The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 44 Misunderstanding Elimination, Professor x

Chapter 44 Misunderstanding Elimination, Professor x
The milky voice mixed with a hint of confusion echoed in the air, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

The baby rubbed his eyes a little bit because of sleepiness, yawned, and appeared beside the guardrail on the second floor with graceful steps.

Li Yang looked at the reputation, couldn't believe his eyes, and then a voice sounded like thunder, anyone could hear the anger of Taotian:

"What did you do to my sister!?"

The person standing on the second floor called Brother Li Yang turned out to be a cat!
Logan and Ororo were equally astonished. Even though they had seen many mutants over the years, this was the first time they encountered such a situation. A person turned directly into an animal.

But no matter what, feeling Li Yang's greedy eyes, Ororo hastily explained:
"We were sent by Professor X. Today he sensed the awakening of the X gene in someone's body, which might be dangerous, so he sent us here to help."

"Professor X, the leader of the mutants?" Li Yang extracted the information about Professor X from his memory with his remaining rationality, and the killing intent that came out of his body gradually subsided.

"That's right," Ororo said immediately, "I don't think you are an ordinary person. You should know Professor X's code of conduct. The professor is a gentle person."

Ororo emphasized again: "So, we are here to help, not enemies."

Li Yang stood quietly at the door, as if turning into a marble statue, motionless.

The news came too suddenly, and Li Yang needed time to digest the news, whether it was good or bad.

"Brother, is there a guest?" The baby's milky voice came out of the meow's mouth again, which seemed a bit funny.

I don't know whether it was because he was too sleepy or driven by the instinct of the body, the baby squeezed through the narrow gap between the guardrails and jumped.


Li Yang exclaimed, hurriedly threw away the Willow Leaf Flying Knife that was ready to go, and rushed over, finally caught the baby in time, and hugged the baby in his arms.

"Baby, are you drowsy, why did you jump directly from the second floor?"

Li Yang asked distressedly, holding the baby tightly with his firm arms, refusing to let go.

"Have you? Wasn't I like this before?" The baby twisted his body, found a comfortable position, put his head on Li Yang's chest, and narrowed his eyes happily.

"Oh, you little confused, it's our lemon that jumped down every day." Li Yang replied helplessly, and then moved to the light switch in the living room, letting the light of the light instantly illuminate the whole room. house.

The room that was as bright as daylight became a mess because of a fight between Li Yang and Logan, but Li Yang didn't have time to pay attention to it. Just now, it was only reflected by the corner light of the street lamp, so he couldn't see it clearly, so now he just wants to see What is going on with the baby in her arms.

Hey, how does this look like the fat lemon at home!
With a bitter face, Li Yang turned over and over again to confirm that the one in his arms was a lemon, what happened?

Could it be that the orange cat has become a sperm?
When Li Yang's mind was in a mess, Ororo, who was standing on the stairs, walked to his side at some point.

"The ability of mutants to awaken is strange and unpredictable. If possible, I hope you can bring her back with us. I believe that Professor X will give you an answer."


Li Yang raised his head suddenly, his eyes as sharp as a blade sized up Ororo back and forth.

After thinking for a long time, Li Yang sighed heavily.

"Okay, I agree, shall we go now?"

Ororo immediately showed a happy smile, and quickly responded: "That's right, our car is right outside, let's go now."

At the end, Ororo turned his head and yelled at Logan, who lit a cigar again at some point and puffed out the smoke: "Logan, go back to the academy."

Logan glanced at Li Yang, and walked out without saying a word.

Then, Li Yang hugged the sleeping orange cat and followed Ororo's pace, walked out of Chinatown, and drove through the night in a black car.

Looking at the feasting and feasting lights outside the car window, Li Yang couldn't arouse any interest.

The matter involved his own sister, even Li Yang's heart that had gone through thousands of trials and was not afraid of life and death, seemed unable to bear it.

"Where are we going?" Li Yang asked worriedly, frowning tightly.

"Staten Island, Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters." Ororo briefly said two nouns, and then continued to concentrate on driving the car.

"Would you like a cigar? Soothe your mood." Logan, who was sitting next to Ororo, interjected, and at the same time, a cigar was handed to Li Yang from the front seat.

"No, thank you." Li Yang declined Logan's kindness blankly, then turned his face to the car window again, watching the ever-changing scenery and fell into silence.

He never thought of using nicotine to anesthetize his nerves.

Seeing this, Logan didn't force it, put the cigar back into the box with great care, and then put the cigar box into the inner pocket of the leather jacket.

The ability of immortality makes Logan feel tired, maybe only tobacco and alcohol can make him forget everything for a short time.

There was no words all the way, and soon Ororo brought Li Yang to the destination - Xavier Gifted Youth Academy.

Having no time to wander around the academy, Li Yang followed Ororo directly to a small building.

They were greeted by a slightly old bald man sitting in a wheelchair and smiling kindly at Li Yang.

"Professor, we brought her here." Ororo stepped forward and said to the old man in the wheelchair——Professor X.

Then he pointed at Li Yang and said:
"This is the elder brother of the newly awakened mutant you perceived today. His name is Li Yang."

Li Yang took a step forward calmly, and said in a steady tone:
"You are Professor X, you have been famous for a long time."

Professor X nodded with an undeniable smile, and immediately turned his eyes to Li Yang.Finally, all attention was attracted by the baby in Li Yang's arms.

"Is she our new companion?" Professor X raised his finger and pointed at the baby, with a hint of surprise flashing across his face.

"Yes, Professor, this situation is unheard of." Ororo answered Professor X's question respectfully.

"So it seems that we are busy today." Professor X replied, and then smiled kindly at Li Yang.

"Li, don't you mind handing over your sister to me, and let me do a comprehensive examination for her?"

Li Yang didn't dare to neglect, and quickly agreed: "Of course, your character is well known, and I hope there will be a good result."

In terms of understanding of mutants, there is probably no one in this world who can surpass Professor X.With this person present, Li Yang's high-hanging heart gradually fell to the ground.

"Okay, Qin, take our new partner to the laboratory and do a comprehensive examination for her." Professor X nodded after hearing this, and then turned his head and said to a tall woman behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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