Chapter 31 Stronger Doctor Lizard

"Hey, is that Lee?, this is Peter Parker."

As soon as Li Yang connected the phone, a brisk voice came from the opposite side.From this point of view, Peter's actions went very smoothly.

With a relaxed smile, Li Yang answered, "It seems that you have gained a lot, Peter."

Peter responded enthusiastically: "Yes, you guessed it."

"I found Dr. Connors and subdued him."

"Oh?", I didn't expect Peter's actions to be so smooth, even people have been captured.Li Yang hurriedly asked:
"Then where is Dr. Connors now?"

"Not in the underground drain, but in his house."

Although there was a problem with Li Yang and Peter's search direction at the beginning, fortunately they reacted in time and succeeded in one fell swoop.

"Why, Li, do you want to come over? Dr. Connors' home address is... If you want to come over, hurry up."

"No problem, you wait for me, I'll go there now."

After finishing speaking, Li Yang hung up the phone, put on his weapon, started a motorcycle, and drove towards Peter's place amidst the roar of the engine.

"Peter, as I said, I am stronger than yesterday!"

Like a devil whispering, it rang from Peter's ear the moment he hung up the phone, which made the hairs all over his body stand on end.

Before he had time to think about it, Peter's first reaction was to eject and jump out immediately.

Sure enough, at the moment when Peter fled under the crazy warning of the spider sensor, a pair of giant claws the size of cattail fans came from the sky, and suddenly fell down with a mighty force.

There was a loud bang of "bang".

The power in the giant claws did not hit Peter, but was absorbed by the ground of the house.

But even a huge three-story building seems unable to withstand this huge force.Dense cracks spread from under the claws, and the whole house seemed to have experienced a strong earthquake, trembling, almost collapsing.

But in the eyes of Dr. Conners, only Peter is his only obstacle now.

"The serum I injected last night was only a preliminary success, and the serum I injected today has been perfected."

Slowly approaching Peter step by step, while showing off in his mouth.

"My power is three times higher than yesterday, and I who control this power is a god!"

"Peter, how can you compete with God!"

Not to be outdone, Peter stared at him and replied with a slightly vicious tone:
"God? Maybe you are just fine in the reptile world. But in this prosperous human society, you are just an ugly monster, a tiny monster."

"Peter, you are courting death!" Obviously Peter's words successfully angered Dr. Connors, a beast head showed a tyrannical look, and now he didn't care about anything, waving his sharp giant claws and went straight to Peter.

The sharp claws slid across the air, leaving afterimages, and they came to Peter's head in an instant.

Peter quickly shot out the two-pole spider silk and stuck to the ground behind the doctor.Then with a pull, the body instantly moved from the doctor's crotch to behind him.

Looking at the timing, Peter didn't waste any time, and with a light jump, turned over and moved to the doctor's back.After stabilizing his figure a little, he started a fierce attack with punches to the flesh.

Extraordinary power hit Dr. Connors' back, and every punch shattered his flesh.But what is terrifying is that Dr. Conners' high-speed regeneration ability has been improved again. After each punch, the broken skin and flesh tissue grows crazily, and it only takes less than half a second to grow again.

Peter's punching and punching did not cause any harm to Dr. Connors in the end.

Dr. Conners felt the pain in his back and reacted quickly.A sharp claw reached behind him, trying to grab Peter.

Peter did not dodge when the sharp claw was approaching him, but precisely grasped the giant claw, and kicked his legs, making his body attached to the doctor's arm.

Then his legs clamped around the doctor's neck, and he spun fiercely in a strangled posture.

The tyrannical power was transmitted from Peter's waist and moved to Peter's legs.Caught off guard, Dr. Conners was knocked down again.

At this moment, Dr. Conners hurriedly pulled Peter, trying to drive him away from him.And Peter didn't struggle, following the doctor's strength, his body quickly left.

With the traction of the spider silk, Peter stabilized his body in time, and then a burst of spider silk shot at Dr. Conners, intending to repeat the same plan and restrain him.

However, Dr. Connors was not willing to catch it easily. Facing the spider silk that came in an instant, he only heard him roar, and the trembling small building trembled slightly, and then his giant claws slammed into the ground, and the cracked ground instantly shattered.

And Dr. Conners also fell downstairs with the broken stone the moment the spider silk got on his body.

Seeing this, Peter didn't dare to neglect, and quickly moved to Dr. Connors' position just now.

Looking at a large hole with a diameter of two meters and the gravel piled up underneath, Peter jumped down without the slightest hesitation.

Originally thinking that he would be attacked by Dr. Connors, Peter, who had already prepared himself, was depressed to find that the doctor suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Could it be that he escaped?

This idea had just surfaced, but was immediately smothered by Peter.From the moment Dr. Connors fell to the present, he hardly delayed for a second, and the doctor disappeared out of thin air. He must be lurking in an attempt to sneak attack.

Thinking of this, Peter's nerves immediately tensed up, and the super power of the spider's induction was released to the maximum power at this moment, thus continuously capturing the traces of the doctor.

The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded behind Peter, and Peter turned around suddenly, but found nothing.

But the sound just now couldn't be faked, and Dr. Connors was still hiding in the room.

"Peter, go to hell!"

A voice containing strong hatred instantly entered Peter's ears, and then a huge body shot out from a dark hole, killing Peter directly.

Hearing the sound, Peter's pupils constricted instantly, and the doctor was approaching menacingly, and it was not appropriate to fight against him.

In an instant, Peter made a decision, and then exerted strength with his legs, soaring into the air, and narrowly passed the top of the doctor's head.

One blow missed, but the doctor's attack did not stop there, but continued to hit the wall head-on with an unstoppable momentum.

The tyrannical strength, coupled with the huge body like a hill, the hard wall collapsed like a piece of tofu in an instant.

Peter landed lightly and was about to give chase.But before he could leave, the doctor struck again from a cloud of dust with a brute force, aiming at Peter again.

Although Peter's strength is not inferior to that of a lizard doctor, his dexterity is his greatest advantage.This blow, Peter still used the dodge method to make it miss.

However, the doctor at this moment only has tyranny in his eyes, his rationality has quietly shed, and the bestiality has gained the upper hand.

After the doctor went through a wall again, he seemed to be a bulldozer, rampaging in the room, and the house was riddled with holes in a short while.

 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ……………………………………………………

(End of this chapter)

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