Chapter 36 Fighting Lizard
"Peter Parker!"

On the steeple at the top, Peter's voice attracted Dr. Connors, he slowly turned the huge and ugly animal head, and when the upper and lower jaws covered with fangs opened and closed, the sound like a demon suddenly exploded. resounded through one side.

"I didn't expect you to come."

"However, today, being able to witness this moment will be the glory of your life!"

"Glory?" Peter put on an extremely exaggerated posture, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Doctor, with me here, your plan is impossible to succeed."

"Really?" Dr. Conners grinned, revealing a mouthful of sharp fangs.

"In 15 minutes, the serum will spread throughout New York!"

"And you, Peter Parker, what are you fighting me with?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dr. Conners jumped straight and smashed at Peter from the top of the five-meter-high tower.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing the figure of Dr. Connors zooming in rapidly above, Peter exclaimed, and rushed forward a few meters, dodging the doctor's Mount Tai.

With Dr. Connors' lizard-like tonnage, the place where Peter was standing seemed to be hit by a solid shell, leaving two deep paw prints on the ground.

Peter fixed his eyes and couldn't help but gasped.Although the power shown by the doctor's blow just now is not as good as his, but compared to the battle at Dr. Connors' house, the power is a bit stronger!
From this point of view, the efficacy of the serum developed by the doctor has not been fully utilized, and as time goes on, he continues to become stronger!
Thinking of this, Peter didn't care about entanglement with Dr. Connors, and immediately shot out a spider thread that stuck to the steeple, and he was going to dismantle the Canary equipment to prevent the spread of the serum!

But before Peter pulled the spider web tightly to escape, suddenly there was a loud noise in the ear, and the shredded airflow hit his face indiscriminately, and a thick lizard tail struck like lightning, curling around Peter's waist. , and pulled him back in front of Dr. Connors.

After injecting the serum, Dr. Conners not only strengthened his body greatly, but also strengthened his nervous system.Maybe it didn't reach Peter's unbelievable level, but it was more than enough to catch Peter just now.

The lizard tail curled Peter up to eye level with Dr. Conners, and he said calmly, "Peter, you can't stop me."

Peter struggled, trying to get away: "No, I don't think so!"

"Really?" Dr. Connors snorted, quickly pulled Peter to his face, and said contemptuously:
"Looking at you like this, how can you stop me?"

"Peter, I'm at Osborne House. Where are you?"

Dr. Conners' contemptuous voice and Li Yang's rapid panting suddenly sounded in Peter's ears at the same time, which immediately plunged him into ecstasy.

As soon as Li Yang arrived, the crisis suddenly resolved.

"Doctor, maybe I alone can't deal with you for the time being, but now, you will face another person!"

Peter let out a roar that immediately distracted Dr. Connors.

Peter keenly discovered this opportunity, swung his fist like lightning, and hit the doctor's jaw with an uppercut. All the majestic power leaked into his brain, instantly throwing his consciousness into chaos.

Dr. Connors felt dizzy for a while, and the strength maintained on the lizard's tail suddenly loosened.Peter hastily stretched out his hand to break off the tail of the lizard and returned to freedom.

Peter knew that with the ability of Dr. Connors, even if he succeeded in the pursuit, he would not achieve great results.He simply retreated rapidly, distanced himself from the doctor, and at the same time responded loudly to Li Yang:
"Li, I'm on the top floor, come up quickly!"

After making a clear statement, Peter concentrated all his energy on the wobbly Dr. Connors.

Dr. Connors regained control of his body after being stunned for less than three seconds.Looking at Peter, who was more than ten meters away, his reason was instantly overwhelmed by anger:

"Peter, tonight's victory must belong to me!"

It was as if a thunderbolt exploded flatly, shaking the surrounding air.Without waiting for Peter to reply, the doctor immediately swooped over.

The three-meter-high behemoth, like a prehistoric behemoth, exudes a chilling aura.The sound caused by stepping on the ground step by step, like drums and hammers, is shocking.

"Then let me see what you are capable of!"

Seeing the swooping monster, Peter felt that every cell in his body was excited. This time, he gave up his dexterity, and his legs suddenly exerted force, like an arrow from the string, and shot towards the doctor like lightning.

At this moment, he let go of his worries about the spread of the serum, and all the blood in Peter's body boiled for this battle.

In front of extraordinary beings like Dr. Connors and Peter, the distance of more than ten meters was instantly leaped.

Boom!A thunderous roar exploded on the top floor.

Where the fists and claws meet, two forces powerful enough to shake the laws of physics collide with each other, like two meteorites miraculously meeting, with the fist and claws as the center, a tumbling air wave instantly spreads around, hitting the ground and causing countless The gravel was thrown away.

Although it was a bit cumbersome to say, everything happened in an instant.

After this violent collision, Peter stepped back four or five steps before he stopped his body that was constantly leaning back.

However, Dr. Conners' performance was not as strong as his hill-like body. He was blown away by a punch, drew a perfect arc in the air, and then hit the ground heavily.

"Come again!"

All the cells in Peter's body were detonated at this moment. Seeing Dr. Conners standing up again, he screamed excitedly and rushed up again.

top floor?

In front of the Osborne Building, Li Yang arrived with great difficulty, and before he could take a few breaths, he was about to rush to the top floor again.

The Osborne Building has a total of 300 floors. Looking at the height of these two [-] meters, the corners of Li Yang's mouth twitched.

"From Peter's point of view, it seems that things are in a hurry, so we can't be negligent!"

Sighing lightly, Li Yang immediately pulled himself together, then plunged into the building without looking back, and ran wildly inside the stairs.

As for the elevator, Li Yang didn't think the elevator would be faster than him.

"Jarvis, I remember the one who went up before, it was people's good neighbors, urban vigilante-Spider-Man, but who was that person who rushed in just now?"

On the other side, with the assistance of Jarvis, Tony put on the Iron Man suit and flew towards the Osborne Building at high speed.

At the same time, Tony is also paying attention to the surveillance near the Osborne Building.In this way, Li Yang's figure appeared in Tony's eyes for the first time.

"Sir, please wait a moment, it is being retrieved for you."

The Iron Man suit condenses all of Tony's wisdom, so when he is not in a combat state, things like flying can be directly handed over to the Iron Man suit to operate.

Therefore, Tony still has the energy to focus on some other things.

"The search is complete. According to the information, this person is a new hero in New York."

(End of this chapter)

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