Chapter 50 Mary, Katie

"Logan, are you interested in fighting?" Li Yang looked at the lone wolf sitting at the dining table drinking alone, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he sent a signal to fight.

Logan drank a can of beer in one gulp without even glancing at Li Yang: "Fighting? Not interested!"

After finishing speaking, Logan smacked his lips, feeling that the taste of beer was too weak, so he got up and opened the refrigerator to search up and down. In the end, only six cans of beer were placed on the dining table.

Probably because he was depressed, Logan drank half of the can in one gulp, turning a deaf ear to Li Yang's repeated invitations to fight.

Logan should not fight, and Li Yang can't force it.In desperation, Li Yang had no choice but to stop the flames of fighting, and walked out of the restaurant to wander around the campus.

It is really not easy to find a good opponent. Whether it is physical fitness or fighting skills, Logan has something remarkable.And coupled with his immortal body and steel frame, he is simply a perfect opponent.

It's a pity that Li Yang was very interested in Logan and invited him to fight several times, but Logan never ignored him and was always immersed in his own world.

At seven o'clock in the morning, there weren't too many people on campus. After walking around, I only met about seven or eight people.

"Lemon, it's strange, why did you get up so early?" Suddenly a fat orange appeared in Li Yang's field of vision, lying alone on the bench in the college.

Li Yang walked over, picked up Lemon, and rubbed its originally soft hair.


(If our master hadn't figured us out, we wouldn't have gotten up!)
A trace of disdain flashed in Lemon's eyes, as if she disdained Li Yang's behavior, but in the end she didn't resist, but seemed resigned.

Since the fusion state with the baby was released three days ago, Lemon's eyes have become more lively, and her facial expressions have also become richer.

It is difficult for most people to intuitively feel the emotions of animals, but if they see lemon, with its rich facial expressions and spiritual eyes, it may directly subvert their worldview.

"It feels like you're about to become a genius," Li Yang sighed, rubbing Lemon's head:

"If it weren't for seeing you grow from a little milk cat to a big orange, I thought you were cursed to become a cat by yourself."


(Look, here comes the baby.)
Lemon let out a soft cry, then stretched out her right paw and pointed forward.

Following the direction pointed by the cat's paw, a group of three figures appeared in Li Yang's sight.

"Brother, brother, come here!"

Almost at the same time, the baby also saw Li Yang, so he called out happily.


Li Yang echoed, and immediately ran all the way with the lemon in his arms, and arrived in front of the baby after a while.

"Brother, I met two new friends, let me introduce you!"

The baby was very happy, his face was full of joy, and Li Yang was dragged by her to introduce new friends as soon as he arrived.

Li Yang turned his gaze to the two people beside the baby. They both looked like fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls.

But in the world of mutants, who knows what their mutant abilities are, if there is an effect that can keep youth forever, it is not uncommon, so Li Yang just smiled at the two, and then waited for the baby's introduction.

Sure enough, the baby immediately began to introduce the two to Li Yang:

"This is Mary, who lives across from my dormitory. This is Katie, my roommate. She told me a story yesterday."

"Hello, Mary, Katie, thank you for helping me take care of the little one."

As he said that, Li Yang took another step forward, reaching out his right hand to shake hands with Mary.

"Hello, Li," Katie smiled and reached out to shake Li Yang's hand, "Ruotong has been mentioning you these two days, saying that you are the best brother in the world."

"Hello, Li." Mary on the side greeted Li Yang, but did not respond to Li Yang's handshake.

Seeing Mary's distressed face, Li Yang expected that she might have some difficulties, so he didn't force him, but turned his head and said to the baby: "How are you doing in the academy these days, are you not uncomfortable?"

Baby said cheerfully: "No, I feel that this school is much more interesting than the original school. There are many interesting classmates and many interesting courses."

"Katie and Mary are also very nice and often help me."

Li Yang fondled the baby's little head, and asked, "Is that so, after that you will go to Xavier College, no problem?"

"Well, I like it here." The baby nodded vigorously.

"That's good, that's good." Li Yang nodded in response.

The baby raised his head and asked, "Brother, have you had breakfast? Mary, Katie, I and I are going to eat."

"I've eaten, you go." Li Yang replied.

"Hurry up, the cola chicken wings you like to eat are about to be sold out."

Although I only stayed for three days, some delicacies in the college have already harvested the baby's heart of extreme love for delicious food.

"Ah! Goodbye, brother, Mary, Katie, hurry up, I won't be able to eat Coca-Cola chicken wings."

The baby exclaimed, and immediately said goodbye to Li Yang, then greeted Mary and Katie, and ran towards the cafeteria without looking back.

"Then, Mr. Li, let's go to have breakfast first." Katie smiled amused by the baby's behavior, and immediately bid farewell to Li Yang.

"Well, don't delay your breakfast time, remember to tell your baby, don't be greedy and eat too much, or you will suffer from indigestion."

"Okay, I'll remind her."

Katie immediately promised, and then trotted with Mary all the way, chasing after the baby who had already run away.

But in just two sentences, the baby has already run a distance of nearly [-] meters.

Looking at the baby in the distance, Li Yang fell into deep thought.

Professor X said that the baby's mutant ability is fusion.The effect of the baby's first integration with lemon has already achieved initial results after three days of digestion.

The baby has inherited the speed and agility from the lemon (don't think that a fat lemon has no speed and agility, fat, it's just a disguise of a lemon ()), and the distance of nearly [-] meters allows the baby to run at the speed of a national athlete. The results are shocking.

According to the observation in the past three days, the baby has inherited the advantages of lemons, but not the disadvantages of lemons, such as laziness. This situation makes Li Yang feel happy, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Suddenly, a shaking awakened Li Yang from his contemplation.


(Poop shoveler, let me go!)
Li Yang looked down and saw that it was Lemon struggling in his arms.Li Yang just unconsciously held the lemon tightly in his arms, restricting its movements.

Quickly put the lemon on the ground, and then Li Yang saw the lemon explode at a rocket-like speed, chasing the baby away.

Watching a mass of meat disappear in an instant,?Li Yang couldn't stop smacking his lips.

Not only the baby has become faster, but even the speed of the lemon has also been strengthened.

Moreover, lemon's love for human food has caught up with the baby recently.

Beep beep!Beep beep!

"Hello, who is it?" The phone rang suddenly, and Li Yang asked after connecting.

"Lee, I'm Matt."

 The goddamn train is driving me nuts, it hurts!

  Book friends, please bookmark, vote for a recommendation, and give a reward, I will be more grateful.('').
(End of this chapter)

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