to find these three people, and I believe they will definitely agree to be the guide for this operation. "

Li Yang thought for a moment, nodded and said: "That's it, I will go find them one by one."

"Is there anything else to say, let's say it all at once."

"I sent a ship to Borneo to facilitate your search for blood orchids along the river. Nothing else matters."

"Very good, then get on the plane and get ready to go." Li Yang took the lead and walked into the plane along the escalator before the words finished.

"Get on the plane and get ready to go!" Harry shouted to the others immediately.

Fifteen minutes later, amidst a roar, a small private airliner vacated along the airstrip.

Staring at the plane gradually disappearing from sight for a long time, Harry couldn't help murmuring:

"It must be successful!"

In the passenger plane, a group of ten people were busy with their own affairs, and at the same time were conducting preliminary exchanges.

"Tsk tsk, billionaires are different. Just this sofa is enough for me to work for a year." A mercenary sat down on the leather sofa with an envious expression on his face, and kept feeling it with his hands. That real touch.

Paul reprimanded: "Bobby, get familiar with the equipment and don't embarrass me there!"

But Bobby said indifferently: "Boss, don't worry, we have been in the Amazon rainforest for five years, and there is nothing wrong with a mere Borneo."

"In fact, people have been searching for blood orchids for hundreds of years, but none of them survived!

There are many elite soldiers among them, and the number is not small, so don't underestimate the dangers of Borneo! "

Professor William, who was flipping through the blood orchid information, interjected without looking up.

"It is said that there are monsters running rampant in the rainforest!"

Li Yang on the side didn't join the discussion, but just walked quietly.While familiarizing himself with the two short guns he had just acquired, he picked up the pager and asked the driver:
"When will you arrive in Borneo?"

"It is expected to be around five o'clock tomorrow, Mr. Li."

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(End of this chapter)

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