Chapter 33 Police Sniper

New York City Police Department, the call was transferred to the chief.

George Stacy had long been devastated by the Williamsburg Bridge incident last night, and hadn't closed his eyes all day.Now that he suddenly received the news from Dr. Lizard, anger mixed with a trace of excitement rushed to his heart instantly.

George Stacy snarled, "Send out all the SWAT police at once, fully armed, and take that lizard down."

"Whether life or death!"

"Yes, sir."

George Stacy put down the phone, rubbed his forehead with his right hand, and then began to give orders again.

"Notify all the patrolmen, immediately cut off all traffic routes leading to Fifth Avenue, and immediately evacuate the citizens on Fifth Avenue, immediately!"

"I don't want another report of a lizard killing happening tomorrow."

"Also, lift up the police helicopter, I will rush to the scene immediately!"

"No, sir, that's too dangerous!" The assistant who conveyed George Stacy's orders one by one was stunned and hurriedly stopped.

But George Stacy made up his mind, how could he change easily because of the dissuasion of his assistant: "You don't need to say it, get ready now!"

In the end, Director George Stacy had a second thought and asked about Spider-Man's situation.Did he remember that Spiderman was also there when Dr. Lizard wreaked havoc on the Williamsburg Bridge last night.

Oh, and a man in a hood.

Although these two people are helping the citizens and fighting against Dr. Lizard, his insistence on the law makes him not have a good impression of Li Yang and Peter.

In George Stacy's view, both Li Yang and Peter are anarchists.

"Where's Spider-Man? Is he there too?"

"No, Spider-Man hasn't been found yet."


Director George Stacy: "Once found, arrest immediately!"

After giving the last order, George Stacy rushed out the door in a hurry, went to the arsenal to pick up a large-caliber shotgun, and then ran towards the rooftop.

On the rooftop, a helicopter has been launched, waiting for the arrival of Director George Stacy.

"Captain, find the target, find the target."

"The first team, march towards the right flank of the target."

"Second team, march towards the left flank of the target."

"The third team, guard the intersection and prevent the target from escaping."

"The fourth and fifth teams, follow me and surround the target!"

As soon as Director George Stacy gave the order, five special police teams rushed to the scene.

Five minutes after arriving, the SWAT captain calmly made a battle plan against Dr. Lizard, who was rampaging on the street.

Quietly, these well-trained special police teams have completed their deployment according to the captain's battle plan.

As soon as the captain sent out the gesture signal, the members of the first, second, fourth and fifth teams filed in and surrounded Dr. Lizard in an instant.

At this time, the captain who had seen the target froze, looking at the huge monster, a wave of fear rushed straight to the sky.

But fortunately, the daily training allowed the captain to suppress the fear in his heart in time, and warned hoarsely:

"Give up resistance, don't force me to shoot!"

"Give up resistance, don't force me to shoot!"

"Give up resistance, don't force me to shoot!"

Three times in a row, the captain's fear gradually dissipated, and his voice gradually increased.

Looking at the hesitant giant in front of him, the captain was about to warn again, but saw Dr. Lizard open his terrifying bloody mouth and roar, and then dragged his hill-like body and rushed over.

The captain only felt a palpitation, and roared without hesitation: "Shoot! Shoot!"


Before Dr. Lizard charged close, more than [-] special police officers heard the sound and pulled the trigger with their fingers. Immediately, flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, all leaning on the doctor's body.

At this moment, Dr. Lizard's huge body was so conspicuous in the eyes of the special police, just like a giant in the dwarf kingdom, so that they didn't need to aim at all, and the bullets were sprayed out from the muzzle of the gun.


Even though Dr. Lizard has extraordinary muscle strength, he is still at a disadvantage in the face of high-speed bullets.All the bullets fell into Dr. Lizard's body, and even the powerful impact made his figure stop, unable to continue the collision.

Dr. Lizard rushed to a supermarket behind him in a hurry to avoid the attack.

Seeing the lizard monster running away in fear of the gunfire, the last trace of fear in the captain's heart disappeared completely.

Without much hesitation, the captain immediately led the special police to pursue, intending to destroy the monster.

Anyway, the order said, regardless of life or death.And for the sake of the safety of himself and the team members, he will definitely not show mercy.

After the team members entered the supermarket, they immediately formed a small team of three to guard the surroundings to prevent Dr. Lizard's sudden attack.

After some intense searching, nothing was found.

When the captain was considering whether to withdraw from the supermarket, a sudden noise stimulated the tense nerves of the special police officers.

They quickly turned the gun head and aimed at the source of the sound, only to find a sealed transparent test tube filled with dark green liquid.

Before the special police could respond, the test tube opened automatically, and the dark green liquid inside turned into smoke, instantly filling the entire supermarket.And the special police who were enveloped in the green gas suddenly burst into pain from their bodies, causing them to suddenly lose all resistance, and they all fell to the ground, rolling and crying!
But this was far from fruitful. Just as the special police were wailing, mutations continued to occur.A special policeman suddenly had green scales on his face, a special policeman's tongue continued to grow and even forked, and a special policeman's body suddenly grew bigger, bursting his clothes...

The mutation lasted for 3 minutes, and more than [-] special police officers all changed from humans to beasts, turning into huge lizard monsters.But compared to Dr. Connors, they are completely beasts, without the doctor's sense.

So far, the special police who have become lizard monsters rushed out of the supermarket one after another and started an unprecedented havoc.

The roundup of Dr. Connors failed, and all the police officers were completely restrained, allowing Dr. Connors to escape again.

"The report reports that the monster released a green gas that turned the SWAT into the same lizard monster, and now we are preventing them from destroying, but the lizard man has escaped the blockade and is heading towards Seventh Avenue .”


Director George slammed his fist on the seat, cursing fiercely.But he also understands that there should be plenty of calm now.

"You all try your best to contain the lizard monster that the special police turned into. As for the one that escaped, leave it to me!"

After the order was given, George immediately yelled at the helicopter pilot:
"Turn around and go to Seventh Avenue!"

 Thank you, Sui Yue Jing, for allowing you, Mr. An Ran, to reward you! (﹡o﹡)
  Finally, here is another wave of asking for collections and recommendations!
  () Ronaldo kicked me away from a car
  () Messi kicked me out of a suite
  _ Neymar kicked my life away
  Come, come, line up on the rooftop (*′▽’) Yao (′▽’*)
(End of this chapter)

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